you all remember me bragging about my faithful old washing machine?

 still working like new after 27 years? 

sadly, I can brag no more. 

she is kaput 😢

loaded the clothes this morning, added the soap powder and turned the dial. 

water rushed in and the cycle is ticking away, but the drum isn't turning so nothing is getting washed.

it has a child proof lock so I can't even open it until the cycle is completed, then I'll have to drag out sopping wet clothes and haul them to the laundromat at the shopping centre.

But there is WORSE news! 😧

Message from S, mother of the twins and three older boys, HER machine is also broken down 😢😢


  1. Oh no! Not your faithful old washing machine! So sorry that happened after your Lola mattress incident. You are due for some better luck.

    1. Reply moved itself to below Andrew, which is a bit odd, but it's happened before, blogger playing games again.

  2. Maybe there'll be a nice discount for two new washing machines, although hers would no doubt be larger than what you need. My front loader won't open until it has finished the cycle but if I turn it off at the wall for a while, the door will release.

    1. Andrew; S and J will have to buy their own machine, I can't afford two. I've been looking at machines online and the prices are eyewatering!

  3. Val; luck seems to be avoiding me this year.

    1. though I did find a five cent piece on my way to posting letters this morning :)

  4. Look into commercial grade Speed Queen. No electronics. At least they didn't have any when I got ours 14 years ago.

    1. Mike; I don't think we have those in Australia and they are far too big for the space I have available, also the door it has to go through is narrow, only 66cm.

  5. Oh no! Two machines, not good. It's a big hassle when you have dripping wet washing to wring out by hand..when first married never had a washing machine, did it all by hand for about 1 and 1/2 years.

    1. Margaret D; when I first married we bought a secondhand Hoover twintub, thought it was a great bargain at only $20, but we learned the washing tub worked just fine and the spinner tub didn't! I had to wring out by hand too, with a new baby going through a dozen nappies a day! it's amazing what we can do when we have to. S, (twins mum) is having a new machine delivered today and I am shopping for one this afternoon.

  6. I am really sorry to read this - though it doesn't owe you anything. There is never a good time for a washing machine to give up the ghost.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was hoping it would last just a bit longer, to the end of winter at least. The initial guarantee was for 25 years of heavy duty daily use and I didn't use it more than twice a week, so I got an extra two years at least. Going machine shopping tomorrow.

  7. A guarantee for 25 years? That is incredible. We have to pay extra to get 10 years. Even so, I'm sorry your machine has given up the ghost and particularly sorry about the sopping wet, heavy laundry you now have to deal with. Poor S - it's no joke being without a machine with children in the house.

  8. jabblog; it was an Asko and was actually "made in Sweden" these days they are all made in China I think. I wrung out what I could from the wet clothes and schlepped it all to the laundrmat where the machines took care of it all quite quickly.

  9. I wash all smalls in my bath at night - undies, bras, blouses etc. The only thing that has to be taken to the laundry around the corner are sheets and tea towels, once a fortnight.

    1. Hels; I used to do my smalls but wringing out is harder now with arthritis in my hands. I really dislike putting so many coins into the laundromat machines.

  10. Please accept my condolences on the death of your washing machine. Twenty seven years old is far too young to go to heaven. But it is possible to bring your machine back to life! Adelaide Washing Machine Repairs now employ a brilliant repair man called Jesus. He can perform miracles.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; thank you, but the machine is obsolete and made in Sweden, so parts probably can't be found and repairs might cost as much as a new machine with no guarantee it would last. I'm going to an appliance shop later today and see what's available in my price bracket.

  11. That is so sad. It sure gave you a good run!

    1. Jenn Jilks; thank you, I actually cried a little, I loved that machine!

  12. How awful! I've outlasted all my machines. They're in other families now. And that's saying something for the thirty year old Maytag.

    1. Joanne; I was hoping this one would outlive me, a bit unrealistic of me but there's always hope. I am being extra nice to my fridge now, she is also getting on in years at 21 and a half.

  13. Ugh and ugh again! We use a laundromat and hope to have our own machine someday.

    1. messymimi; I hope you have your own machine someday too, laundromats just eat up so much money! Well, here they do, I don't know how much the cost is for you.

  14. Especially the laundry I'm always afraid of spoiling because I absolutely need it.
    I constantly wash too many clothes!
    Sorry for the loss but next week I believe you can replace it and count the years again that it will work for you!

    1. Katerina's Blog; A new machine won't arrive until later in the month, they are waiting for new stock to arrive from over seas. I can hand wash a few things in the meantime.

  15. No joke. I plan to wash today. Our Miele hopefully will not break down. LOL, sorry, but "kaput" is German with a missing "t"! We say kaputt. Still watching GRIMM and always grin about the German words used. Thank you again for pointing that series out to me.
    Hope your new washing machine arrives soon and does a good job, too.

    1. Iris; I think your Miele will last a long time. I would buy one if I could afford it, but i have to get a cheaper one. and I have to wait three weeks until new stock arrives. I did not know kaputt had two "t"s.


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