
 I saw this over at Granny Annie's and loved it. Once again I am unable to link,

It seems there are rumours that Michael Jackson is reincarnated.

You decide:

Yes? No?

If the video doesn't show, find it at you Tube:

type in:  Duck Moonwalk - Beat It


Val said…
Heh, heh! Not sure if that's enough evidence for me. I had a colleague who swore that MJ faked his death, and still lives. But I also had another who believed BigFoot is real. Everybody is entitled to their conspiracies. I'm not one to judge!
messymimi said…
I saw this there, too. It's quite fun.
River said…
Joanne; I agree with you.
River said…
Val; I'll say it is MJ, just the foot movements is enough evidence.
River said…
messymimi; it is fun :)
Iris Flavia said…
Too funny! Hope his dance was successful!
Margaret D said…
Ha! well who ever made that clip did a good job - love it R.
River said…
Iris; I hope so too, but it is uncanny how the feet move just like Michael Jackson.
Andrew said…
I am grinning widely. That cheered me up no end.
jabblog said…
That is such fun! Don't some birds have to work hard to attract a mate?
Steve Reed said…
Ha! At first I thought it was for real but then the moonwalk was a step too far. LOL
Bob said…
I imagine if the duck had a white glove on one wing it'd be a sure thing!
When I was young I am glad that I was not a drake. Having to perform like that to attract females would have been very tiring.
hels said…
I would guess that one of the talented ducks is hot to trot and just wanted to attract a member of the opposite sex.
River said…
Margaret D; I wish I was that clever :)
River said…
Andrew; I am glad to hear it :) :)
River said…
jabblog; many males in the animal world have elaborate mating rituals but this one is really good.
River said…
Steve Reed; you are right of course, but it is fun to watch.
River said…
Bob; I hadn't thought of that, I'd forgotten the white glove.
River said…
Charlotte; Jagger does have some great moves.
River said…
Yorkshire Pudding; I imagine it would be tiring, but human males have their own personal rituals too, the primping and preening, the extra close shave etc.
River said…
hels; yes, that would be true, but the MJ moves are pretty good.
Wisewebwoman said…

I hope his lady was impressed.
River said…
WWW; I think she would have to be after that.

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