Sunday Selections # 244

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're back in my garden.

I wonder how many of you remember me planting my first seedlings here at my current home?
September 2013, I planted 18-24 tiny seedlings of Erigeron, also called seaside daisies.

three or four punnets of six seedlings each. I don't remember exactly how many and some of them died, one got stolen :(

so tiny. Planted under the roses,

following the curve of the path. I watered them for two summers, then left them to cope with the random watering done by neighbour P, who waters the roses, sort of. She doesn't water deeply near the roots where it is needed, she's a sprinkler, wets everything including foliage, then goes back inside. Yet the roses survive, probably because they are so well established.

here are those same seedlings. Bushy, knee high,

and covered in tiny white and pink daisies. They open pink and fade to white as they age.

Now for even more prettiness.

remember the ixias (bulbs) I had in a pot last summer? (along with other varieties of bulbs in pots.)
I have them in the ground this summer, where I will let them multiply and spread. Ixias are tall growing, but with very slim stems and as the sprays of buds open they droop and sway in the slightest breeze.  So I planted most of them inside the frame of my windmill where they might get at least a little support.

Here they are>>>

such delicate gorgeousness,

in a range of whites, pinks,

creamy yellows,

ooh, another pink.

a pink and yellow combination,

and a paler pinky yellow.

another pink spray

here is a side view, with miner gnome Mike smiling up at the beauty.

my ranunculus have thrived better than I expected, so many of the stored bulbs crumbled away to dust.
Next autumn I will purchase double whites, and plant those bulbs randomly amongst the red, they should look wonderful next summer. The young buds are a deep red, the pink ones in the foreground are the oldest blooms. 

the windmill that is supporting the delicate ixias, left of the windmill you'll see the dusty millers that are now quite large.

and finally>>>

watermelon snack. I love summer fruits!


  1. Never heard of ixias. Love the different color combinations,

  2. LOVE your ixias, and hope mine come good. Loving your garden in fact.
    And yay for summer fruit - though I do wish we hadn't lurched into summer heat.

  3. You have quite the green thumb--mine is unfortunately brown!!

  4. It's great to see the blossoms of your pleasure, River. So rewarding for you.

    How I love fruit...all year 'round....every season. As I've said many times before the only difference between me and a fruit bat is I don't sleep upside down hanging from my ankles...and yet again...perhaps I do! :)

    I hope you have a wonderful week, River...hugs to Angel. :)

  5. My head tells me pink and yellow should not work together but in nature they do quite well.

  6. I do like a daisy or two.

  7. Your garden is gorgeous. :) Love those Ixias.

    I'm giving a garden update this week as well.. :) Sunday Selections Week 40

  8. Oh how wonderful your garden grows!
    So nice to see the delicious hues.

    And snap... I've been thinking of Erigeron lately, for the front garden. I love these sweet daisies.

  9. joeh; I bought a packet of mixed bulbs so I'd get the variety in colours. They grow quite tall.

    Elephant's Child; I hope your Ixias are as wonderful as mine. Summer heat has hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm exhausted from the sudden jump from 20 something to 33 degree, warm breeze heat.

    fishducky; my thumb isn't as green as I'd like, I tried several things before finding stuff that will grow and thrive.

    Lee; I'm loving my garden right now. I like summer fruits more than winter because of the variety. I know we can get summery things at other times, but they're not local. Right now we have grapes in the supermarkets that are from the USA; I refuse to buy grapes that have travelled so far. I'll wait for the SA ones.

    Andrew; you need the right shades against the right background, then almost any colour can be paired with anything else. My mother had that knack and my eldest daughter has it too.

    Merle; I like daisies, but they're not my favourite. These tiny seaside daisies are lovely though.

    Snoskred; thank you. I'll pop over in a minute.

    Vicki; thank you, it's almost a fairy garden with the delicate colours, all I need is the fairies.
    Do you have a similar climate to Adelaide? Erigeron should do well.

    1. I see Erigeron mounds around the mountain, which leads me to believe they'll do well :)

      You do need a fairy... and a dragon :)
      My big dragon watched over my Secret Hollow - he was the garden guardian.

  10. dear river, you are cordially invited to my new blog the mohave journal

  11. Vicki; I'd love a fairy, but decent sized ceramic or pottery ones are hard to find. A dragon? I have a small one, he's doing duty as a doorstop right now.

    mohave rat; thank you, I'll pop right over.

  12. How lovely your garden is, and it warms the cockles of my heart... good thing at least part of me is warm, lol.

  13. Hello, spring!! It's fall here, leaves haven't turned yet though.

  14. I too have tiny daisies with an identical leaf but mine are always white. They died off completely last summer and I thought I had lost them but they returned in the cooler weather. I expect they drop seed and new plants arrive but am not sure. I love them.
    Those ixias as a delight with such an abundance of different colours and shades of colour.
    You do so well in your little garden whereas me, do nothing at all these days unless the items are in pots and they even get rather neglected. How I yearn for the days when I could get out there and get my hands dirty and do all the things that gardeners do. Now I just enjoy other people's gardens.


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