Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by David M. Gascoigne and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. solar 2. polls 3. true 4. people 5. indication 


1. celestial 2. temperature 3. concern 4. obvious 5. surreal

Also including Charlotte's colour of the month bright red-orange

with apologies to Charlotte as my computer will not accept my linking to her blog, because apparently blogger loves to play games with people's minds.

Here is my story:

Terrence Berkstrom blathered on as people passed by without listening. Occasionally one would stop and Terrence would think, “at last” but the person would light a cigarette and move on, leaving him disappointed again. Most people simply heard “polls of the people blah-blah” as they went about their business, or “solar flares blah-blah, true indication according to common knowledge, blah-blah, but the real concern is the rising temperature of the seas,”

 One time a young woman appeared to be taking notes as he spoke about the “obvious celestial magnificence soon to be lost to us,” but she moved on too soon to have heard much of what he had to say. One seemingly stoned, or possibly drunk, young person did once mutter “surreal man” which gave Terrence hope that he was listening, but then that man stumbled to a trash can and threw up in it.

The red-orange of the setting sun daily put an end to Terrence’s speeches and as time wore on he despaired of ever getting his message across. Climate change was real, the world was in danger, dying even, yet no-one but himself seemed to care. They remained lost in the worlds of Facebook, Twitter (now called X) and silly games on their tiny little portable screens. 


  1. Interesting. Was on the subject today with fK...
    We both agreed it´s nice little Germany recycles so much. But when you look at China, India, USA...
    Some years ago I saw a docu. All that we recycled went into one container, shipped to China and got burned. For money.
    Yes, check out if Mars is an alternative instead of saving Mother Earth.
    Poor Terrence, I feel with him...

    1. Iris; we used to send our recycling to China too, but after a few years they refused to accept it, now our own government has no idea what to do with it all.
      Poor Terrence indeed. He tries so hard and no one cares.

  2. Poor Terrence. Poor world. I worry with him.

    1. Elephant's Child; I suspect many of us worry along with him.

  3. It's hard to watch, and so hard to know what to do, or if we can do anything.

    1. messymimi; I try to not use things like too much water, buy less packaged goods, buy locally grown fruit and vegetables and tell myself I am doing my bit.

  4. A telling comment on today's lack of engagement with important issues. Well expressed.

    1. jabblog; I see it everywhere, people glued to their phones and not seeing anything going on around them.

  5. Well done. But sad and so true.

  6. I really enjoyed your text River.
    So real, your hero in name and ideals.
    It's really thought provoking and thought provoking.
    You have used words so beautifully!!
    Surely the little trick that each of us can put is recycling, less consumption...
    Thank you River❤️

  7. Someday, one person is going to get Terrence's message. That one person may take up the cause, and eventually convince one other person, and so on. Baby steps. But Terrence must keep trying.

    1. Val; baby steps maybe. I think perhaps it is too late (in my story) and everyone has grown tired of hearing it all when the earth appears to still be "working" as it should and as long as they have what they want, all is okay in their little bubble. Terrence keeps trying.

  8. Here is my own attempt as well

    1. Katerinas Blog; your story is excellent. thank you

  9. Poor Terrence, well written but sad story.


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