Food for thought?

 I texted "no-one" something I'd heard on TV:

Tea = Leaf soup.

She texted back:

Coffee = Bean soup. 


messymimi said…
Heeheehee! Is beer hops, malt and barley soup? And cider is apple soup? It sounds like this could go on a while.
River said…
Linda Sue; of course! That would be wine :)
River said…
Elephant's Child; I hoped you'd smile.
River said…
Margaret D; a small dose of fun to make people smile :)
Jenn Jilks said…
Indeed! I have fun texting my grandies!
Katerinas Blog said…
I linked them:
Sometimes in the morning I drink tea before coffee, beans for lunch and soup with leaves in the evening!
River said…
The Happy Whisk; it is funny :)
River said…
messymimi; I was thinking just barley soup for beer, I forgot about the hops, apple soup is good for cider too.
River said…
jabblog; it is fun and makes me smile.
River said…
Iris; I thought so too.
River said…
Jenn Jilks; I text my kids, the grandies are too busy.
River said…
Katernas Blog; thank you :)
River said…
Steve Reed; I thought you'd like these.
River said…
Charlotte; I smiled huge too.
Val said…
I don't dare pass this concept on to Hick. He drinks tea, but knowing his shunning of all liquid in SOUP, such knowledge could turn him off of tea.
River said…
Val; but maybe The Pony or Genius would find it funny.

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