Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write, a story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.
If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by me and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. dusk
2. apples
3. sauce
4. knitting
5. amethyst
6. window


1. itching
2. silk
3. gossamer
4. security
5. exquisite
6. turbulent

Let the Creativity begin!  😎


  1. I like that first list, maybe I will write something with those words.

    1. Terra Hangen; please let us know if you do, we'll come and read it :)

  2. OK River I now have my thinking cap on ;)

    1. Jimmy; I hope the batteries are charged in that cap :)

    2. Hey River, The story continues The Broken Lock Drop by and let me know what you think.

    3. Read your story Jimmy. Glad to have more creepy news of Tammy and Todd.

  3. Replies
    1. Sharon; going to write something?

    2. Looking forward to your piece Sharon 😊

    3. Hope you will participate Sharon.

    4. I am having some problems with thinking lately, more so than usual. Maybe later, I don't know.

  4. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I can't wait to read what you come up with :)

  5. She stood in front of her full-length mirror swathed in GOSSAMER AMETHYST SILK.

    Around her neck was her grandmother’s EXQUISITE diamond necklace.

    DUSK had descended early. The TURBULENT weather showed no signs of abating anytime soon. The rain pelted against her bedroom WINDOW. The wind howled through the trees.

    The ground in the orchard was covered with APPLES and pears. The fallen fruit wouldn't go to waste. It would be turned into SAUCE to be sold at the local farmers’ markets.

    Even though strict SECURITY measures were in place, she was ITCHING to leave.

    This was to be her night - the night she would be introduced to his family for the first time. He was third in line to the throne.

    From this night forth her life would never be the same.

    Not that any onlookers would have noticed.

    When she went downstairs and entered the cosy living room of her modest home, the home in which she’d been raised by her loving grandparents, there, as always, in front of the hearth sat her grandmother calmly KNITTING as if it was just a normal night like any other night.

    1. Oh lovely. I can see the dear old lady before a crackling fire knitting contentedly. Probably just trying to keep herself calm lol.

    2. I don't envy her. Her life will indeed never be the same again...
      Great use of the words.

    3. Lee; a gorgeous dress, a stormy night and Prince Charming. With a grandmother to keep her feet firmly on the ground. What else does a girl need? Great story :)

    4. I can hear the way her heart must have been thumping as she left the house that evening. Do tell us how it went.

    5. Even that far from the throne, she will be living in a fish bowl.

    6. Grandparents have to remain calm in all instances. Good job Lee.

  6. Adelaide sat in the window at dusk knitting gossamer strands of the most exquisite amethyst silk. She knew her sister had been itching to get her hands on it for some time now. She smiled, basking in the security of the knowledge she had the entire stash of silk strands hidden safely away. Her sisters turbulent expression conveyed her inner emotions.
    "Did you pick enough apples for applesauce, sister dear?" Adelaide asked sweetly.
    Alice could fret all she wanted but when she saw the beautiful garment she was creating for her birthday all would be forgiven.

    1. Adelaide is enjoying Alice's chagrin isn't she?

    2. only slightly confused; this is wonderful, one sister knitting a gift for the other who has no idea. Secret smiles on one face and fretful envy on the other. Hope the applesauce turns out okay.

    3. I tried a continuation of Grace's story for tomorrow on my own blog. Not easy.

    4. Maybe not easy but you do make it look as if it is.

    5. Even when she's being nice, she has to be just a little bit, shall we say, sassy about it. Some sisters are like that.

    6. Good writing here. I already read the continuation of Grace's story. Good writing there too...of course.

    7. Good. Familiar. Have done that myself.

  7. Granny Two-Face
    In the safety and security of home she sits by the window,
    Quietly knitting gossamer fine garments in amethyst wool.
    Cinnamon and apples perfume the air.
    Dusk falls.
    She is waiting.
    Itching and longing to return to the turbulent days of her youth, when luxury and decadence provided the sauce,
    Exquisite silk gowns, dancing, excitement and life.
    Never regretted, never forgotten, never gone...

    1. Poor Granny...a wild child imprisoned by old age.

    2. Elephant's Child; beautiful and sad, bittersweet. I'm agreeing with Delores, a wild child imprisoned by age is a perfect description. Granny's turn will come again, such a delicious soul surely can't be left in limbo too long.

    3. Thank you both. An imprisoned wild child was just what I was thinking.

    4. Very good EC, nice use of the words in catching the image vividly.

    5. No, the days are never forgotton, whether they were spent for good or for ill.

    6. How can we not relive the golden days of yore? Good story as always E.C.

    7. Good emotions, wistful, saddened.
      Most of us live there, EC!

  8. Everyone has had great fun with these words. I've enjoyed the tales. :)

    1. Lee; all the tales are just getting better year by year.

  9. Now I've got the gist of this I'm enjoying it. I used all the words but I did get a bit wordy so it'll be on the blog in the morning
    Reading all the other pieces is great fun.

    Cathy @ Still Waters

    1. Cathy; I'll be busy tomorrow morning, but I'll pop in about lunch time :)

    2. I popped over and read your story. OMG...a triple tragedy lol. Everyone drop in on Cathy and read her story. Really good.

  10. Replies
    1. messymimi; I love stories that write themselves, saves me the trouble of thinking, but I'm beginning to also like the challenge of working on something that doesn't come easy.

  11. Replies
    1. Cindi; your story is beautiful, a perfect description of the changing season.

    2. I really enjoyed everyone's stories, and this thread.


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