Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by me and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. puffing
2. candles
3. confused
4. fishing
5. supreme
6. almost


1. eight
2. despicable
3. banner
4. shave
5. flowers
6. frowning

Let the Creativity begin!  😎


  1. My effort for this week...

    "I couldn’t help FROWNING. Frowning seemed to be a permanent fixture on my face of late.

    The DESPICABLE creature was still camped there. Dressed as if he’s been out FISHING up among mangroves for a month, he also looked like he’d not had a SHAVE for a month, or even more!

    It had been ALMOST EIGHT days since the lone protester sat outside the gate on the property across the way. He waved a dirty, tattered BANNER, so dirty it was impossible to read what it said!

    All his huffing and PUFFING CONFUSED everyone who walked along SUPREME Road. No one understood why he was there.

    The FLOWERS that had, before his arrival, fringed the fence had been crushed by his marching up and down at will, mumbling as he tramped!

    Each night he burned CANDLES, much to the consternation of those living nearby.

    He had to be moved on. The police had been called, but were taking their time to arrive."

    1. He sounds like a poor sad man Lee. I hope when the police arrive they take him to hospital. And return the area he defiled to its usual peaceful self.

    2. Poor old soul. I wonder what pain is causing his actions.

    3. Lee; this is good, but sad too. I wonder what has happened, why is he there and hope he gets help from someone.

    4. More is going on here, he has become mentally unstable is how it sounds. Well told!

    5. Great use of all the words Lee. Why was he there and what was he protesting? At least he was dedicated.

    6. Terrific! My take on this seems to be a little different from everyone else's, though. I imagined him a "lonely voice in the wilderness" and someone who was fighting against a grievous situation that everyone else was willing to ignore. Like a WWII vet protesting an HOA that won't let him fly a flag in his own yard or a Holocaust survivor quietly protesting a neo-Nazi official. At any rate, I really liked it. Great job!

  2. Now there's a selection for you. My brain is going in all kinds of directions. Can't wait to read what everyone comes up with.

    1. Okay, here we go:

      Grace was confused. It seemed someone was singing Happy Birthday to her. Eight candles on a pink and white cake. Yes, that was right she thought. Making a supreme effort and puffing as hard as she could she almost blew them all out. One more and she could rest. She was so tired. Why was she so tired? There, it went out. The blessed soothing velvet blackness surrounded her once more.
      Frowning she squinted as the light once again penetrated her vision. There was her Daddy having a shave in the makeshift campground the family had set up after the fire had taken their family home.
      “We’ll go fishing for our dinner Sunshine,” he said, “and you can pick some flowers for Mommy while Kenny and I clean our catch.” Grace shook her head and winced at the pain. Something wasn’t right. What was it? Kenny, Kenny died in a farm accident a long time ago. She wasn’t a little kid anymore. She’d reached the banner age of 75 just this past July.
      She forced herself to think clearly, realised where she was and once again struggled to rise. This time she made it to a sitting position and leaned back against the rough cellar wall. “How was she going to get herself out of this despicable mess?” she wondered.
      “More to the point,” a gusty voice beside her said, “is how you got into this mess in the first place.”
      “Oh Lordie” Grace moaned, “now I’m hearing voices.”
      A cool and soothing draft passed across her burning forehead.

    2. I am LOVING part two to Grace's story.

    3. I have no idea where this is going...but...it's going somewhere.

    4. And we will be along with your for the ride, Delores. Well done. :)

    5. only slightly confused; a cliff hanger!
      I do hope the voices are friendly and will help Grace find a way out of the cellar.

    6. Intriguing, you draw me in to wanting everything cleared up for her.

    7. Poor Grace. She is definitely delusional from the fever. Let us know more my friend.

    8. How about that? I love this as much on River's blog as I did on yours... :)

  3. Frowning, Alice shook her fist and shouted at the sky. 'How could you. It was a despicable act. No kindly supreme being would take Mary away from Ted, leaving him confused and alone. How will he cope? How will we cope?'
    She adored her grandparents. Ted had loved Mary since they were eight. Huffing and puffing they had blown out candles on their shared birthdays for almost eighty years. Family was everything to them. Fishing expeditions, growing flowers together, their grandson's first shave were all banner days. And those banners started with Mary...

    1. Life is not always fair...life is not always kind.

      Well done, EC. :)

    2. Oh...a heartbreaker. Makes me think of my poor Daddy after Mom passed away.

    3. Elephant's Child; I agree, a heartbreaker. And life is terribly unfair at times. Hopefully there will be family to help look after Ted.

    4. Very sad, especially the bitter truth that everyone has to go at some point. No matter how much we love them, no one will be the exception.

    5. Poor, poor Ted. Alone now without his Mary. Good job with the story EC.

    6. How sad. I think we've all wanted to rail at the heavens about something like this before.

  4. Thought I had better finish up last week's story so for this week here it is Two miles from town I hope you enjoy.

  5. Thank you for hosting this month! My story is loosely based on a real event.

    1. messymimi; I read your story and liked it very much. Some surprises are worth putting up with even when all you want is to sneak away and sleep.

  6. Thought I'd have a go this week. Will post on the blog tomorrow but here it is for you.

    Tom was puffing so much when he got to the top of the hill he really thought he was about to pass out. He once again told himself he really must lose some weight especially now Tim had suggested a few days away together would be a good thing for them both.

    These past few days as he readied himself for his morning shave he had stood there looking at himself in the mirror, frowning* as he noticed how much further back his hairline had receded.

    His brother Tim had confused him by talking about a fishing trip in The Territory when he was under the impression they were going to South Australia. Seems the fish were bigger and better up there and you could catch something almost* every time you put your rod in the water.

    Once upon a time Tim had been the Supreme Champion in the fly fishing club but had conceded defeat after the terrible goings on at last year's championship event.

    Each fisher was supposed to make their own flies but because the arthritis in his fingers had become a problem he had done a despicable deed and got a youngster to make them (under my tutorage he protested when the truth came out)

    Oh well, thought Tom, maybe this trip will do us both good. We both deserve a treat. Being twins meant they'd shared so much during their lives, another birthday together wasn't going to harm them.

    He thought of the fun they'd had on the last one his mother had organised for them with a banner over the door and candles on each of theie cakes. That had been eight years ago - maybe he'd better put some flowers on her grave before they went away.

    1. Since Tim cannot make flies anymore maybe Tom will share with him. I am curious about OSC's comment and wonder why she doesn't trust Tim. I must have missed something. Good story Cathy. So happy you have joined in.

    2. And so the confusion spreads.....happy to share lol.

    3. Loving your take on the words. Thank you so much for joining us.

    4. Cathy; great story. I suspect Tim is going to have Tom make his fishing flies while they're away on their trip and because they're alone up there, no one else will know.

    5. Nice job! Maybe the dude should just use his old flies. If they were good enough to snag him a championship in the past, there's no reason they won't still do the job for him.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. WHO SAID IT by Granny Annie is posted on my blog:-)

    1. Granny Annie; thank you for picking up on the spammer, I've deleted him. I'll come over and read your story, I'll just duck into the kitchen for a coffee to bring with me.

  9. Hey River,

    What talented contributions using those words. Heck, if I had some string, I'd attempt to string a sentence together.

    Gary :)

    1. Gary; I'm sure you have plenty of string somewhere. Have a go :)

  10. Great post. Thanks for sharing!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


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