Sunday Selections # 339

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.
Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

let's begin with a wander around:

snowflakes are blooming in several gardens

jonquils too

and this is just a small section of a row of daffodils getting ready to bloom.

this lavender is taller and wider than I am

this is the porch area of the community centre, this is where the Wednesday barbecues are held

and this is the disgusting greasy mess left behind each week, by that barbecue (and they wonder why there is a rat problem) I won't show the uneaten food scraps that get thrown into the rose garden 😦

I like the look of this "braided" palm trunk

this sprawling wide and tall bush doesn't look like much,

but it does have gorgeous, 



clivias are covered in bright red seed pods

and here are just a couple of things Loony Louie upstairs has had installed for his personal comfort, a sky light and a spinaway to remove hot and/or stale air

much progress has been made

on the new house down the road

I like the rendered sections which will eventually get painted

and the two smaller houses behind are also going ahead well.

Now for something REALLY special......


Lola, who is NOT  a showgirl, but an eight year old girl rescued from the local Animal Welfare Centre

here she is having a good sniff around

when she rolls around on the bed, she looks a lot like Angel.

Lola is very quiet, independent, likes to be left alone, but also likes to have her head rubbed and her shoulders scratched. She was raised indoors, so has no interest in going out, doesn't even sit by the open door. 
She spends all day sleeping under my bed and roams around at night, eating and coming for her pats and cuddles, then goes back under the bed before I wake in the morning.
What will happen when Angel comes back home? Well, I'll have two cats.



  1. Welcome to Lola. She's pretty, too.
    No palm trees here. Nice look!
    You certainly have a lot to look at outside!

    1. Sharon Qualls; welcome back. The flats I live in are surrounded by gardens and there is always something I hadn't noticed before.Lola and I are still getting to know each other, but she purrs a lot, so I think she's happy here.

  2. The flower you call snowflake reminds me of a plant we used to have in our garden in Maryland, but it was called lily of the valley. I think it gets too hot for it to grow where we live now, because I haven't seen any of it since we've lived here.

    Congratulations on the new kitty! I've been wanting to ask you about Angel, but was afraid to... I'm sorry he hasn't come home yet. But if he does, I can tell you from first-hand knowledge that having two kitties is more than twice as nice as having one. :)

    1. Susan; lily of the valley was my mum's favourite, they are similar. I wasn't planning on a new cat, but her face popped up on the Animal Welfare page and I could see right away that she needed me.

  3. Angel and Lola together, that is a post I want to see!

    1. joeh; I'd like to see that post too. Angel is a bit territorial though, so when he gets home there will be adjustments to be made.

    2. I'm sure they'll get along just fine!!

  4. A huge welcome to Lola. She is beautiful.
    And smiles at the garden photos.
    Sigh at the barbecue mess. Loony Louie has the squeaky wheel act perfected.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you, Lola is pretty and she's got more gloss to her coat now that she is eating the grain free foods I used to feed Angel.
      The barbecue mess is a real shame, seems there is no pride in keeping things neat and tidy there. I hope Loony Louie wheels his squeaks far away, but it's beginning to look like that won't happen soon. All I can say is if he causes trouble via loud crashing noises ever again I have no hesitation in calling the police.

  5. Looks like Spring is certainly on its way to Adelaide River 😊
    Will it be a case of 'whatever Lola wants, Lola gets' ? Great to see you have a new friend for company.
    Ps I managed a Sunday Selections post today

    1. Cathy; this is normal winter for us. I agree it does look spring-like, but we're currently into the wet and windy part of our winter. Yesterday the road side gutters were flooded from the rain. It will NOT be what Lola wants, Lola gets. Mostly because she doesn't want much. She's an older cat, close to 50 in human years, so is happy to sleep all day and have regular dinner and breakfast times, with lots of patting before she goes to sleep at night.

  6. My heart did an almighty leap when I saw the first I thought Angel had arrived back home...but then I read further. I am so, so pleased Lola has come into your life, River. This makes me very happy for you. Lola is a lucky girl, indeed...and a beautiful little lady, too. As you say...when...and he will come home...when Angel returns he'll see what he has been missing. I'm glad Miss Lola is an indoor girl and not out dancing and kicking up her heels at the Copacabana each night.

    I hope the coming week brings you even more happiness and treats you well. A big, big cuddle for Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I'm glad I saw Lola on the Animal Welfare page. She looked lost and bewildered, I suspect she hadn't been there very long and was still wondering what happened to her old life.

  7. Lola is a beauty, and those barbecuers are slobs!

    1. Val; Lola is pretty and I'm sure she knows it. I think her previous owner told her often, because when I say it, she rolls over for a belly rub.
      I'm tempted to say something about the barbecue mess, but then someone else might tell me to do the cleaning up, and since I don't usually attend the barbecues I don't see that I should have to. I may suggest placing a foil tray under to catch the drips in future.

  8. The braided palm is interesting. I don't think I have noticed one before. Straight away I could see Lola wasn't Angel. She looks lovely. Lol at Lee's comment above about kicking up heels at the Copa.

    1. Andrew; the braiding on the palm is where old dried leaves have been removed over the years as it grew. It's quite tall, higher than the roof of the nearby flats which you remember are all two storey. Lola is darker than Angel and only half his size, without the bushy tail too. She's a short hair tabby. I meant to introduce her with words similar to Barry Manilow's but forgot to get in here and edit.

    2. "Her name is Lola, she's not a show girl, no yellow feathers in her hair and no dress cut down to there, she's just a shy girl, a run and hide girl..."

    3. Where are my comments on your blog disappearing to?

    4. Sorry about the comments. I was unaware they were going into a folder called Awaiting Moderation.

  9. Lavender is my favorite, always. Yours look very happy!

    1. Susan Kane; not my lavender, it's in a garden up the driveway a bit and around a corner, but in a front garden for everyone to see and enjoy. I like lavenders too, especially near a washing line so the clothes can pick up a hint of fragrance.

  10. Awww - Lola is a beautiful girl. I'm glad you opened your home to a cat in need. And, yes, if/when Angel comes home, you will have two cats.

    I love the little snowdrops in the first picture.

    1. Sorry, I meant snowflakes :)

    2. jenny_o; I couldn't leave Lola at the shelter once I'd seen her worried little face, which looks much more relaxed now she has adjusted to being here. I'm never sure if those flowers are snowflakes or snowdrops, I just call them snowflakes and hope I'm right :)

  11. I am so happy to see Lola she is such a wonderful addition to your home, it looks like you both were a good fit for one another, I am happy for you.

  12. Lola is beautiful and she is a tabby just like my Leroy who also likes having her head rubbed.

  13. What a great post, I loved your photographs.

    The best bit was definitely Lola ...

    All the best Jan


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