Sunday Selections # 687

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one, though he may not join us this weekMessymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

There are no pictures of the twins today, the whole family has been unwell with some version of the flu. 😢

From R and V:

Elsey National Park, in the Northern Territory about 100Km south of Katherine

there is a thermal pool there

doesn't that look inviting?

I'd be in !

remember to pack your swimming gear

a little information about Larrimah and the railways

the Larrimah Pub, looks like a fun place

I don't remember why I put this one in, I don't think it's part of Larrimah

another view of the Larrimah Pub

Back at home now:

once upon a time (just last month) there was a nice little house here

now there is an empty block, soon to be filled with bland townhouses and no yard space.

very shiny apples in my favourite supermarket (NOT Woolies, nor Coles)

tri-coloured leaf spotted on the way home

this from "no-one" is a new style rubbish bin in Rundle Mall in the city, with slots on the sides for recyclables so homeless people who gather these for cash don't have to go rummaging through the bins.

the twins have adopted a new family member, meet Arielle, age 7

a short video of Lola doing her best to ignore the tiny ball of rolled up velcro that I threw for her to play with last year. She so rarely plays....


  1. That pool looks so inviting and the tri-colour leaf is lovely. Well spotted!

    1. jabblog; if that pool was anywhere near me I'd be in it every day. The leaf was the only one on that whole stretch of footpath.

  2. The thermal pool is quite enticing. I'm glad you explained the purpose of the rubbish bin. It's a great idea. I thought Lola was able to resist that temptation, and was surprised when she pounced on the velcro ball.

    1. I was happy to see Lola play even a little bit and this was last year I think, now she just eats and sleeps. I'd love a thermal pool near me.

  3. Love that tri-coloured leaf and the pool.
    Batty doesn't often play either. Oddie does. Including with things I would rather he left alone.
    Andrew has joined us this week.

    1. Elephant's Child; I almost brought that leaf home just because it is pretty. I'm happy to hear Oddie plays and maybe Batty will join him more often eventually. Angel used to love his velcro ball, he had a green one and I found it recently when I moved the fridge to clean behind it, I remembered him batting it all over the place. I'll pop over to Andrew a bit later. Going shopping first for a washing machine, the store opens at noon and I have to catch two buses to get there.

  4. "soon to be filled with bland (EXPENSIVE) townhouses and no yard space"

    1. Mike; yes, EXPENSIVE, though I have no doubt at all they will be snapped up very quickly. Just not by me, I would never buy a place with no yard space.

  5. Hi interesting old outback hotel Larrimah is...with history attached!

    The only supermarket I shop at is IGA...I find it very good, and the staff are a great lot at our local store.

    The twins new pet is a cutie. They will love Ariette. I'm with Lola...too lazy to play with balls, preferring to snooze! :)

    Have a good week cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; have you been to Larrimah? There are IGAs here too but not close enough to where I live and I really don't want to be dragging trolley loads on the buses. I'm happy to snooze along with Lola too for a couple of hours after lunch every day.

    2. No, I've never been to Larrimah, River....but I've heard a bit about it. "Last Stop Larrimah" the documentary-series is streaming on Netflix. I've got it continue watching it. It deals with the reality of a mysterious disappearance in the town, where any of the 11 inhabitants could be a killer.

      Our local IGA store here on the mountain isn't too far from where I live...only a couple or so kms away. And I drive my little Toyota Echo to and fro. Actually, when the new store opened a few years ago I was honoured to be asked to assist in said opening of the new centre...cutting the ribbon and cake etc. It was a fun experience. And from that, I guess its why I call the store "my own"! :) All the staff are wonderful to me...a very caring lot of people.

    3. That sounds very much like something I recently watched called "Population 11"

  6. Arielle looks inquisitive about the phone camera thingie.
    Our late friend was an NT policeman and was based in Larrimah in a single person police station and the area he covered was huge, so its interesting to see these photos. His Aboriginal tracker lived in small accommodation behind the police house. Their friendship remained after he left the police force to enter politics.

    I hope the unwell household recovers quickly.

    1. Andrew; the unwell household is fully recovered and J&S took the twins to a footy match yesterday afternoon, then they all dropped in to visit "no-one". Was your friend at Larrimah when the as-yet unsolved murder mystery happened?
      I hope Arielle is gentle with the twins and hope they are gentle with her too.

  7. Fresh fruit always looks so appealing. Is that shine natural?

    1. hels; I think the girl stocking the fruit took some time to shine those apples unless the packing company did it. I don't recall seeing such shiny fruit instore before. I remember always shining my apples when I kept them in a fruit bowl on the table.

  8. Our apples runs about 3 to 4 a pound. Some time we can find them on sale for around 2 a pound. Not sure how that compares to your prices.

    1. Dora; our prices are per kilo (kilogram) which just over two pounds, so a half kilo is about a pound or slightly less and would be $2.95.

  9. That's such a lovely place to visit, I'd swim, too, and I haven't done that for years.

    I like the colorful fruit and the leaf. I hope Arielle and her new family adapt to each other quickly and well.

    1. messymimi; I don't swim well but I'd be in there for sure. I haven't heard any bad news about Arielle, so I think she has settled in nicely.

  10. Hopefully the family are well now R.
    Love that leaf it's certainly different with that shape inside of it.
    The pool looks good too.

    1. Margaret D; the family are well again, thank goodness. I have never been in a thermal pool, but I'd like to one day. I have seen leaves like that before but never with the green so defined.

  11. Awww that is Mataranka!!!! I have a pic of "back then " for you :-)

    Our apples look bad compared with this!

    Oh, boy. Here the system for recyclebles is for retired persons, even sadder, I need to take a pic....
    Arielle is very cute! If looking a bit like, "hey, no pic!!"
    Lola!! :-)
    Pic of pool in my place from waaaay back then...

    Hope your family is back to health soon again!

    1. Iris; my brother R and V are certainly finiding many places I never knew about! The family is all well again. The photo of Arielle is from her first day home, she was a bit startled I think.

    2. I am sa... glad we did travel, but sad we missed so much as back then there was no internet. All we had was a paper-travel-book (Lonely Planet Australia).
      And no time limit!!! We could´ve seen so much more, sleeping in the car, parking anywhere was OK back then!

  12. The thermal pool looks really pleasant. And Larrimah! I mentioned not too long ago watching a crazy documentary about that place called "Last Stop Larrimah." The pub plays a central role in the film!

    1. Steve Reed; I don't watch documentaries so I have never heard of that one, but I do now know about some of the history there. I would love a dip in a thermal pool :)

  13. 3 coloured leaf - never saw a thing like it, so lovely , and that pool ... and old, mysterious inns. I have to go and buy a lottery ticket to win enough money to go visit Australia for a long, long trip. So much to see yet :D

    1. Charlotte; the leaf was changing to its autumn colours. I hope you do win enough money to visit and tour Australia.


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