Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by David M. Gascoigne and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. damn 2. campaign 3. missile 4. vital 5. assure 


1. practitioner 2. movement 3. futile 4. eternal 5. interpret

Also including Charlotte's colour of the month, red-orange

Here is my story; a further chapter in Tom's Story:

Dr Bruce Jones fretted and scowled and he paced the room and kicked at furniture. “Damn them all to eternal hell,” he muttered. His long-term campaign to have Stephanie Hammer meekly sign over her ownership of The Scenic Retreat had failed. It had been vital that she remain sedated and dazed, unable to fully remember the past or to interpret her dreams. The price he’d paid for those black-market pills was too high now with the dealer knowing how much he needed them and taking advantage, and with Stephanie spending more and more time at the retreat, away from his care, the grey curtains shadowing her mind were being lifted. He suspected the Saunders couple were not giving her the medications he had sent along. It didn't help that Andrea had been stealing some of those pills for herself!

The developer who desperately wanted that land had demanded to know why it was taking so long and his last phone call had been threatening. Bruce hastened to assure the man that he would come up with a new plan, but the developer was quite furious and his threats to uncover Bruce’s deceptions were alarming. He knew Bruce’s past, his times in prisons, that he most certainly wasn’t the specialist practitioner he claimed to be. He also knew Andrea’s weaknesses and would use those to his own advantage. It seemed he had spies everywhere, making sure Bruce knew “that missing kid” had turned up and was staying at the retreat with the elderly Saunders couple who had recognised him immediately, looking almost exactly like his father now that he had grown up.

The Police were now involved too, though neither the developer nor Bruce could discover what had brought them to Shark Cove. A movement outside had Bruce rushing to the window, was there someone out there? Did the developer have eyes on the clinic too? Another movement drew his eyes to the trees at the edge of the garden, the falling orange-red leaves must have been what caught his eye. He swore at himself, tamping down his rising panic, falling apart now would be futile, there must be some way out of this mess. He couldn’t send Andrea to town again, she was useless to him now, being afraid she might be spotted by the police again and drinking far too much now that Bruce had hidden the pills. He yanked the drapes closed and resumed his pacing, thankful that Andrea was sleeping off another drinking session. Something would have to be done about her.


  1. I really liked the text River!
    It is well written, creates images
    and connections and most of all makes us try to find causes and solutions for the protagonists!!
    I liked it very much!
    If I find time I'll try to write and come back with links (last week I couldn't unfortunately)!

    1. Katerinas Blog; thank you, it is time Dr Bruce Jones was brought back into the story.

  2. Oh dear. Your Dr Jones is much, much nastier than mine. And in too deep. Well written.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. He is in too deep and the developers patience has worn too thin after all these years.

  3. Different style of writing than seen before.

    1. Dora; I'm writing about one of the bad characters this time.

  4. As said, write short stories to publish, this is great!
    Though that Andrea reminds of my Brother´s ex.
    She started becoming a nurse. Stole sleeping pills, got caught, lost the job and then very much vodka was involved.
    When after way too many years (she turned up drunk at our Dad´s funeral even!) he came to me for help. Then I went to my doc cause I felt unwell and she said he needs a pro - whom he took in Braunschweig and went after each session to me. That Andrea seems to be like that, too. Pills and alcohol.
    Sad. You have but one life...

    1. Iris; this Andrea knows about bad things that have been done and is trying to drown her guilty conscience.
      I have a lot of short stories that aren't quite finished, they are all from years of Words for
      Wednesday, maybe I should put them in a book and call it "Unfinished Business"

    2. Good idea with the "Unfinished Business"-book!!!

  5. Well done R with the story. Loved that red text.😉

    1. Margaret D; thank you. I try to put Charlotte's colour prompt in the right colour when I can.

  6. This is becoming very dark.
    Your idea of a book of short stories, 'Unfinished Business', is a good one.

    1. jabblog; there are some dark parts and more to come, though they take me longer to work out than the happy bits.

  7. Dun dun DUNNNN! Doesn't sound good for Andrea!

    1. Val; no spoilers now, keep this under your hat.

  8. Good story. Here is what I have come up with:

    Damn! Samuel ground his teeth. The campaign had gone smoothly, with all his troops in place. But the struggles seemed to be futile. Clarrise had launched the missile, hitting vital targets. The movement up the right flank seemed to assure success, but it could not be. Damn, Samuel groaned and growled. That was when it all came to an end.

    Clarisse’s mother had come to take her home early. Samuel’s mom thanked her profusely. Being a practitioner of destruction, Samuel took off with his mother chasing him. He and Clarisse had left a messy field of massacred knickknacks, nice crystal, and a scattering of plastic soldiers.
    Another day, another battle.

    1. Samuel does seem to leave destruction in his wake.

  9. He played the game and he's losing, and deserves to.

    1. Massacred knick-knacks?? Perhaps Samuel's mother needs to put things in locked cabinets for a while. I'm very glad I didn't have a "Samuel"


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