Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by me and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. dynamic
2. longer
3. woods
4. mobile
5. landed
6. cellar


1. alerted
2. flying
3. demeanor
4. lights
5. smoothly
6. filled

Here is my story: Part two

Had the changing family dynamic been the trigger that set his brother off this time?  That shouldn't happen if Wayne stayed on his medication, but perhaps there were other factors, possibly the medication was no longer doing its job. Ross didn't like to interfere, Wayne had been insulted to find himself in a locked psychiatric ward after that first breakdown. But Jessy had sounded desperate.

He'd told Jessy to get herself and the boys out of the house. Run to a neighbour, run into the woods and hide, it didn't matter as long as Wayne couldn't find them. Jessy had a mobile phone now, he could call as soon as the plane landed to see where they were. There was no point trying to convince Maddy to leave, but she would see to it the kids got out if she could. That first time, when Wayne had gone after the boys, he'd locked Maddy in the cellar first. Because it had been Jessy on the phone this time too, Ross feared Wayne had done something similar to Maddy again.

A faraway buzzing alerted Ross to the incoming small Southwest National plane and he watched across the blacktop to where he knew the landing strip was. He hoped Leroy was flying tonight, they'd been to school together and remained close friends ever since. The other night pilot, Colin, was a mortician and only flew if Leroy wasn't available. He never seemed to lose that "sorry for your loss" demeanor. Leroy was a happier soul who had played in a jazz band throughout school. He and Ross had often sung along with Louis Armstrong records and dreamed of a career in music. Then the flying bug had bit Leroy good and hard, while Ross had studied and become a Real Estate lawyer.

In just a few minutes the plane's landing lights were visible and Ross watched as the plane touched down smoothly and taxied in. A good landing. That was definitely Leroy. Ross grinned.

In spite of what might lie ahead at Wayne's, seeing Leroy always lifted his spirits. He knew the flight to Woody Valley would be filled with tales of Betsy, the kids and the dog. Leroy's daughters had a French Bulldog named Froggy.


  1. Sounds very, very interesting!

  2. As always, I loved your story!!

  3. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; I wracking my brains over chapter three. Got nothing yet (*~*)

  4. I don't know how you do it!
    Brilliant read, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; well, it's like this. Open the laptop, place fingers on keys and start tapping, while hoping what comes out makes sense. Thank you.

  5. Hi River,

    Very creative and nicely done. Thanks.


    1. Gary; thank you. How is your eye now? Better I hope. Well enough to give those bureaucrats the glare they deserve at least.

  6. You are keeping us on the edge of our seats worrying about the kids. Another great job.

    1. only slightly confused; on the edge of your seat? That's good news, but sit back now and take it easy. I've got the mind working on chapter three.

  7. A good use of the words in your second chapter of your story, River.

    1. Lee; thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the read.

  8. I have renewed worries about what's going on at Wayne's house.

    1. Val; I'm a bit worried myself. I don't know anything about mental illness, so don't know how to work this out. But I'll think of something.

  9. Another fine continuation of your story. :0

    I love that description of the "sorry for your loss" demeanor. I've definitely known some people like that, and they weren't all morticians!

    Have a super weekend.

    1. Susan; thank you. Now I have to find chapter three. I'd better dust off the brain (*~*)

  10. Nice job River, the story continues to draw me right into it, I truly feel concerned for Maddy and the kids.

    1. Jimmy; thank you. Maddy and the kids will be fine, I'm sure. I think.

  11. Glad for a smooth landing. You keep baiting the hook River. Good read...good writing.


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