Sunday Selections # 340

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Not many photos today, I've been tired a lot lately, so haven't taken the camera for walks as much as I used to.

How much green does one girl need?

An unexpected bright yellow Watsonia bulb has bloomed amongst the Agapanthus.

Lola being totally disinterested in a modelling career. See that white spot just below centre? That's the tip of her tail, snow white.

Oh, you want me to pose? Yawn..

The newest Gnome in my collection. He needs a name.

Left side,


right side.

On his face I thought his cheeks were a little too bright, almost a neon pink, although they don't look like it here, so since taking this photo, I've toned them down a bit with a 2b pencil smudge.

Very pleased to see some construction finally happening on this block in my daughter's suburb. It has been a wasteland for about two and a half years.

At first I thought a developer might be building another block of flats, but there are only enough waste pipes there to suggest one house. One very large house. 

And of course the all-important termite protection has been used.

here is what is left of the Murraya I've been cutting down at K's, bare branches almost as tall as me, but finally dying.

 the new leaves which began sprouting are also dead after I painted them all with poison. In a few months this stump should be dried enough to cut down, the wood is still too green right now and the saw won't cut through. The thickest part of the stump is about as thick as my thigh, tough going for a little pruning saw and I have to cut across it, which is harder.


  1. That's a lot of green already!
    Lola looks pretty laid back, she is a very pretty kitty.
    That gnome looks as if he's ready to play really hard! ;-)
    That does look like an awfully large footprint for a single house. Hmm ...

    1. Sharon Qualls; Lola is a laid back kitty, until the predawn hours when she forgets she is 8 years old (50 in cat years) and goes thundering around the place leaping on and off furniture.
      Probably part of that house will be a two car garage, but still it's a good size. I had a house about that size years ago, when I had a husband and four kids at home.

  2. Lola is beautiful but I'm still praying you find Angel!!

    1. fishducky; she is pretty, but I don't think I can love her like I did Angel. I wish so much that he would just come strolling up the path.

  3. Whose cat is Lola? Such a lovely female tortoise. An unusual cat. Not a common marking.

    1. Joanne; Lola is my second cat, bought from the shelter two weeks ago to ease the loss of Angel. She's a short hair tabby, about half the size of Angel, who is still missing.

  4. Lola is gorgeous - and I am still hoping that she gets to meet your beautiful boy. Soon.
    Love your garden gnomes tools.

    1. Elephant's Child; there'll be an interesting few days of adjustment when Angel does get home. Lola has decided this place is hers now (*~*)
      The Gnome on his Throne is a send-up of the TV series Game of Thrones, which I haven't seen yet,although I do have season one somewhere. I think he's fun as well as stern, but he's not going in the garden. I've brought all the others inside too, for a clean and to repaint some faded hats.

  5. Lovely Lola runs nicely together. I like the throne of your make-up wearing gnome. Difficult sawing does not sound good for delicate backs. Oh dear, I just read the title on the plinth, Game of Gnomes.

    1. Andrew; Lovely Lola is a nice name, I like it better than just Lola.The difficult sawing will be done in stages, just like the rest of the sawing. I know my limits and when to rest. He needs a suitable "Game of Gnomes" name.

  6. I was hoping we'd see a couple of pics of our showgirl, Lola. She's a beautiful little lady.

    "Tyrion" sounds like it could be a suitable name for your gnome, or perhaps "Samwell"...seeing he's so happily sitting upon his throne and is game enough to do so!

    Have a great week, River. I hope Lola is feeling right at home and keeps the bed warm for our boy's return. Give her a cuddle for me. Take care. :)

    1. Lee; thank you, Lola is beautiful, but not as placid as I was led to believe. She sleeps all day and thunders around in the predawn hours.
      "Tyrion" is that from Game of Thrones? I like it. Tyrion in his name now.

    2. Lola is used to showgirl hours, River! :) Keep waking her up during the day...eventually she'll calm down and sleep through the night. She'll probably take a little while to become totally used to and relaxed in her new home. She will realise just how loved and lucky she is.

      Yes....."Tyrion" is from "Game of Thrones"...the character played by Peter Dinklage. Not that I've ever watched even one episode of GOT...but I perhaps will get around to doing so one of these days. I've read much about it, of course.

  7. I've never named a gnome before, but his face makes me think, "Percy." Or, if he's being naughty, "Percival!"

    1. Val; Percy makes me think of plump English Grandfathers. I've named him Tyrion as Lee above has suggested. I like it.

  8. Grest photos and your new gnome is very handsome. I have only got one gnome - my son found it in the creek near us about 35 years ago! I have just joined in Sunday Selections and have linked it to your blog so hope I have got it right. Please let me know and I hope you might look at my blog.

    1. Rosemary B; welcome to drifting. I have about a dozen gnomes, most live in the garden and three are inside. I'll come on over and have look at your post :)

  9. I have always liked gnomes, my youngest grand-daughter loves gnomes too!
    I think you've shown some great photo's here, doesn't Lola look good.
    Sorry to read you have been feeling tired a lot lately ... take care.
    My good wishes

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; my mother was a "gnome woman" she loved them, but had only a few small ones. I used to hate them, because I never wanted to be like her, but in recent years I've changed my mind and collected quite a few. The tiredness is linked to my sorrow over Angel, it will ease.

  10. How did I happen to miss this wonderful addition to your life? I just scrolled back to forever ago to find where you introduced Lola. May humble apologies for missing that first introduction. She's lovely.

  11. Termi mesh! What a neat idea! I wonder how it works. Lola is beautiful btw. :)


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