Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. bewilderment 

2. gossamer 

3. midnight 

4. windowless 

5. previous 

6. umbrella 

7. survivor

Included also is Charlotte's colour of the month which is Olive Green.

Here is my story:

In the pouring rain that was finally putting out the last smouldering embers, the workmen drilled at the edges of the locks on the steel door of the small windowless concrete building. A previous fire at the same residence had caused the owner to build the structure to house his most precious items safely. He knew his old “mates” from his bikie gang days were responsible for this latest attempt on his life, they claimed he had run off with their safe full of drugs and were after revenge. He’d been a survivor all his life, but he now had a family and they needed to be kept safe too.

As the final lock was drilled free, the crowds waiting heaved a sigh of relief as the fire chief slowly pulled the door away and held his olive green umbrella so the two small children with gossamer fine hair and midnight black eyes could walk out. The bewilderment on their faces at the proceedings cleared as they saw their father and ran towards him. His wife followed more slowly, panic still in her eyes, though her steps were sure and steady. He nodded to her and an unspoken agreement was reached. They would leave the country and settle elsewhere.


  1. What a terrifying way to live.

    1. jabblog; I imagine it would be, but they manage to get away this time.

  2. Gossamer!! What a great word!! I love it, River.

    1. Mr. Shife; gossamer is one of my favourite words. Thank you.

  3. His most precious items indeed. Yet another great take on the prompts.

    1. Elephant's Child; the most precious indeed. Thank you.

  4. Very nice story you have written! I will keep the words and try. If I manage to write I will come back and leave the link

  5. I can understand if any of them what anxiety.

    1. Dora; always having to look over your shoulder and worry creates anxiety. And he didn't even do what the Bikies say he did.

  6. Yes - get away while still in one piece. Well written!

    1. Charlotte; definitely get away while you are all still alive and together. Thank you.

  7. Well done River.
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Margaret D; thank you. Happy Easter to you too.

  8. Oh, boy, that was a very scary one!
    Sad when your past closes up like this (not that we have such one, right).

    1. Iris; I'm glad I don't have such a past either.

  9. Good luck to them. Wouldn't want him to end up a headless body in a septic tank, as was discovered near here.

    1. Val; they will have the luck they need, there will be no headless bodies.

  10. 😊 I managed to write a text! Copy and paste the link!

    1. Katerina's Blog; your story is very good. Thank you for joining us.

  11. It's another reason I have never been so envious of those who get rich (or try to) by nefarious means. Better to be less well off and not have to look over your shoulder.

    1. messymimi; in this case he has to look over his shoulder because of his past ties to a bikie gang that was involved in criminal activities, though he himself never took part.


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