Sunday Selections # 680

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Elephant's Child is taking a break for a while.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Let's begin with something delicious:

my favourite brand of ice cream, Golden North,  has a new flavour, Sea Salted Caramel, so of course I had to try it. 

It's very nice, but too sweet, even for my sweet tooth, too caramelly, a touch more sea salt might improve that, but I won't buy it again.

it's made locally in a small town right here in my own state

and contains NO palm oil, NO gluten and NO nuts, so it's good for those who have allergies.

here I go again, another round of dental visits, this year I'm having two cracked crowns replaced, one this last week and one in two weeks time

this nice side table is just inside the entrance and has a water dispenser with disposable cups

on the way home I noticed a new bakery where there used to be a gift shop. 

and this magnificent monstera is just the first in a long line stretching down a driveway

trees in the city are losing leaves already, we could almost imagine it is autumn if the sun wasn't still so hot.

in the gardens of the hospital where "no-one" works she has been seeing plenty of butterflies this year

very pretty aren't they?

this blue-tongued lizard is a new young boy, there used to be an older one living in that drain hole but he died several years ago and I didn't think I'd ever see one here again. 

so you can imagine how happy I was to see him. I named him Bluey. 

this tiny skink, also called a drop-tail lizard was (hold onto your hats!) INSIDE my pantry cupboard, I have no idea how he got there, but I opened the door to get the olive oil and saw him skittering amongst the cans trying to hide, or escape. I scooped him into a clean jug and took him out to this pot plant.

Let's take a trip back in time now, to 2022:

2022, June 2nd, the girls are just a few hours old, that's my son J, the proud Daddy

one week later they were doing well

once they got home, they liked to hold hands while they slept

if they were in the pram, Ana held her own hands for comfort

Back to the Future now, 2024, they like to give cuddles instead.


  1. Bluey used to be what Australians called redheads. My beloved was always called Bluey in the 1950s and 1960s, but no longer. Either the slang changed or his hair thinned.

    1. hels; I think slang has changed, more "Americanisms" are used these days, and truly I prefer the old Australian slang.

  2. Yikes! A skink in the cupboard! That would give me a panic, although I have nothing against such creatures in their own habitat where I might expect to see them. Does the drop-tail lizard drop its tail? We used to have lizards on the patio, and when our miniature poodle went sniffing around them, they'd break off a section of tail and leave it as they skittered away.

    That's a nice-looking dental office, and beautiful butterfly pictures. Good memories of the girls being so tiny and new. Hard to believe it's been almost two years. Their daddy's pride jumps right at the camera!

    1. Val; these skinks are pretty tiny, not much bigger than a gecko. The drop tails do drop their tails and I am pretty sure that's what skinks are. But I could be wrong.
      The dental office is very nice, cool and calm, with a section off to the other side that has a big screen TV and a couch. i never sit there as I know I'd fall asleep.
      I have all the twins photos from the very first days in folders on my laptop. Daddy is still very proud, though a little more tired these days. He has a long commute to and from his work.

  3. It's great that the ice cream is locally made and without palm oil, even if that particular flavour wasn't to your taste.
    How clever to put the water dispenser on the side table, or built into it.
    No-one's butterfly photo is excellent and the lizard photos pretty good.
    I can't say I've ever seen a skink in a cupboard.
    Nice to see the girls having a cuddle.

    1. Andrew; Golden North has been "my" ice cream for a very long time now, ever since I realised the palm oils in other brands were what caused me digestive troubles.
      The water dispenser is built into the table, that square box under is the cooler, plumbed in, to dispense from the nice curved tap.
      I've never seen a skink in a cupboard either and I'm surprised I was able to catch it, they're speedy little buggers.
      The girls love cuddles and even cuddle me! And they can say the word cuddle now to.

  4. It would be wonderful to have water available everywhere! One of my dentist's has it in the waiting area, but everyone else I must ask.

    1. Joanne; most places here have water available, certainly doctors waiting rooms as well as hospital waiting rooms and most dentists. I usually carry my own just in case anyway.

  5. I'm sorry you're have to have more dental work done, it's just no fun but necessary.

    The butterfly is beautiful, and yes, it does look like autumn there.

    The girls are wonderful, twins almost always have a very special bond.

    1. messymimi; the dental work is an ongoing project, I can only afford a couple of teeth at a time, then save up for the next year's round. This time however, I have lost many teeth and have a denture, so once these two crowns are done I just need one more tooth pulled, it's beyond saving, having had too many fillings already, and that should be the end of it.
      Did you notice "no-one" drew a person on the second butterfly showing is could almost be a dress? It is beginning to look more like autumn, though we don't get the extreme colour changes, but it certainly still feels like summer!
      I hope the twins stay close all their lives.

  6. Interesting regarding that icecream, can say I've never seen it in Woolies as yet, could be there.
    Now your Bluey is cute and it's always good to see these creatures about outside.
    The twins, well haven't they grown as we expect them too but great to see them with their proud happy dad...lovely selection R.

    1. Margaret D; Woolies does carry it but only two flavours, Vanilla and Boysenberry and a very small amount, they give more space to Streets and Peters. Perhaps they only carry it in SA though. If you are ever in SA, Foodland Stores have a much bigger range of flavours.
      The bluey is cute and I hope he sticks around.
      The twins are growing so fast, 3 years from now they will be in school!

  7. I LOVE salted caramel ice cream! ... If not sweet!
    I focus on the POST-sign... huh, dentist! And disposable cups, argh. On Singapore Airlines they every 45 minutes offered you water in the tiniest disposable cups I´ve ever seen.
    What a waste and on a flight you are thirsty (luckily we had water bottles, also).
    We had but white breads in Perth - it was for free. And the only thing that was good in Germany: Bread.
    Oh, yes. Autumn on the way. Sad.
    I hope for butterflies this year. Last summer I saw but one! Love the lizard - touched one in Caversham. Ingo 1999 grabbed one and put him off the road - was that one angry!
    Hi Bluey!
    Wow. Two years ago... Isn´t this amazing. And YES to holding hands!
    Thank you for the smiles!

    1. Iris; this particular one is too sweet, even for me. I won't buy it again, there are so many other flavours I can enjoy instead.
      I am looking forward to autumn, it is cooler so I can get out and walk more, hoping I can lose a bit more weight that way.
      Ingo was lucky the lizard didn't bite, they don't have poison, but they bite hard and don't let go.
      I'm very happy the twins like to hold hands with me too, the pull me to the door and say "out" while they knock on the door so I will open it.

    2. Oh boy!!! Ingo was really lucky back then then with the lizard!!! He just wanted to help... And maybe the lizard understood?
      Ingo got some salted caramel at Woolies. Wasn´t that bad. The best we got at Waldecks, I think it was from Langnese - sadly have not seen it here.
      Yes to holding hands. It must be awesome to have a sibling so close (my Brother is over 5 years younger than me).

    3. My brother is only 17 months younger, but my sister is 3 years and 8 months older.

  8. I always enjoy your Sunday Selections. There's so much to look at and they're so varied. It was lovely to see the twins from day one until now. It was so sweet that they held hands when sleeping.

    1. jabblog; when the twins got a bit older they still slept in one cot and would wriggle in their sleep until they were touching.

  9. Skinks in your couboard, nice!
    And so much better than mice.

    1. Charlotte; definitely better than mice, but I would prefer he didn't find a way back in, there is no food for him in the cupboards.

  10. Ice cream is my downfall. It's an extra 30 pounds on me.

    1. Mike; it has been my downfall in the past too, along with chocolate. but I am slowly losing the extra weight I gained from stuffing myself and limiting my portions.

  11. The icecream can be a weakness of mine.

    1. Dora; mine too, but I am being so much more careful with portion sizes now and the extra weight is slowly coming off.

  12. Bluey is quite an impressive lizard! Does ice cream normally contain gluten? I would think all ice cream would be gluten free, unless it had biscuits in it. Maybe the manufacturer will see your review and tone down the sugar content. :)


  13. Time passes...but I finally made it, a couple of days late! So slack am I!

    I hope all is well with you down your way, River, and remains so. Take good care. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

  14. Nice to see your dentist is down the street from my favourite Indian restaurant!


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