Trouble in Paradise?

Not quite, but there is stuff going on.
Today, Lola has an appointment with the vet, I've noticed a little problem, so let's all cross our fingers and hope it isn't anything serious. Or expensive, or long term.

Last Tuesday, neighbour Pat came hobbling across to my door, in the dark, across uneven ground, to let me know she has called a home visit doctor because she is having pain in her leg, high up in the groin area. On his way out, he knocked on my door and told me she possibly has a blood clot and recommends calling an ambulance, he will fax the information to the hospital. Then a bit later, Pat comes hobbling over again, she's called the ambulance and can I please come over. 

I got my keys and followed her. She was limping quite a bit. Once back in her flat, she hobbled around doing a few things with me helping and I answered the phone when it rang, the nice lady on the other end suggested I pack medication, (she's diabetic), a dressing gown and slippers for Pat and then also said I should have her sit down and rest. So I did. 

Then I waited with her until the ambulance came. I kept checking to be sure she wasn't getting dizzy, or non-lucid, and watched her ankles too, in case they started swelling. For an old woman, she has lovely slim ankles. 
Eventually, I put the covers on her birdcage, so Mitchell, her budgie, could go to sleep. The ambulance took a long time arriving and when I mentioned it to the ambos, they said in between Pat's call and arriving there had been a car crash, a heart attack and a stabbing, so Pat got bumped down the line. I was tempted to get snarky and ask if they were the only ambulance running that night, but I didn't. 

They took her blood pressure and some information, then asked her to stand up and she couldn't, asked them to please help her and apparently lifting her isn't allowed, (OHS rules), she has to stand herself up. Ha Ha. I guess sitting for so long wasn't a good idea after all. We eventually supported her while encouraging her to put her weight on her good leg and stand, got her into a chair, not a wheel chair but similar and then trundled her across the grass to the stretcher where the ambos got her comfortable and off they went. 

I expected Pat to be back in a day or so, but today I've had news that she is going to respite care for a couple of weeks and after that possibly not coming home, depending on how she does. There's a chance she may have to move to an assisted living facility. If that happens, she hopes to be able to keep her budgie, but many places don't allow pets, because of course, staff don't have time to look after pets if the patients can't do it. 

I'll find out more later today, and will probably have to go over and pack some clothes for her and get them to the hospital, then of course I'll have to continue looking after Mitchell the budgie until we know what's going on.


  1. My heart goes out to Pat. Life can change so fast, and not for the better. She's lucky to have you there to help out. It's frightening to go it all alone.

    It must have been a long evening for you, too. Keep us in the loop?

    1. jenny_o; it's been a whole long week, with several other unexpected things going on.

  2. Poor lady! I hope the blood clot is dissolving okay. Not fun getting old, no two ways about it.

    1. Sharon; it wasn't a blood clot after all, but I don't know what it was. She's only 71 and mostly healthy apart from the diabetes. She goes out for walks every day.

  3. She sounds like a very determined lady, hope she recovers, good she has someone who cares to help take care of things.

    1. joeh; she is very determined, but a bit vague. She's a good person though and always helps anyone else who needs it, or tries too, then when she needs help, it's my turn.

  4. Fingers crossed for Pat and for Lola. I'm sure Lola will enjoy the company of the budgie lol.

    1. only slightly confused; the budgie stays in Pat's flat and I go there twice a day to take the covers off in the morning and replace them at night, talk to him a bit and change the seed and water. She has a tiny radio going for him all day so he doesn't feel alone and I turn that on and off too.

  5. I hope everything goes well for Pat, it is very nice of you to help her out like you are.

    I am also hoping for good news from the vet for Lola.

    1. Jimmy; I'm really not the type to go out voluntarily doing good deeds, I help because Pat asks me and I know no one else will. Also because she is kind and tries to do good for others.

  6. This is sad for Pat. I hope for the best. More pictures of Lola, please.

    1. Joanne; it is sad, but necessary I think, because she needs a carer coming in twice a day to measure her blood sugar and give the insulin in the correct amount, otherwise Pat gets it wrong and ends up in hospital, so this added problem means she will be better off in an assisted living facility if that's what is recommended after the respite care place. She will be unhappy without her budgie though.
      I don't have more pictures of Lola yet, mostly she is just a dark grey stripey lump sleeping on the bed.

  7. It's good to have good neighbours in such situations. Minds seem to go very quickly towards her not returning home.

    1. Andrew; I'm glad to be here for Pat although I wouldn't do it for all my neighbours, a few in particular come to mind. But there are others I would help if it was needed. But I'm no saint, I don't go out of my way looking for people to help. I'm more the selfish and lazy sort.
      I hope Pat is able to come home, but thinking realistically, it isn't a good idea.

  8. Perhaps the budgie will become a new pet for Lola!!

    1. fishducky; no. NO NO. I don't want seed and feathers everywhere, it's enough that I have cat hair all over the place. and where would I put his cage? In Pat's flat he lives on the kitchen bench, which is miles longer than mine.

  9. You are an excellent neighbour. I hope the powers that be are wrong and Pat can come home again.
    I hope the vet visit goes really well.

    1. PS: What a load of rubbish that the patient has to stand themselves. Do they say that to someone with a broken leg? Or a paraplegic?

    2. Elephant's Child; I'll write a short update post about Lola n a minute, nothing to worry about there.
      I also hope Pat is able to come home eventually, but I don't think it's going to happen. Already I can see Mitchell is missing her. I speak to him, but my voice isn't Pat's.
      I agree about making Pat stand up by herself, but I suppose it's one way of seeing just how badly she is injured. An obvious broken leg for instance would mean they would have to lift her, but there was one man and the other was a smallish woman who didn't look like she could lift a loaf of bread. In the end the man supported her hand and I supported Pat's back and pushed gently as she put her weight on her good leg. It was hard to hear her little whimpers and cries and I could tell by the sound that she was quite scared.

  10. You are a good neighbor, so kind to help Pat and Mitchell.

    The nursing home my grandma moved into had a glass cage full of assorted little birds in a wall at the entrance. I'm sure they had their own ventilation system, no smells and no seeds or feathers escaped. People visiting could sit with their loved ones in the common area, and watch the birds.

    1. Val; I'm looking around here wondering where I could put a bird cage and there just isn't anywhere unless I buy a stand or a standing small size aviary for the front porch. Where it really is too cold now and too hot in summer. Better he goes to a home that really wants him if it comes to that.
      I like the glass cage idea for a nursing home, I don't know if any nursing homes here do something like that.

  11. You've certainly been having a "time" of it. Pat is lucky to have you as a neighbour. I hope something suitable can be worked out for the budgie. Fingers crossed on all accounts.

  12. Goodness, I'm just catching up on your news. You have been having a bit of a time one way and the other. I hope Pat does ok ...
    Pleased to read about Lola in your newer post.

    All the best Jan


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