Sunday Selections # 341

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Let's begin:

this the birthday card my daughter gave me---Cake Day!---

and my gift - Season 4 of The Blacklist - my favourite TV series 😎

the house down the road is looking good

lots of lovely big windows which I like, but I'm glad I won't be the one cleaning them (I don't even clean my own window)

I'm curious about this side panel and what it is for

Here's the whole front, I think it looks nice, it's well balanced, having enough width and depth to balance the height.

closer to home, much closer, a water leak at the end of my path

the water ran away across the driveway quite fast for two days

before workmen appeared with a bobcat

and a concrete saw. Then I was noticed and asked to please stop taking photos 😒

this is what we are now left with, the upside down concrete slab that was removed

and a gap in the footpath, so people with mobility scooters and/or shopping trolleys have to walk on the driveway, which is no real hardship since most of them do that, but I come down the path from my front porch and usually end up right where this gap now is, so yesterday morning, not thinking, I walked down the path..oops, small detour across my grass and on I went.

we do have the necessary safety tape in place so no one trips in the dark.

meanwhile, I don't like what's happening with my hoya, which is directly in line with the corner of the upstairs balcony. I'll move it to a more sheltered spot and see if it recovers.

aaaaand, someone unknown left this broken battery operated candle right at the porch end of my path. Now If you'd dropped something and it broke, wouldn't you pick it up and take it to your rubbish bin? I had my hands full, so I left it there and it was gone the next morning.



  1. Happy Cake Day! I've never seen The Black List, I should check that out. Shouldn't I?
    That house down the street is almost looking like a business office or a bank satellite. I could live in it though - love all of the windows!
    Wonder why they didn't want you taking pictures. What kind of water was leaking? They sure made a mess, hope it doesn't take too long to repair.
    That Hoya doesn't look too good ...

    1. Sharon Qualls; thank you. The Blacklist, one word, is a series about a career criminal who surrenders to the FBI and then uses them to help him track down other major criminals on his list, his Blacklist. Season five begins in America in October.
      It was mains water leaking from an old unused connection that had been closed off, apparently the seal failed for some reason.

  2. Oooh, I'm glad I checked out your post, because now I can wish you a happy birthday! I hope it was a terrific one. (Hey, if you had cake, it HAD to be good!)

    Your comment about not wanting to wash all those windows cracked me up, because it reminded me of my behavior. When we see a big impressive house, I always tell my hubby I wouldn't want to have to clean all of those bathrooms, wash all of those windows, and take care of that huge yard. He always says if we lived someplace like that, we'd hire someone to do it. Um... no. Not my style. I reckon it's a good thing we DON'T live in one of those big houses... :)

    1. Susan; I have to admit, if I could afford to live in a fancier place, I'd probably hire someone to do the windows.
      I had a lovely cake day, thank you. I sat and watched the entire fourth season of The Blacklist.

  3. Your hoya looks like it has measles!!

    1. fishducky; it's got something! Maybe frostbite? That edge of the porch is very exposed and if rainwater is dripping from the balcony then frosting over in the predawn, that could be the problem, or maybe the sun burning through dewdrops, like a magnifying glass effect.

  4. Replies
    1. Grace; thank you :) I have more cake today, my brother and his wife dropped in and brought me a wedge of Black Forest Cake.

  5. A very happy belated cake day to you.
    And yes, your hoya does look a bit stressed.
    Love big windows - loathe cleaning them. Jazz (and Jewel) love windows too. Which meant cleaning off not one but two lines of cat snot (because Jazz is taller).

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I remember cleaning my one window when Angel sat on the sill, but it was cat hair and fluff, so easy to clean. Then he got too big and I didn't have to bother anymore. This morning I got up to find Lola sitting on the windowsill. If she makes a habit of it, the neighours will find out I have another cat.

  6. Hope someone has a clue about the hoya. They are beautiful little bloomers.

    1. Joanne; I'll move it to the more sheltered corner and give it a good trim when frost dangers are past, see if it recovers. I may have to repot with fresh potting mix.

  7. A late Happy Birthday to you River, I hope you had a wonderful day.

    The house is coming along really well, they should be finished with your he job soon.
    I'm not sure why the workers fixing the water leak had a problem with you taking photos, but at least The got the leak repaired, now once the soil dries they should get the concrete replaced.

    1. Jimmy; I had a lovely birthday, thank you. I sat around with my feet up and watched The Blacklist all day.
      I think the workers were worried I had their faces in the photos, but I always make sure I don't get faces.
      The house down the road is going to be lovely when finished and the two smaller ones at the back of the block look similar so all-in-all it's a nice development.

  8. Happy Belated Birthday to you, River. I hope you had a nice celebration and celebrated the way of your choice; and that you certainly did have a Cake Day! :)

    I hope Loopy Louie is not peeing from his balcony!!!

    As for litter and people too lazy to pick up their own waste really maddens me.

    As for "The Blacklist" know what I think about the show...we both think similarly about it! :)

    I hope you have a great week...cuddles to Lola. :)

    1. Lee; thank you, I'm officially an old lady now I suppose. I did have cake day, and today is another cake day; my brother R and his wife V brought me a wedge of Black Forest cake this morning.
      Pretty sure Loonie Louie isn't doing that, I'd smell it.
      Lola isn't feeling too cuddly today, she hid under the bed while R and V were here and now she is wandering about sniffing the new smells left by their shoes.

  9. some people get weird when you point a camera at them...go figger

    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; three workers didn't mind, but the one in charge got real snippy.

  10. A belated happy cake day to you. Those bits at the side of the house look structural. I wonder if a garage is going to put there at some point. I can understand the workmen not liking being photographed as they work but if they are in a public space, you are within your rights to snap away.

    1. Andrew; if you look at the face of the house, you'll see a garage is on the right side as part of the structure. The side where that wall is, is the driveway to the houses at the rear of the block. Perhaps it is going to be a side entrance, the centre of it appears to be a panel of wood. Or perhaps a decorative feature. I'll take a photo as soon as something develops there.

  11. Hope you had a great birthday! Maybe that broken battery-operated candle was meant to be a birthday candle...

    1. Val; thank you. I'll never know about the candle, most people here don't know it was my birthday and I heard it belonged to someone who came out to look at the leak in the dark, but why wouldn't they use a torch?

  12. Never heard of the blacklist. But I just start watching the movie. "Giver"

    1. peppylady (Dora); The Blacklist is a TV series about a career criminal who surrenders to the FBI. Season five starts in America in October. I've never heard of "Giver", I'll look it up on IMDb.

  13. We just don't eat enough cake .
    I was very fond of The Black List too but missed a few shows and lost track of the story.
    I always get photos of work men but do it from behind bushes they are a bit camera shy.
    I've noticed new two story houses around here have tall skinny windows on the ground floor and bigger windows upstairs for security reasons.

  14. Merle; I've had far too much cake lately, but I'm not complaining. I took a few photos through my screen door but they didn't come out so well.
    That's a good idea about the windows, I hadn't thought of that. I don't like huge windows at the front of houses, especially for bedrooms, when you want to open the curtains and let the sun in, everyone can see inside and I don't like that.

  15. I don't quite understand what is happening with people latelyi but we do find rubbish everywhere.

    1. only slightly confused; you too? it seems no one teaches their children anymore what a rubbish bin is for. And I don't like to point fingers, but a lot of the culprits are immigrants. To be fair there are immigrants who do the right thing with their rubbish.

  16. Belated good wishes for your birthday.
    It makes me so cross when people drop their litter, why don't they just take it home with them.

    My parents were always very strict about this with me, which I passed on to my children and they pass on to their children ...

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; just today when I got home I picked up supermarket receipts that had blown into my garden and a bunch of "specials" catalogues that people didn't want so just dropped them on the ground by the mailboxes where they were beginning to blow around.

  17. I do like that house up the street! I wonder if those are the colours of the house when it's finished or if that's all primer.

    1. Happy Elf Christine; the primer was grey, that white is the finished colour. It's a very nice looking house.


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