Sunday Selections # 246

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we are back at the beach
The photos follow a similar theme to last week, so there may or may not be commentary.

plenty of places to sit and rest

the jetty from a distance

the beginning of the jetty, in the foreground the posts indicate one of the walkways through the dunes to the beach. Watch out for snakes!

one of many differing types of vegetation on the dunes

this is the flower, I know this as pigface, but I'm sure it has other names.

the first thing I saw when I stepped onto the sand. Absolutely no idea what it is or was (*~*)

these houses are unique, being the only original three-storey Victorian Terrace Houses on the Australian sea-front. More on these next week.

plenty of big rubbish bins along the foreshore; these are 44 gallon drums, attached in such a way they can be tilted for ease of emptying.

this one is for Jayne, who loves chimneys. they are on the terrace houses in the above picture.

I don't think I've ever seen a shell as yellow as this inside.

if this was for sale and I had the money......

the side view.

more of the vegetation, it reminds me of lavender, the leaves are very soft.

here's that dolphin shaped break in the clouds again.

sand, sea and sky

bright yellow gazania and little fluffy white things

 a lizard, fairly well camouflaged, if you weren't looking, you probably wouldn't notice him.

he watched me pretty closely,

clinging tightly to his branch.

one of my favourite photos.


  1. Love those terrace houses - and the one you would snap up if you had the money too.
    The lizard is very, very well camoflagued.
    Another great outing - thank you.

  2. My oh's a long, long time since I've seen one of those old rubbish bins. That certainly is a flash from the past!

    A most enjoyable stroll...thanks for letting me tag along. I'll bring the sandwiches next time!

    I hope you have a wonderful week, River....cuddles to Angel. :)

  3. A wild a windy beach walk you can't beat it.
    I would like a beach house for summer too but can't afford it.

  4. The terrace houses are odd, well in an odd place. The other house looks empty and neglected. While it must have nice views, think of all that window cleaning, especially with salt in the air. There is quite a lot of colour in the last photo

  5. I love those terrace houses! ;) Gorgeous.

    I'm not sure because it does not look exactly like the kind I bought, but is the pig face portulaca? Mine have 4 big flower buds set to open up today and many more growing..

    Over at mine, we went to the garden centre today.

    Sunday Selections Week 42

    I had actually planned to bump that post and put in something about Canberra but it has been a busy end of week sorting out and taking my Uncle to the airport and I never got the time, so it will be next week for Canberra.

    I did not even get to write my usual weekly wrap up, I was so tired last night I went straight to bed and did not even turn the computer on.. :)

  6. Elephant's Child; the one I would buy has a lovely big front yard and I would build a big wide deck for sitting to look over the ocean. I almost didn't see the lizard at first.

    Lee; those bins were everywhere when I was a kid. i love Grange Beach.

    Merle; if I had a beach house it wouldn't be just for summer, I'd be there all year round. I love the ocean when the weather is stormy.

    Andrew; there is a story to the terrace houses which I will show next Sunday. The other house does look neglected, but I don't think it is empty. I'd have to hire a window cleaner if I lived in it.

    Snoskred; pigface is not portulaca, the flowers are different as you will soon see when your buds open. Portulaca is prettier in my opinion. These 'pigface' - the stems are quite thick and the flowers wide, 5-6cm across.

  7. Great pics and that lizard is really camouflaged in the more distant photo.
    Apparently the genus of pigface is Carpobrotus with various species.

  8. Mimsie; thank you, I'll look up Carpobrotus and see if any of them are what I have pictured here.

  9. Another wonderfully wild walk at the beach, thank you, I enjoyed it.
    That old house is so cool. Imagine what it's like inside, looking out to sea.
    There used to be more beach houses like this, once. Now, most of them have gone to modern developments. Pity, I think they have great character in their salty dilapidation.

    The lizard is absolutely gorgeous. So glad he remained stationary for you. Love his face.

    Looking forward to reading more about those intriguing Victorian terrace houses.

  10. ... hello River.... I liked the walk along the beach you took us on today. I like Pigface it comes in so many pretty colours..
    You certainly had a busy week helping your neighbours and their pets.. I hope they all get well soon.
    Have a great day.... hugs ... Barb xxx

  11. How awesome is that lizard, wow...good capture by the way.
    Have a nice view it seems from that house.
    Pigface it's good how it grows at the beach.. We once had it in our garden, grew mad, had to get rid of it.
    The terraced houses, well, I bet they were wonderful in their day..

  12. Vicki; I quite like the modern beach houses too, the town houses with the balconies to sit and watch the storms rolling in. The older homes have much more character, though.

    Barbara; my mum had pigface growing in Port Pirie, in her back yard with many other succulents, nothing much else would grow up there.
    Neighbours are all well enough to manage on their own again.

    Margaret-whiteangel; I'm always spotting lizards at the beaches, because I'm keeping my eyes peeled for snakes, plenty of them in the dunes.

    Blogoratti; thank you.

  13. Amazing! How many times do you think people pass by these lizards and just do not see them? When I lived in Florida, we had these tiny little lizards that would run away whenever you got near.

  14. Oh the ocean, it's been 15 years - at least - since I've seen the ocean.


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