Sunday Seletions #688

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

beginning with "old faithful" my much loved, now dead, washing machine with the newer tumble dryer stacked on top.

an original Asko, Made in Sweden, guaranteed for 25 years. She lived to be 27 and survived five house moves. The crack and missing section (the black hole) in that panel is from being dropped a few feet off the back of the trailer during her final move.

At the local laundromat, thankfully within easy walking distance, this wall is the bank of eight giant tumble dryers, $1 gets you six minutes of drying time and there are temperature selection buttons for high, medium or low heat.

along the second wall are eight machines, these two being the largest and probably able to easily wash king size doonas (duvets, quilts, featherbeds whatever you call them)

the middle three slightly smaller ones which I will use soon to wash all the blankets that I use on the armchairs all winter and the one on my bed that Lola loves to sleep on. Perhaps I'll just put them all at once into one of the giant machines.

at the end are the three smallest machines, though they are still larger than anything you'd have at home, and you can see my sheets and pillowcases tumbling around in one while the other has my clothes.

two good sized sorting-and-folding tables

and a rail where people can hang forgotten items they might find in a machine

across the tiles is the local Woolworths supermarket, I don't shop there as much as I used to, I prefer the locally owned supermarket across the road.

a half grown tree changing its colours

and a baby one doing the same

a trio of autumn trees seen through the front window of the bus

two palm trees with a fluffy cloud sailing past behind them, these are on Henley Beach Road, way across town, where I went to an appliance store and ordered my new washing machine, one I could afford and has an easy one dial control, instead of the multiple computerised choices which I find impossible to use. 

a couple of cheeky lads, this is a coffee shop/cafe which also has a footpath window you can order from to sip while you walk or wait for a bus.

Lola stretched out in a patch of sunshine on my table, looking much more like the kitten she once was than an old girl almost 15 which is 76 in cat years.

from my brother, this is "Elsey Cemetery" in the Northern Territory.

information about some of the unknown "tenants"

a big headstone

a gateway I think, or a memorial?

and statues of Jeanie and Aeneas Gunn, with Jeanie being the author of the classic Australian novel "We of the Never-Never" about Elsey Station  in the 1890s. A "station" is what Americans would call a 'ranch"

Anastasia with her hair loose, she began the day with pigtails.

Genevieve with her ponytail still intact, different hair styles helps us know who is who these days.

and this is what Gen's hair looks like now, it's getting longer.

This month's calendar page, very similar to last month's.

I won't be home to answer comments, I'll be having a Mother's Day lunch with the twins and their parents J (son) and S.


  1. I love the picture of Lola. And the girls are growing up!

    That cemetery looks really interesting. I'm impressed to see the woman with the big headstone lived to be 95!

    1. Steve Reed; Lola is very photogenic. The girls are not quite two, but are now copying so many words and understanding them too. 95 is a great age for those times.

  2. A really lovely and fascinating selection. Thank you - and enjoy your lunch.
    I hope your new machine arrives quickly. I have no idea where the closest laundromat to us would be.
    And love that your brother sent photos of 'your' cemetery.
    The twins are scene stealers of course. Twins of my acquaintance used to change their own hairstyles to match as soon as they were old enough.

    1. Elephant's Child; lunch was lovely, my son was the cook this time. my new machine won't arrive until close to the end of the month, new stock has to come in from overseas.
      I was wondering if I should ask to be buried in "my" cemetery, but I think not. the local teaching hospital can have my body and learn fron its awesomeness.
      The twins are definitely scene stealers and kept me busy right up until their nap time. Now I need a nap myself,.

  3. What a nice collection of photos this week.
    I expect I'd be shocked at coin laundry prices nowadays. It took me quite some time to master the controls of our combo washing machine. It is complicated and I had constantly refer to the manual just to use the basic washing and drying settings. I don't bother with any other setting than the standard wash and then add the drying time if needed.
    While I've read 'We of the Never Never', it was a long time ago and I don't remember that it was about a certain station.
    I hope you had a lovely family lunch.

    1. Andrew; thnak you. I'm a bit shocked at laundromat prices myself, and have bought extra socks and undies instead so I don't have to wash until the new machine arrives. I prefer a separate tumble dryer, so I can have one load drying while a second load washes if necessary.
      We of the Never-Never is about Elsey Cattle Station and its people. I have ordered a copy and am looking forward to reading it.
      Lunch was lovely, my son did the cooking.

  4. I cannot believe the cost of a laundromat. Or groceries or utilities, for that matter. The twins are bigger every week.

    1. Joanne; everything is so expensive these days, it must be really hard for those addicted to cigarettes or those who need medication to afford those and still eat properly.
      I haven't personally seen the twins for about a month and the change is remarkable, they are copying so many words now and learning things from kid TV programs, like Play School and Bluey.

  5. Australia only had evergreen trees, or so they used to say. But your half grown tree and the baby tree are showing autumn colours that are beautiful.

    1. hels; that is true, all the autumn colour changing trees were brought in, before that we only had the gums (eucalypts), the wattles and mallee scrub.And all the grasses of course.

  6. Replies
    1. The Happy Whisk; always looking for a place with cheaper rent is why we moved so much and there were other moves before I got that washing machine. All of us are settled now though and there will be no more moving. (unless I win lotto)

  7. Well I do trust you enjoyed your Mother's Day lunch R.
    Beautiful curly hair there and a lovely selection of Lola who looks as if she is enjoying that sun, gosh 15, she is doing well.
    We of the Never, Never - a book we had to read when at school, have no idea what it was about.

    1. Margaret D; lunch was very nice, my son did the cooking and we had roasted chicken with an assortment of roasted and steamed vegetables. The twins aren't at all picky about food and ate everything! I don't recall "We of the Never-Never" from school days, but I have now ordered a copy and look forward to reading about Elsey Cattle Station and its people.

  8. That is an exceptionally clean laundromat.

    1. Mike; it is wonderfully clean and while I was there a woman came in and wiped out recently used machines and wiped the doors and handles too.

  9. The laundromat is most impressive and well kept. Your old machine did so well. I hope the new one arrives soon and is simple to use.
    Lola looks very contented - cats don't age so visibly as dogs.
    I found the 'Unknowns' quite poignant - cemeteries are peaceful places, though. The little girls' hair is so pretty - I wonder if they'll appreciate having curls and corkscrews when they're older.
    I hope you enjoy/ed your lunch.

    1. jabblog; the laundromat is well kept, a woman came in while I was there and wiped out recently used machines. I purposely chose an easy to use new machine and it will arrive just before the end of the month.
      Lola is contented as long as she doesn't have one of her migraines, they make her so miserable, and then she has her dermatitis allergy too, but we have that controlled for now.
      I haven't yet read all the information on the photos of signs R sends to me.
      I did enjoy lunch, thank you.
      I hope the girls appreciate their hair, but they probably won't appreciate the tangles those curls can get into.

  10. Thank you for all the memories! When we traveled your wonderful country we also visited many a laundromat!
    And my first own apartment had a laundromat right opposite (I had a cheap washing machine, but sometimes we went in for the memories).
    That baby-tree is cute.
    And Lola, of course!!!!
    We sadly missed the Elsey Cemetery in 1999. Thank you for sharing this!
    The twins sure grow up fast... And nice calendar page. I kinda crave a taco now....
    Bet you enjoyed your Mother´s Day lunch :-) To a happy one.

    1. Iris; laundromats are so handy when you need them and Australia has plenty of them. You can maybe catch up with the Elsey Cemetery on your next visit? The twins are talking more now and copying words they hear us say too, they still talk a lot of baby babble that we can't understand, but many words are becoming clear now. They will soon be two years old! Lunch was very nice, my son cooked and we had roasted chicken and vegetables. The twins have good appetites and are not afraid to try new foods.

  11. That's the best laundry facility I have ever seen or used. And good luck on your new washing machine. Enjoy your mother's day with your family and those girlies continue to glow and grow!

    1. Wisewebwoman; it is very clean and airy, has been there for about three years but I've never needed to use it before. Mother's Day was lovely, thank you.

  12. I'm glad you are getting a new machine, and meanwhile, it's good the laundromat is around the corner.

    Your selections always make me smile. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. messymimi; I'll be glad when the machine arrives and is installed, the company will also take away the old machine. It's handy to have a laundromat within a shopping center, you can get your shopping done while your things get washed and dried.

  13. The post is rich! I'm glad that you have laundry facilities nearby and can cover the needs for sewing (in Greece there are no such structures, maybe in Athens but I haven't seen them there either). Twins grow up very fast.
    I really liked the statue of the writer.
    Have a beautiful week!

    1. Katerinas Blog; I am very glad the laundromat is close by, I can take my blankets there at the end of winter before I pack them away for summer. I remember when the twins were born, so tiny like little dolls, now they are walking and talking.

  14. Nice laundromat. I like the thoughtfulnes of a rail for forgotten items. Cute twins and pretty trees and landscapes round off this post perfectly.

    1. Charlotte; it is a very nice laundromat, most I've seen in Australia are similar in space and cleanliness. The twins are so cute still but fast becoming little girls and leaving the baby behind.


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