Sunday Selections # 245

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're going to the beach.

I had nothing planned for last Thursday, apart from paying my rent, so I had an early breakfast, then went back to bed. When I finally got up again, I had a yearning to see and smell the ocean, so I caught a bus to town, then a train to the beach.

Grange Beach.

Not as busy and trendy as Glenelg, not as touristy as Semaphore, less busy than Henley Beach, Grange Beach is scrub covered sand dunes, houses along the Esplanade, a beachfront Hotel and a closer to the beach cafe
Behind all that is a regular Adelaide style beachside suburb. 

I took 120 photos.
Here are just a few.
I hope you enjoy them. 

scrubby sand dunes between Esplanade and beach

a platform for something out in the water, by enlarging the photo you will see it is a popular resting spot for birds.

dunes with water background; it was a cloudy day so sea and sky are similarly coloured.

Grange Jetty, which is very well maintained.

the beginning of one of many paths to the beach.

dunes on either side,

in between, sand so fine it slides like silk.

gettin' sand in my shoes :D

looking north along the beach.

wet sand on the left, dry on the right.

water! waves! and no, I didn't paddle. I couldn't chance maybe falling and getting the camera wet.

one very dead crab.

zillions of shells, and a bit of seaweed.

Norfolk Pines, ubiquitous on the Australian coastline.

this seagull obligingly stood still for me,

but his friend took off running when I turned the camera in his direction.

the dune vegetation is quite dense for miles along this stretch of beach.

does that break in the clouds look like a dolphin to anyone else? Top centre.

I watched this lizard for quite a while, trying to decide if he was alive or not. He did have ants crawling on him, but that's no 'tell', these boys can stay dead-still for quite a while. I finally took a photo, 

then another and as I walked away he moved his head maybe a millimetre to the left. Definitely alive then. 

More next week.


  1. Very reminiscent of the northern Atlantic shoreline, say along Maine. Yes, it looks like a dolphin. And, that lizard wouldn't be happy living in Maine.

  2. It is waaaay too long since I have been to the beach. Loved walking with you.

  3. It looks lovely and peaceful...just how I like a beach to few other people as possible! I'd like to be sitting there right now!

    Have a good week, River and cuddles to Angel. :)

  4. Lovely walk along the beach, and no sand.

  5. Joanne; similar to Maine? Nice to have something in common.

    Elephant's Child; walk along with me again next week.

    Lee; the hotel and (large) cafe were very busy and later the jetty was too, but the beach itself was pretty empty. I dare say it will be more busy as summer rolls in.

    Merle; plenty of sand once you get past the dunes.

  6. Grange is an awesome spot. We lived at Seaton for a while and it was second only to Plympton as far as my favourite suburb to live in @Adelaide. In general I love the trains and of course the tram. :)

    Here's my post - late this week. Sunday Selections Week 41

  7. Snoskred; I hadn't been to Grange beach since 1970. I'm glad I went and will go again. I like Brighton beach too and the southern beaches, Aldinga, Sellicks; I love the cliffs there.

  8. Thanks for the visit to the beach. I am a long way from the coast so I don't get to visit the beach anywhere near as often as I would like. I am going to post now with a link to your Sunday Selections.

  9. There is just something nice about an Aussie beach.
    Your photos have captured the beach well..

  10. Ahhh, so peaceful. And, so nice to see a beach that isn't writhing with people.
    Great images here. Sweet little lizard especially.
    I love the beach in winter, or a cool day. Few people, and the energies whipped up by the elements is invigorating.

    And yep, looks like a dolphin cloud :)

  11. Tracy; I'm glad you enjoyed our day at the beach, we'll do it again next week.

    Margaret-whiteangel; Aussie beaches are among the best in the world and often less crowded too. Might have something to do with the snakes in the dunes (*~*)

    Vicki; it was very peaceful, though I imagine it will be less so by Christmas. There's another lizard next week. I love watching the ocean during a winter storm, crashing waves, thunderous clouds, rain beating down on the water, I love it all.
    I'm glad you saw the dolphin.

  12. Thank you for sharing so much fun. It's ages since I've been near a beach or even the ocean from a distance. I do so miss getting out and about as we once did.
    A dolphin? Yes or maybe an aeroplane?


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