Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by ME and can be found right here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. bewilderment 

2. gossamer 

3. previous 

4. umbrella 

5. survivor 

6. midnight 

7. windowless

Charlotte's colour of the month is Olive Green if you would like to include it.

My story will appear on this blog on Friday as always.


  1. Facebook is a great tool. You can talk to peeps around the globe, no matter the midnight-hour or such and so I chatted with friend M from South-Perth.

    I said there is a gossamer chance it might rain when I have to got to the city and he said, "take a brolly!".
    Huh? Bewilderment. WHAT I am to take????
    M: "An um-brel-la!!!" Gosh, you Aussies with your funny abbreviations! But, like my Mum in previous times just used to say, take an umbrella and it won´t rain.
    And both were right, I was a dry survivor walking through the city, windowless, so to say.

    Sorry, that´s all I can come up with, River.
    I´m certainly looking very much forward to read yours and I hope I used the words correctly cause #2 I had to look up!

    1. Iris Flavia: I love this - and Australian slang confuses a lot of people. And it is true, if you forget your brolly it will rain all day.

    2. Iris; it's an excellent story and I like your use of Aussie slang.

    3. Elephant's Child, it took me a while but I think I learned a lot of the Aussie-stuff by now :-)
      And yips... no rain at all that day!


      River, thank you, as always... from real life... I am just not that creative, sadly...

    4. Nice story, and yes, if you take an umbrella, it often prevents the rain.

    5. That's just how it is. Bring an umbrella, and not a drop all day!

  2. Seen in this post, fine I'll try to write some text and get back with links. Iris Flavia Perfect! Have a nice day!

    1. Katerina; I am interested in what you might write.

    2. Katerina, thank you :-) Looking forward to yours.

  3. It is all a question of perception. Roger, Peta’s previous boyfriend, had said that she had a gossamer thin grasp on reality.
    As far as Peta was concerned he lived in a midnight dark windowless world and refused to allow any joy in his life.
    She refused to follow suit. If she believed that her very favourite Olive Green umbrella had the power to carry her across time and space, she wasn’t hurting anyone. Daniel (who had replaced Roger) showed all the signs of being a survivor. He viewed some of Peta’s announcements and beliefs with bewilderment but accepted them as part of the idiosyncratic, highly imaginative whole – and delighted in them and her.

    1. Elephant's Child; nicely done. I think Daniel is better for Peta than Roger who is welcome to stay in his dark windowless life. Alone.

    2. Well done, too! To people like Daniel who take the risk and adventure!

    3. Those who live in that dark world have a tendency to grasp onto those who see the bright side as a drowning person grasps a life vest, while denigrating them at the same time. It can suck the life out of you.

    4. Rather cryptic to me, I suppose it ended on a happy note.

  4. Thank you!

    I have to get to work now, but will do what I can when I get home.

  5. I am Easter and garden busy - the best kind! But I managed a Plant edition ;)

    1. Charlotte; I used to want to be garden busy, but now I'm happy with a garden that mostly looks after itself.

    2. Mine would be overgrown in Ground Elder, Bindweed and odd grasses if left to itself - don't ask me how I know this!

  6. From the previous midnight, Olive Green still sat in bewilderment in her windowless basement as a tornado survivor in her gossamer nightgown holding her useless umbrella waiting for help.


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