Sunday selections # 659


Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

the little redheads have been watching the "How to Train Your Dragon" movies, so Riley is going to give it a try

We will watch from way back here, say Meg, Gillian and Jordan

"aww c'mon, there's nothing to it" says Riley with her hands on the dragon

Heckle and Jeckle the crows will keep watch and keep her safe

here's a little more colour in my kitchen

I keep these two melamine trays propped behind the hotplates to catch any cooking spatter, it's a lot easier to take them to the sink and wash them than it is for me to bend in low under the range hood and hold my neck and shoulder at an odd angle to clean the tiles.

I have metal covers for the hotplates too for the same reason. Any spatter from the plate I am using is easily cleaned off them.

here's a close-up of the design.

most of my mugs have colour too

these are the ones most often used

"no-one" found this Monster House online, made up for Halloween, I like it.

here is Ana walking her trike

Gen knows that reverse is a good skill to learn early

Both girls outside, they don't get outside often, there are steps and other obstacles so they only get out when someone is available to watch them.


  1. Hekyll and Jekyll are kind of terrifying! I love the monster house. Someone has some good woodworking skills. It was fun to see your mug collection!

    1. Steve Reed; I love Heckle and Jeckle, they ysed to be a cartoon on TV here last century, without the "steampunk" additions, just two crows up on the telephone wires making jokey comments. That's only half the mug collection, the rest is packed away as there just isn't enough space in my tiny kitchen.

  2. Hooray for dragons. I love the colour in your kitchen and the twins are, as always, gorgeous.
    Someone went to a lot of trouble to create the monster house. Which is a heap of fun.

    1. Elephant's Child; I love dragons and being a "Dragon-Lady" I have to have a few. (born in the year of the dragon) The twins are learning things so fast now. The monster house is somewhere in the US.

  3. I like the monster house. Maybe next year.

    1. Mike; I like it too, it's in the US somewhere, "no-one" found the image online, it's very well done.

  4. Your home is filled with much colour! The girls must love it when they visit. From the looks of their brightly-coloured bikes, they're following in your footsteps. :)

    Take good care, River...I hope the week ahead treats you kindly....:)

    1. Lee; always living in rental homes means plain white or cream walls forever and I like colour so it has to be in my things. Most baby toys these days are brightly coloured. The girls don't visit my place, it's way too small and there are too many breakables with nowhere to safely put them away, so I go to their house for visits.

  5. It is easier to stop cooking splatter than clean it up later. Unfortunately it won't work with a gas cooktop.

    In no time the girls will be speeding around.

    1. Andrew; I'm sure there must be some way to protect a gas cooktop. I don't get much spatter, usually it's steak that creates the most, sometimes eggs if I fry them but scrambled doesn't spatter so that's what I do. The girls are already quite speedy with their toy trains that they push around inside the house, they have a long and wide sunroom with all the toys and they zoom up and down in there when they aren't eating lunch or napping.

  6. Your Little Redheads are gorgeous.
    When I entered a room in 1969, with hundreds of people, my now-husband's red hair stood out and grabbed my heart strings.

    1. hels; thank you. I got "grabbed" by a pair of warm brown eyes, although that turned out to be a disaster.

  7. Love the monster house and await an update on dragon training. The little ones get bigger and better. Trikes! Yikes!

    1. Joanne; I love the monster house too and wonder if the owner will leave it that way or take it all down after Halloween. The girls are fast leaving babyhood behind.

  8. Lovely colour there R. Those things that go over the hotplates etc. they are good and do save a lot of cleaning, used to have them ages ago with a different type of stove.
    The videos are lovely too..

    1. Margaret D; I found the hotplate covers at Cheap-as-Chips, usually they only have the white ones with a red chilli in the centre.

  9. I like your spatter guards. I like anything that saves time on cleaning! 'How to train your dragon' is great fun and it's good to see the little redheads taking an interest.

    1. jabblog; I like anything that makes for easier cleanup too. Eating out is a good way but not always possible. I have all the How to Train Your Dragon movies. The little redheads love watching TV.

  10. Heckle and Jeckle are sooooo cool!
    Our plain ravens are a tad jealous! (we bought them cause the fat pigeons stole the food for the little birds).
    And the trolley with the flag. Awwww.
    The dragon looks like an unwilling three-year-old ;-)
    The poor gnome is still wearing a mask? Oh, please not again...!
    I sure do like your kitchen, a bit Mexican-style? Or Greek? And beautiful sunflowers...
    I must say I am glad we have an induction field! Cleaning is so much easier.
    Clever idea with the mugs. You see them all the time. Sadly we have no space for that. Awwww, you have Boofle, too :-)
    Love the house!
    The twins are too cute.

    1. Iris; a friend found Heckle and Jeckle in a discount store and bought them for me. The trolley flags used to be outside in a plant pot but were getting weathered from the sun and wind so I brought them in. The mask is part of the gnome and can't be removed. I think the kitchen trays are Italian style pictures. My oldest daughter has an induction cooktop, so easy to clean! I had no room in the tiny cupboards here for my mugs, so I bought the rails and hooks from Ikea and my son-in-law put them up for me. i love Boofle. And I love the twins too.

    2. If you ever find Heckle and Jeckle... would you be so kind and get them for me? They are really super-mega-cool!
      Yupp, in your sun it goes in a blink of an eye that things fade! Here the sun is much, much weaker!
      Poor gnome then! Yes, get induction! Is like gas, too (or do you have gas?).
      In my next life we have a bigger kitchen...! ;-)
      Sadly the Boofle mug is so small I usually take the huge Santa-mug. Maybe I should buy a thermos, so I can use Boofle, thank you for the input!
      Yes, enjoy the twins. Both my Nieces act like adults already!

  11. Here be dragons indeed, River! And that house is amazing. Love the girls becoming bikers. They need their leather chaps and jackets!

  12. Heckle and Jeckle should definitely scare away any mischief-makers. I like you kitchen color items, especially the trays. Before long, the girls will be racing each other on those trikes!

    1. Val; Heckle and Jeckle themselves are mischief makers, they used to be a cartoon show, two crows sitting on telephone wires heckling and laughing at people below. I like my kitchen colours too, I chose every one of them. With warmer weather coming the girls will be outside more so the bikes will get lots of use.

    2. Ha! Yes, I remember that show!!! Boy, at times I´m a bit slow...

  13. I do hope she does tame the dragon safely. Who knows, she might start a trend among the four of them.

    The girls continue to captivate my heart.

    1. messymimi; I looked at the dragon today and Riley has already talked Meg into climbing aboard. I think you might be right about them. The twins have captured the hearts of many.

  14. I loved all of them but I really loved seeing Heckle and Jeckle. That really brought back some childhood memories.

    1. Mr Shife; I found you in spam. Heckle and Jeckle were great weren't they!

  15. Thanks for the update on the dragon house. Looks fun!


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