Calendar Tuesday # 8

Welcome back to Calendar Tuesday which you all remember only happens on the first Tuesday each month.

Let's begin

Violent Veg:

Is it him or a worm tickling my fancy?

next up, Life of Teddy:

Teddies as Gold Coast Meter Maids
Who remembers the meter maids? Walking the streets with bags of coins to insert where meters have almost expired, so patrons don't get tickets.

lastly, Suzy Toronto:

Love those boots!
 And here is what she says:

 When taking the road less traveled, it is best to wear A ROCKIN' HOT PAIR OF BOOTS!

Life is a journey: not many would argue with that.
It can be exciting beyond words, beautiful beyond description, and thrilling beyond our wildest imaginings.
But it can also be tedious, stressful, and difficult to endure. Our challenge: how to find joy in such a mixed-up world.

Here's one way to do it: put on a rockin' hot pair of boots. That's right. Just pull those babies up by their fancy bootstraps, shoulder your load under the shade of your favourite hat, and fearlessly set off on your daring new adventure.

Good, solid boots are always a plus to navigate rough terrain. A little glitter and bling makes them that much the better.
Everything feels easier with a sense of whimsy in your heart and a showstopping pair of boots on your feet.

So if the going gets rough and the path seems to lead nowhere, do not get overwhelmed. Instead, look down at your trusty "kickers" and let their shimmer be a constant reminder that your sparkle will carry you not only the length of your journey...but through its unknown breadth and depth as well.
No matter where that wacky path leads, just remember this: the journey is meant to be lived with a twinkle in your eye, a song in your heart...and a rockin' hot pair of boots on your feet.



  1. Oh yes Mr and Mrs Potato head, and the state of Idaho is known for there potatos...but actual they grow in the southern state.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I knew Idaho is the potato state, but also knew they grow other places. I good a really big crop of potatoes one year from my compost heap.

  2. Made for walkin', those rockin' hot boots.

    1. Joanne; yes they are, walking and showing off your style :)

  3. Always good to know your feet look good.

    1. only slightly confused; looking good is one thing, but feeling comfortable is better. I like boots, but my feet like sneakers. I don't have any boots right now.

  4. We never had those meter maids here; we got tickets!!

    1. fishducky; that's a shame, our meter maids did a great job, so people didn't have to race up from the beach or out of the pubs to put in more coins.

  5. I do remember those scantily clad meter maids. Even though I couldn't wear them, I do like those boots. Definitely made for walking. And dancing.

    1. Elephant's Child; I knew about the meter maids, but never saw one until I was eight and a half months pregnant and knew I'd never wear a bikini again. I can imagine dancing in those boots, line dancing, or maybe like Sandra Bullock in the movie Hope Floats when she dances with her old high school friend who still loves her. I couldn't wear boots with heels though, they'd have to be flat.

  6. Super. Boots are made for walking, or kicking. I have 2 pair, but they are more classic work boots. My red boots fell apart.

    1. Susan Kane; I don't have any boots right now, I can't get them to fit :(
      I have short wide feet and big calves, so any boots that would fit around my calves would be way too big in the feet, and of course the reverse, boots that fit my feet would have to be cut along the seam to get past my calves. I could try ankle boots I suppose. I never see boots as pretty as Suzy Toronto's anyway.

  7. The Gold Coast Meter Maids are still strolling the streets of Surfers Paradise. Their chores have changed throughout the years with the changing of the years.

    I used to love boots (with heels)...and when I was younger I had a few pair to wear during our winter months.

    May August be an august month for you, River.

    1. Lee; I didn't know the meter maids were still working, what is it they do now?
      I had white boots with small heels for my wedding, I was a good deal smaller then and had knee high laceups, but can't get knee highs to fit me now. These days I would prefer flat heels if only I could find boots to fit. My feet are short and wide 6 1/2 DD.

  8. The boots are indeed hot and rockin', but I'm going through retirement in a pair of red Crocs!

    1. Val; I have never owned a pair of crocs, maybe this coming summer is the croc year for me. Red ones sounds good, or maybe purple.

  9. I like the Rocking Boots, mine aren't that colorful but I do have one pair that have green colored uppers, I got a good grin when a few years back I was being stripped down for the ambulance ride when I was having a heart attack, the paramedic told me "Jimmy I am going to remove your boots" I said OK then he held them for a minute just looking at them and said "Man those are some stellar boots" before handing them off to Cindy.

    1. Jimmy; green boots! I've only ever seen green boots in small children sizes, they get all colours those lucky little people. We grown ups have to put up with black, tan, grey etc, pretty boring. I'd like to see a photo of your green boots.

    2. Hey River, on my way out of the backdoor to feed the horse this morning I pulled up my pant leg and took a picture of my boot, I will add that picture in a Words for Wednesday post for tomorrow, now wish me luck I'm off to write it ;)

  10. The meter maids were a strange business. Weren't they paid for by the council and thus depriving itself of fines and meter revenue?

  11. Apparently after the introduction of pay-and-display parking meters the Gold Coast Meter Maids took on the task of explaining to motorists how the machines work.

    I know nothing much other than that...I never go down to the Gold Coast...not my favourite place....too hectic...too much traffic...too many people...too much of a hassle! lol

    I stay up here on the hill! :)

  12. I have a collection of teddy bears. I loves em. When our neighbor asked us to take on her pup, his name was Teddy. He became Taedy Baer.


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