Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Messymimi and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. behaviour 

2. comfortable 

3. bubble 

4. pluck 

5. share 

6. ton 


1. bear 

2. conversation 

3. line 

4. action 

5. quality 

6. carrot

Here is my story: (another chapter)

The afternoon receptionist, Lottie Fischel, peeked back towards the holding cells. After the outburst heard by the children, Aiden and Cynthia were exhausted, all they could do was mutter insults at each other. “Your behaviour has been atrocious,” mumbled Aiden. “Shut up,” replied Cynthia, “I can’t bear to have another conversation with you, my head feels like it weighs a ton right now.” They lapsed into silence and soon Aiden started snoring. Cynthia tried to get comfortable on the hard little cot and closed her eyes, hoping for sleep. 

Lottie drew a line under the notes she’d taken while they yelled at each other, then drew a double line under what seemed to be a clue. Cynthia had said something about her share and Aiden had said something about it ‘being under’, then there was more screaming about how they had both looked under every damn thing! before they both sat on their cot beds and suddenly were quiet. She put her notes on Sergeant Bennett’s desk, under a paperweight, knowing that Ray and George would make sense of them and question those two scoundrels further when they arrived next morning. Lottie tidied her desk and the reception desk, then handed the keys to the night guard, with instructions to be sure Aiden and Cynthia both got an evening snack when they woke up. They hadn’t eaten much of their lunch, choosing instead to throw bread rolls at each other.

Sergeant Ray Bennett and Constable George Anderson arrived together right on eight o’clock the next morning and were pleased to see Lottie’s notes. She didn’t use shorthand as George had done the previous day, so Ray didn’t need him to translate. “We may get some action going on this today George,” Ray said as he sipped hot coffee. “We can separate those two into interview rooms and dangle a carrot to each of them for information about this “under” business.” George said, “Could be something in it, they did tear up the houseboat looking under everything that could be moved, as well as a few things that couldn’t until they ripped them off the floor.” “Take these to the copier and make two more copies, put the original notes in the file with yours and we’ll each take a copy into an interview room when we question them. Are they awake yet? I can’t hear any sounds from the back,” said Ray.  “I’ll go and check,” said George, “and I know exactly what carrot we can use for Cynthia, a hot shower and the use of a hairbrush.” 

“Sounds good,” said Ray, “but first, let’s get them a quality breakfast from Gail’s Bakery Café. A couple of salad rolls and a donut each should perk them up.” “I’ll call that order in right now,” said George, plucking the Bakery menu off the side desk, where it lived permanently next to the coffee machine.



  1. Cynthia's carrot would work for me too. I am really enjoying the way this story is developing...

    1. Elephant's Child; she is vain about her appearance, so it might work, if only she knew something.

  2. I'm having trouble coming up with a sentence that has the words behaviour,. comfortable, bubble, pluck, share, and ton in it.

    1. Mike; and yet here it is right in front of my eyes.

  3. You have me on the edge of my seat with this one. That couple deserves to be locked up together. Hope the carrots work.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'm not sure the carrots will work. The clue was left by Ben Falls and neither Aiden or Cynthia have worked it out.

  4. My Sweetie has a favorite quote from the movie Beetlejuice that seems appropriate here, they're going to "turn up the juice and see what shakes loose."

    1. messymimi; I don't recall that quote. I'll have to watch the movie again.

  5. Heh, heh. "...choosing instead to throw bread rolls at each other." That's my favorite part!

    1. Val; I thought that was funny too, they really are quite childish when fighting, instead of working things out logically.

  6. I imagine the breadroll-throwing. In Germany this might hurt, but your Aussie ones are way too soft, LOL.I have three real old ones in the kitchen to make crumbles, maybe I try Ingo later ;-)
    I´ll certainly blame you then. Kidding. But they are really hard as stone. Carrot, please!
    Looking forward to what they find out about that weird couple!

  7. You have a wonderful imagination.

    God bless.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My first effort seemed too racy for your readers so I deleted it.

  9. My behaviour is always relaxed when I am floating in a comfortable bubble with a Spanish guitar to pluck. Share - formerly of Sonny and Share - is one of my favourite artistes and I can play a ton of her old songs.

    Once, above a forest clearing I looked down and saw a grizzly bear in conversation with a line of rutting elks. He was urging them into action against the local logging company whose best quality appears to be wanton destructiveness. After munching a carrot, I sang "Do you believe in life after love?" before drifting back homeward on the breeze.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; sounds like a pretty far out dream to me.

  10. Blogger ate up my comment the other day again.
    I thought the bread rolls were funny as yours are so soft!
    German ones, if a few days old, would really hurt!
    Blogger really bugs me. No carrot anymore this tool!

  11. This isa good in-between chapter, and makes me long for some action. I like the way I can see the persons when you write.


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