
 I feel I must apologise for something which isn't even my fault. 

I haven't left a single comment anywhere today because at every single blogpost, including my own, I got this: "an error ocurred ..."

better luck tomorrow eh?


  1. Better luck tomorrow. I get those from time to time but fortunately not on every blog.

  2. Oh yes, I'm familiar with that message and what I do is this: copy your comment then refresh the page, then paste that same comment into place and press send...it works for me.. Good luck.

  3. So irritating when Blogger bloggers about . . .

  4. I tend to do the same, say sorry for things out of my control - don´t - advise to both of us...
    Blogger is free and has hiccups all the time...

  5. Indeed, better luck tomorrow.🤣 These danged free services!

  6. I am also getting error messages all the time .. and not just in blogging :( I thought it was some arsehole spamming me, but apparently it is happening to lots of other people as well.
    The worst is getting ad after ad after ad from Temu, despite My Ad Centre promising every day to deal with them.

  7. I think most of us here understand the difficulties!
    It's happening more and more often to everyone!
    There is no problem if you don't comment,
    we are here and reading you!
    Be well and solve the problems I hope!!

  8. There is a small subset of blogs that haven't let me leave a comment in weeks!


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