Sunday Selections # 689

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

Just for a change, we begin with the girls today:

enjoying sausage rolls

here's another autumn tree in my street

a closeup of the leaves

and the spiky seed balls

I closed my laptop last week to find Lola sound asleep behind it

here's a "self-portrait" I scribbled years ago, 😀 it's on my wall with a lot of other stuff and I rarely notice it

my mother's day gift from the twins and parents

and the cup of tea I enjoyed once I got home again

a beautiful car in a beautiful blue, in the supermarket parking lot

Continuing now with photos from my brother R somewhere in the Northern Territory

no commentary necessary I think

See you next Sunday, same time, same place.


  1. Fantastic photos,
    the twins are very cute,
    the cup of tea is delicious!
    See you next Sunday!

    1. Katerinas Blog; thank you. It was peppermint tea and very nice.

  2. Who doesn't like sausage rolls?
    I smiled to see Lola - she knows where to find the warmth. Lovely autumn colours in your trees.
    The rock formations in the Northern Territory are astonishing. The descriptions of the rock drawings are very helpful.

    1. jabblog; who doesn't like sausage rolls? That would be me. I used to love them as a child, but these days the pastry just isn't the same and it has very little taste. Lola likes to hide and sleep where she can't be seen and that liitle patch gets quite warm when the sun comes in the window. I've included descriptions because I can't remember what most of the photos are or where they are.

  3. That autumn tree is what we in the States would call a gum tree, or a sweet gum -- which I know is different from a gum tree in Australia.

    I love your self-portrait! :)

    1. Steve Reed; the tree is a liquid amber, in my previous home there was a fully gorwn one right next door, a stunning sight each autumn. Hah, on the self-portrait. I don't actually have a witch's hat.

  4. Another delightful selection. I do love liquid ambers - ours are still in their autumn finery too. Those spiky balls can be treacherous though.

    1. Elephant's Child; thank you. I love them too, but try to kick the balls away from my feet, well to the sides so that others with walkers or canes don't come to grief.

  5. A nice bright start to Sunday. Thanks, River. :)

    Keep warm and relaxed through the coming week...snuggle up with Lola in front of or behind the laptop! Cuddles to lovely Lady Lola from me. ::)

    1. Lee; thank you, I'll try to keep warm, I have the aircon running today, but can't have it on 24/7. Snuggling with Lola has me covered in cat hair as her summer coat sheds and the winter fluff grows in. I may have to buy one of those hand held vacuum cleaners to get it off my clothes!

  6. Sausage rolls sound messy for the girls to eat, but then at that age, everything is messy.
    I remember the liquid amber seed pods from our own tree many years ago.
    The tea set looks very nice.
    We've been to where your brother was and it was so interesting and beautiful views from the top of the rocks.

    1. Andrew; hopefully the girls will soon learn to eat more neatly, the sausage rolls aren't too bad, it's the "need a spoon" foods that are more messy.
      The top of the rocks is another nice memory for you of times with Ray.

  7. Lovely photos. NT looking good. The twins are sweet, your drawing is fabulous I like it.

    1. Margaret D; thank you, I rescued you from spam again, you seem to land there every week now. The twins are getting much more vocal now and I've been told they get most of the words right when they sing along with some songs. Thank you re the drawing.

  8. The gum ball tree can be a pain in the foot. You can have it injected in the spring and it won't produce the gum balls. There is a two week window to get it done.

    1. Mike; it is a street tree so no tampering, but the spiky balls are easy enough to kick to the kerb.

  9. LOL, I misread "annoying sausage rolls" - I don´t like these and my brain... well ;-)
    A fun start to your post!
    How can that ever be a self-portrait? Did you have a very sad day?

    Please. Please explain the tea-thing to me!
    I found one like that in the street and took it home. It is beautiful, but I have no idea how to use it!
    Do you prepare it in another container, split it up then? That would be too much of a fuss, no?
    Car suits your hat ;-)

    There were no signs like that back in 1995... Great there are now (1999 we just passed through and had to pay nothing).
    Have a lovely Sunday.

    1. Iris; the "self-portrait" is a joke, me looking like an old witch.
      The tea set is four pieces, the saucer, the cup and the glass teapot which fits insde the cup for storage and the "strainer/steeper" which sits inside the teapot. and then the lid which makes five pieces. You take the teapot out of the cup, put tea leaves in the steeper and add boiling water to make the tea which you then pour into the cup.
      I should have taken photos of the separate parts as I made my tea. I don't use the "steeper" part, just make tea and use a wire strainer when I pour it into the cup.
      I am glad there are signs now expalining some of the drawings and stories and how some parts came to be as they are.

    2. Yes, I have such a set, too, as said, found in the street. I thought the "pot" is for extra-storage of tea... no? Well it is just nice deco here - after all I got "Rexi" now ;-)

  10. That tree is stunning and the stone formations impressing. I love your self portrait, you've got to find a hat like that!

    1. Charlotte; it is a stunning tree and will be more impressive at full size a few years from now. I could probably buy a hat like that....

  11. Those girls are living the life, being pushed around, enjoying a sausage roll! I love how Lola appears to be boneless while napping. Your "self-portrait" is great, even though not a fair representation.

    1. Val; they certainly are living the life! Sad that they won't remember much of it when they are older and have chores and school. The self-portrait is a bit of a joke, it represents how I feel some days.

  12. Delightful photos! And "self-portrait," you had me laughing.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I like to make people laugh.

  13. A sausage roll is a perfect food for a toddler. It fits into the hand easily and doesn't need cutlery. Or adult assistance.

    1. hels; unless there is sauce involved, then you need bibs and wipes.


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