
Showing posts from April, 2022

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by Messymimi and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. behaviour  2. comfortable  3. bubble  4. pluck  5. share  6. ton  and/or:  1. bear  2. conversation  3. line  4. action  5. quality  6. carrot Here is my story: (another chapter) The afternoon receptionist, Lottie Fischel, peeked back towards the holding cells. After the outburst heard by the children, Aiden and Cynthia were exhausted, all they could do was mutter insult...

the latest ridiculousness, or, the excuses just get weirder

  Don't worry, I won't be doing this every day. Heard on the news: "Putin is now claiming this isn't war, but Russia responding to cries for help from people in Eastern Ukraine." There is something seriously wrong with this tiny little bully.

just heard on the evening news

 Russia's Deputy Ambassador to the UN says he is not aware of any war going on....šŸ˜² He must be living under a rock.

the ravages of time and neglect

 I've found where my Archives are listed and had a bit of fun going back to the beginnings, where I found this> that's my flat (unit, apartment, whatever) downstairs on the right, see how the lush green lawn butts right up to the path and the edge of the porch and steps? September 2011 this is from Sunday just gone, how sad does that look? It's been like this for several years now. I tried watering the edges to encourage the runners to spread, but each time the maintenance men come around cutting (butchering) the lawns, they use a weedwhacker to trim those edges right back again. it's a losing battle. April 2022 I also found this> my lounge room a couple of days after I moved in. It looks so different now. I have no idea why the walls are pink and pale green, something to do with the camera I guess, possibly reflected colour from those red blankets?  In real life, those walls are cream. I like the pink and green better. The table on the right is now under the wind...

Sunday Selections #581

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look. Here we have Harley, the ex-undercover Bikie cop, telling some of his stories to Bunny who remembers this upside down chunk of concrete which I painted dark green? here is the other side, now transformed into a sunflower I didn't have any orange or lime green paint, so mixed my own here it is in the front corner of my garden, it looks a little odd, so I've named it 'damaged sunflower' in sympathy with the now damaged Ukraine. you'll never guess what this is...bread...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by messymimi and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. steward  2. mechanical  3. trail  4. restrict  5. nun  6. scale  and/or:  1. oppugned  2. autodidact  3. non-fungible  4. widdershins I have only used the first set.  Here is my story: The buzzer lit up and after checking the seat number I sighed. Heavily. ā€œSomething wrong?ā€ asked Reuben. ā€œItā€™s that nun in seat 14B again. Sheā€™s had me running almost since takeoff.ā€ I said. ā€œ...

Sunday Selections # 580

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look. Let's take a little walk around the grounds here and see the nice things in people's gardens: dragonfly solar lights to lights your way at night, these were all the way along the path a pretty statue with a pretty floral crown a new hanging basket of pretty pink I don't remember what these are called, the name is in my memory a tiny mushroom with a tiny fairy an angelic violinist a mosaic cat on a mosaic pot a metal ladybug, this one won't fly away butterfly wall art h...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by messymimi and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. prize  2. conversation  3. smell  4. citizen  5. vegetable  6. fail  and/or:  1. a mountain out of a molehill  2. a cut below  3. a cold fish Here is my story: While walking along Main Street with their ice creams, Khoral and the children, plus assorted parents, walked past the Police Station, where Aiden and Cynthia were having another of their many fights. Cynthia was screaming, ā€œI f...

here's proof

  This is a clip from a TV series I'm currently watching, called "The Righteous Gemstones" about a family of preachers (named Gemstone) who aren't as righteous as they should be. It's funny, but for some I should warn you the show has swearing, violence and some nudity. None of which is in this clip. Lee might recognise Walton Goggins, here playing Baby Billy Freeman, but known as Boyd Crowder (Fire in the Hole) in Justified.

thank you everyone

  Can't believe how easy this was. I tried googling unable to access youtube but many of the replies were outdated and/or had suggestions I didn't understand apart from clearing my cache, which I had no idea how to do. So I googled unable to access youtube in microsoft edge and got a link that walked me through it. When opening my internet in the ytaskbar at the top over on the right is a three dot menu option and from the dropdown there I chose settings and from the window that opened on the left I chose "privacy search and services" and from there chose to delete my browsing and download history.  I hope I haven't accidentally lost any of my favourite blog sites, but I'll get those back easily enough. After weeks of assuming something was wrong at youtube, I now have youtube back and working , simply by clearing my browser and download histories.  Thank you for all your suggestions. I wish I'd asked weeks ago. 

Help Please?

 For several weeks now I have been unable to access youtube.  Everyone else I know has no problem, even with all their different browsers.  I don't want to have to change browsers and shouldn't have to. Does anyone out there know of a contact address, like email perhaps, where I can get in touch with youtube and find out what is going on?  this is the message I get EVERY SINGLE TIME!  youtube! Why have you deserted me? I miss you.

Sunday Selections # 579

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections.  A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please.  Nothing rude or vulgar though. And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us. The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look. Let's begin with a sunbeam, which sneaked in through the front door to highlight my TV chair and also highlighted the dust on this chest of drawers  I have a flag flying on my front door, it is postcard sized, but can't be seen from the outside through the screen of the security door.  I have this little one on my mailbox I finally got the bird poop cleaned off my mushroom/toadstool, the fruit is gone from the trees above so the birds have left too. this odd shape...

Wednesday's Words on a Friday

  The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems. The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind. If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words. This month the words/prompts are supplied by Messymimi and can be found here This week's words/prompts are:  1. opinion  2. shell  3. clue  4. seed  5. attention  6. sit  and/or:  1. story  2. makeup  3. corn  4. emotion  5. mess  6. circle Here is my story:   The children ran into the park, every one of them filled with excitement. School was finished and the next two weeks were all holidays! They ran to the big clam shell shaped concert stage that had been constructed to h...