Sunday Selections # 578


Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to them and have a look.

My little redheads are still flying flags for Ukraine and now have the blue and yellow candles which they burn for 15 minutes each day.

in this terracotta bowl I planted three more of the Caribbean lily bulbs. I found them lying above ground, very dried out and probably dead, in a deserted garden, I had given them to the person living there at the time and to find out he had just thrown them out was disappointing.

see the tiny green shoot? it's still alive!

and here is a bigger shoot, very much still alive! this one is a double, two bulbs I couldn't separate and the second bulb is also growing now. The third bulb I picked up has disintegrated. Very dead.

I rescued this stool from the same abandoned garden


the owl pot turned out well after four coats of pink and now has a tiny basket of fake greenery sitting in it

do you all remember my rescued statue of the lady with a cat on her shoulder? She had a broken arm, here she is "post surgery"

Resting comfortably. You may notice there are no fingers at the end of the hand, they were missing when I picked her up, probably crumbled away somewhere else.

and one more rescued statue, this one weighs a ton and I needed help to move it, also because it was in several pieces, you'll notice the boy is missing an arm, I have that, but it is in so many smallish pieces I won't be able to put it back together.

here you see the rough repair where his body has been put back together, it will eventually get sanded smooth and hopefully weather to a less noticeable colour.

his neck still needs repair, I ran out of cement.

Yoda says "Peace, there must be" and I agree. You too?

I also have a few home made Ukrainian flags in some of my porch potplants.


  1. I am loving your garden. And longing for peace.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I'm also hoping for peace and hopeful since I heard last night's news that Ukraine has retaken some land and pushed back some Russian troops.

  2. Very much agreeing with Yoda and with you.

    You have a beautiful garden, and excellent cement skills.

    1. messymimi; I had help with the cementing, but I know how to do it on my own should I have to. The garden is looking better now the weather isn't so hot.

  3. So good to see the girls supporting Ukraine. I was wondering how they were handling all the news.
    You do such a great job resurrecting throw aways. Like those Caribbean lily bulbs, all they really need is caring, nurturing and some cement. Well done.

    1. Arkansas Patti; the bulbs are doing well in spite of growing 'out of season', they may still flower, or I may have to wait until they regulate themselves weather wise. the cementing was fun to do.

  4. How wonderful it would be if peace reigned! I hope, along with every decent person in our world, that peace comes soon...very soon to Ukraine. I hope the people of Ukraine feel the love and warmth of our arms around them. And I hope. Their strength during this most terrible time is admired. Viva la vida!

    I hope the coming week treats you kindly, River...take good care. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. The past week was a very frustrating one for me...from the afternoon of 24th March through to Friday morning 1st April, I had no phone internet.

    1. Lee; no phone and no internet for a week! I had that problem for about half a day recently and got a lot of book reading done.
      I wish for peace very soon for Ukraine, things are looking hopeful with Russian troops being pushed back. Lola is feeling better, eating and getting out into the porch, but still scratching and leaving blood trails on my sheets. Another visit to the vet will be happening soon.

  5. Busy busy, with statue repair, flag making, plantings and more. The stool was a good find.

    1. Andrew; I don't quite know what to do with the stool. It's wooden and the legs will rot away in the garden, but there is no room for it on the porch. I had fun doing the statue repairs.

  6. I like your repaired statues, as they are. I love the stool. I think I would love it more as a solid, vibrant color. Or, yellow and blue.

    1. Joanne; I like the statues as they are, I won't try to make them look brand new. As if I even could. I won't be painting the stool, will most likely sit a pot of something on it. Perhaps a pot of petunias in blues and yellows, or dwarf sunflowers for Ukraine.

  7. Don't let the right wingers see the statue. They'll turn you in.

  8. The candles are a very nice gesture!
    We all think so hard of them in Ukraine!
    I was lying in bed, shivering with my warm microwave-tiger by my side, thinking of how they must feel really cold. Hungry. Thirsty. Lonely, desperate
    See. 3:26 am here, Sunday morning, I could not fall back to sleep.
    They hear the bombs.

    I hope they all will have a second chance like your Caribbean lily bulbs!
    And that stool! Awww. Must post a pic of our door. Those two (three) have to meet :-)

    Hehe, broken / missing limbs I sure have some ideas of (all good).

    YES. To PEACE.


    1. Iris Flavia; I like the candles but had to move them out to the porch because they are scented. I have trouble sometimes falling asleep when I think what is happening in Ukraine and with the people escaping so far from their homes with nothing but their clothes and some toys. I hope you cannot hear any bombs, you are too far away I think?
      Definitely YES to peace, and soon please.

  9. Yes, we thankfully are way too far from it all, yet. The Stadthalle, neighbors, gyms, I know women with their children are there, having had to leave their men in Ukraine to defend the country - it is so unnecessary and heartbreaking.
    Here it is quiet, it´s cold (3C), the sun is shining. We have it all, heating, water, food, if I wanted... a sparkling wine, but I sure do not feel like it.
    I´ll never understand war.

  10. P.S ..."you" aka Australia still have code orange on our post office, meaning I could send someone over, but not sure of arrival. Maybe you like to give me your postal address sometime (haha, no hurry, we wait since 2+ years!) to if the code turns to green I have someone wanting to meet you 😍

    1. Iris, I will send you my address and you can send me yours.

  11. Yay! I'm glad the lily bulbs survived. And I like your owl pot and your "moo" stool! What a great garden rescue!

    1. Steve Reed; welcome to drifting. I am also glad the lily bulbs survived, hopefully they will flower even though they are growing out of season right now. I like rescuing good garden things.

  12. I like the little stool with cow paint on it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; it's a good stool and tall enough that I could sit on it.

  13. I love the picture of the girls in the warm glow of the candles.

  14. The pink owl looks lovely. Thanx.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you, I like the pink. I had planned on blue, but there was only a bit of blue paint left.

  15. lovely read and post dear River

    i absolutely loved your plantations ,shoots rising from ground look so intriguing and fascinating ,life thrives and makes heart happier indeed

    Ukraine is in my prays and thoughts too !

    1. baili; Ukraine is in my thoughts every day and each day I cry when I see the destruction on the TV news.

  16. Aren't bulbs amazing - they can be dormant for so long and still live. I like your idea of putting a potted plant on the stool in the garden. And your owl plant holder turned out so well!

    1. jenny_o; I have to find a steadier piece of ground for the stool before I sit a pot on it. I have a lovely blue pot and will plant it with dwarf sunflower seeds in the spring, for Ukraine. Hopefully by our Springtime, that nasty Putin will have backed off and the war will be over. I'm happy with the owl, I'm currently painting something else I found.


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