what irritates you Monday

Started last week by Delores at The Feathered Nest, today is "what irritates you Monday"
and for me, irritation number two is internet connections.

More accurately, LACK  of internet connections.
I'm living in an internet blackhole!
Or so close to it, there's really not much difference.

Just yesterday, I turned on my laptop, connected to the internet and got about ten minutes before being unceremoniously shut down.
Three times. 
Remotely shut down, with a nice little window saying"connection to remote computer has been reset and this port has been closed" or something similar, I don't remember the exact wording.
This happens often. 

Still, the times I'm able to get on and stay on serve me well enough, (just ignore the stamping of feet and throwing of stuff, okay?)

But things are about to get worse, according to an article in last Saturday's newspaper.

Here it is, word for word.....

"Phone glut to jam networks

  A billion new smart-phones sold world-wide in 2013 will increase pressure on the already crowded mobile broadband spectrum, leading to increased network dropouts and slowdowns, a report says.
  The year ahead will also see the rise of the big-screened "phablet" phone, internet connected and ultra-high definition "4K" televisions, says the Deloitte Technology, Media and Telecommunications Predictions 2013 report.
  Deloitte Australia telecommunications partner Stuart Johnston said annual global smart-phone shipments are expected to exceed one billion for the first time. "

This will mean less and less access for us "little people", because you can bet big business will get first crack at whatever access is available.

Not happy, Jan!!! 

What's your irritation for today?


  1. Damn! Forgot to schedule for Monday....senior moment.

  2. I agree, they are selling so many new phones, tablets, Broadband connected TV's, sound systems etc that the system is falling apart.

  3. Tempo; they need to upgrade the connections system before inventing all this new stuff, or at least at the same time.

  4. My daughter has given me her "old" laptop (2008). How marvellous, if my desktop unit fails I can plug in the laptop. Yes well we curmudgeons can't stand interruption, most of all.

    My irritation is Lord Rochester.

  5. It is Monday now when I am reading this, so no probs. Irritation is partner. Any space at your place for a used partner? At some point all the radio and phone waves will crash into each other and all fall to ground. We will then thank Kev/Julia for fibre optic.

  6. I've had connection problems ever since I entered the ether world back in 2009. I fully expected to have no connection this morning after a night of high winds ... imagine my surprise lol.

  7. Hi River,

    You're not gonna wanna hear this but I rarely get internet problems.

    I can always finish posts and comments with mo fear of my internet connection fai

  8. So glad I don't understand this. Our computer guy just sighs and says "slow internet" when he works on something here.

  9. My internet is very stable thankfully. My irritation is not being able to sleep in.

  10. (Knock on wood.) No problems with maintaining a connection here, thank goodness. I hope the pontificators are wrong, and things don't get any worse for you.

  11. R.H. how nice of your daughter. Mine gives me her old i-pods.
    I'm sure Lord Rochester's irritation is you.

    Andrew; no space here, sorry. Put him in the garden for a while, but be sure to set his feet in concrete so he doesn't wander away.

    Delores; same here, iffy connections from day one and getting worse. Just tonight, my computer told me my connection had "timed out" What does this even mean? Does someone, somewhere, that I don't even know, decide that I am only allowed X hours at a time, then must shut down and reconnect?

    Plasman; that's funny.

    Joanne Noragon; slow (or no) internet is the problem everywhere.
    Fenstar; I'm moving to your suburb...

    Susan; there's no doubt at all that things will get worse.

  12. I apologise for this but can't prevent myself saying how amused I am and how appropriate it seems to market homosexuals as garden ornaments.

  13. R.H. that made me laugh, but now I'm hoping I haven't offended Andrew.

  14. Well what irritates me not only on Mondays but on everyday of the week are people who bump into long lost friends / neighbors etc etc and proceed to stand around and group talk .... blocking aisles and access to shelves and are totally oblivious to the fact that other shoppers might be there to actually shop .... drives me nuts .... Grrr!!

  15. Oops! I forgot to say this gripe is for super-market shoppers!

  16. I visualise what I want, a ma-a-a-an standing with arms up, one hand drooping at the wrist, the other with fingers against its cheek ("Oh, my!") as it contemplates the postman's arse.

  17. Dianne; the irritations don't have to be only Mondays, any irritations will do, just post them on a Monday if you wish to join this meme.

    R.H. yes, as a letterbox support. Just not in my yard.

  18. Good heavens, you're way ahead of me, what an excellent idea!


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