Sunday Selections # 657

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

this photo of a model is from our local newspaper. Does anyone else see that her boots look like her pants have just fallen down? 

cleaning out some cupboards recently I found a couple of umbrellas I hadn't seen in years, I openend them to see if they were still okay, the one on the left has one broken rib, but it will do as an emergency umbrella if needed.

baby polar bear Caramel has a new friend

Smurfette! cute, yes?

weird reflections across my ceiling

Lola at the vet, waiting patiently in her carrier

and back at home sleeping off the "ordeal" of getting her claws clipped

my small patch of bluebells has a volunteer freesia

several metres away from where the original bulbs were planted and now the only freesia left in the garden

this wattle is from last month and I think is the last we will see for this year. It is almost Jacaranda time here now.

a small pot of intensely purple petunias in a garden nearby

"no-one" has bought herself a coffee plant, we both hope it grows well and eventually gives us beans for drying, roasting and grinding.

Over in Western Australia my brother has a stand of Echium that looks like it might take over that whole garden bed.

Here is one of the twins trying on Daddy's new hat

and now the other girl having a turn. They do love hats.


  1. I have many emergency umbrellas. A little duct tape and they're good as new!

    1. Mike; I had many but over the years I have lent them to people and not replaced them.

  2. That echium is fabulous! And yes, those umbrellas are a great find. I love the pattern on the left-hand one.

    1. Steve Reed; rescued you from spam. It is fabulous, my brother lives in WA and has better soil than I do. That pattern is other umbrellas.

  3. Yes, I thought the model's pants had fallen down. Either a very clever choice, or quite unfortunate. Aww... I love Lola's pretty white feet, now with less claw-age. From the little arm reaching into the picture, it looks like one of girls was not quite ready to give up her turn with the hat!

    1. Val; an unfortuante choice for the boots I think. Lola was happy, her claws had got too long and were beginning to curl under. i garee about the hat, or maybe the first picture should have been second after that little arm got the hat off her sister.

    2. " i garee"?? where is my brain today? "I agree"

  4. It does indeed look as if her pants have come down. Not a good look at all.
    Love the garden shots (and wish we got jacarandas). The twins look sooooo cute in their daddy's hat.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'd like to know who decided those boots were just right! And what does the model think when she looks at that photo? I wish you got Jacarandas too and didn't know you don't. The twins look cute in just about anything, but they do love Daddy's hats.

  5. Some fashions are just absurd.
    The Smurfette looks appropriate to your last post about Ukraine.
    I wonder how many coffee beans the plant might bear? it.

    1. Andrew; many, many "fashions" are absurd. You are right about the Smurfette. We are hoping for many many coffee beans, but it will take time, the plant is only a few inches tall.
      Cowgirls! That's perfect.

  6. Some so-called "fashion"...lots of so-called "fashion" baffles and leaves a lot to be desired.

    I don't have an's years since I've had one.

    The two cowgirls look like they're having fun. And lovely Lady Lola looks lovely. :)

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly, River...take cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; so much "fashion" just makes me laugh my head off. I don't often use an umbrella, I find it hard to grip one for too long with the arthritis in my thumbs. The girls always have fun, life at that age is all games and giggles. Lady Lola is having very peaceful days now it isn't so cold. She'll get her cuddles at bedtime.

  7. As usual, the twins are the cutest of all, although Lola is a close second.

    Most of the crazier fashion, I believe, is not really meant to be put on the general market, it's just the designers showing off. Why, I do not understand.

    It's handy to have an extra umbrella. Sweetie loses his so easily I hide a spare.

    The flowers always bring a smile.

    1. messymimi; the twins are the best and sometimes Lola is a close second but sometimes she's "get out of the way I'm trying to sweep!" A lot of the crazier fashion is just the designers showing off I agree, but it seems like a waste of fabirc and money to me.

  8. LOL, River, you are right. Isn´t fashion a fun thing? Just yesterday there was a grown man with these trousers where the butt is nearly at the knees. He was at least 50 and I just couldn´t believe it or look away. So unsexy!
    (We had to wait very long for the train and he stood right in front of me).
    Colorful brollies (sorry, that word is stuck! Friend M, who originally comes from your town teased me with this as I did not know what he meant. Now I know!).

    Oh, boy! My parents were not poor - hence I got less pocket-money than my friends. (Logic, huh).
    I collected it to buy... those darn Smurfs!!
    I even had the German song on vinyl! Soooo long ago.

    Fun reflection :-)
    And Lola is a beautiful cat. So cute.
    Here the leaves finally turn into color and fall off. Nice to see Spring in your place!
    Wow. You can even grow coffee.
    Really. We wanted to make it to Perth for good in 1999, but I got 0 points on work experience and now it´s too late.
    Last week the doc-assistant adviced me to marry an Aussie-guy to make it. Ummm. no. She was serious, too!!

    LOL, I have a pic with Big Niece at age 2. Ingo tried to put his Aussie hat on her. Drama! (But also maybe cause Ingo is much taller than my Brother and... just so you aren´t surprised when we meet... speaks rather loud).

    Have a happy Sunday!

    1. Iris; I never understood the attraction of drooping pants, it looks ugly and you certainly cannot run for a bus like that, you would trip over. I don't know that we can grow coffee but "no-one" is going to try. Tall men like Ingo need to squat down to be at the level of small children so they aren't scared then you show them the hat before just putting it on them. He talks loud? Thanks for the warning. I speak badly, very lazy English, but I will try to do better.

    2. Ingo was on his knees but still scary enough ;-) I ... well... I am not allowed to post this as my SIL ... it´s too long. I could ... Maybe next Sunday.
      Nah, Ingo is 1,84m, not that tall. But my Bro is only 1.74 and his male friends are small, too.
      But yes. Often neighbors hear... no they don´t, cause I silently say "not so loud!" - then Ingo goes down and word by word.. loud again. A pain. He Dad was the same - I hope for retirement!!!

    3. To the pants... I think I would laugh out loud if one falls trying to run!!!
      I can run away, as I wear old-fashioned "normal" ones.
      That "old man" looked so stupid!!! It looks bad on young ones but he topped it.
      I guess he was nice, though!!!!
      Maybe a young girlfriend..?

  9. I often wonder what models think as they wear the outlandish outfits designers make. I really can't see the point of 'fashion' - beautiful fabrics expertly sewn and completely impractical. Good luck with the coffee plant. Maybe there will be beans by the time the little girls start school:-)

    1. jabblog; I sometimes wonder if that is why they get paid so much, I can't see any other reason for showing off weird styles and ideas. I have no idea how long a coffee plant takes to develop, but we'll find out.

  10. Nice umbrellas you have, I've only one which I've had since the 80's. The Smurf! Oh I had forgotten about them, they are cute.
    Lola is looking good along with the flowers.

    1. Margaret D; rescued you from spam. I like to have more than one umbrella in case one breaks or I need to lend one to a friend. The Smurfs were a big thing back in the 80s, now I never see one. Lola is looking good, thnak you.

  11. I went to the vet recently. What a day that was. I wrote about it on Friday the 6th. Hope Lola is OK now.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; Lola is fine, she just needed her claws trimmed. Cats who live indoors don't have them naturally wear down as cats living in the wild or even just outside climbing trees and running on different surfaces.

  12. I wonder if those boots are meant to look like fallen down pants to get the publicity, etc? Twins adorable as always, fun to watch them advance in their first few years.

    1. WWW; if that was the purpose they succeeded. The twins are growing and learning so fast.

  13. That's her BOOTS? Made me laugh (and feel my age!). Your pictures always succeed in bringing a smile to my face. Sending love to Lola.

  14. Fallen down pants was my first thougth as well. You can grow a coffee tree outdoors!!! I have one living, not thriving just living indoors. I have 2-8 coffee seeds a year. It is old! I hope they grow faster and prolific outdoors!

    1. Charlotte; That was my first thought too. I don't know how well the coffee tree will do, it only arrived last month from wherever no-one ordered it from. We both hope it does well.

  15. Replies
    1. Dora; I like umbrellas with colourful patterns.


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