Sunday Selections #693

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if other bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child null and I join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Wisewebwoman has also been joining us occasionally.

R and V are home again so there will be no new road trip photos, though I may sometimes put in one or two that didn't get shown. But not today.

A short selection today:

a moody sky to match my mood when I had to return to the shops because I forgot the milk

a ceramic cat in the Frameworks shop window

mural spotted through the window of the bus, traffic was stopped at a red light or I might have missed this.

this interesting lamp is in a house for sale, the pictures can be seen on real estate dot com, so I think I'm okay putting this here

window reflections on my side wall, something I don't see when the trees are fully leafed out.

my rhubarb has settled in and grown a new leaf so I think it will be surviving just fine, though I'll watch out for the creeping eaters in spring.

"no-one's" last lettuce went to seed and fell over from the weight of the flowers, now all the seeds have germinated while still somehow attached to the stems. When they get larger she will try to separate and replant them, then take a bunch to work for others.

new pyjamas are always too long, so I spent an afternoon, measuring, cutting, pinning and stitching new hems. 

the twins are into hugging now, when I was there last week Gen turned around to find Ana unexpectedly there and said "Ana!" and gave a big hug.That's Ana in the pink, Gen in the white.


  1. Love the ceramic cat and that mural; very cool works of art.

    1. Bob; I wanted to buy the ceramic cat, but then I remembered I have nowehere to put it. I've never seen that mural before, it may be new, or I just haven't seen it because I usually sit on the opposite side of the bus, but this time someone was already in "my" spot.

  2. Ana's expression is priceless! So thrilled to get that hug from Gen. I like the cloud picture, and the fallen lettuce. Your pajamas look comfy, and now you won't be in danger of tripping on too-long legs.

    1. Val; isn't that just the best expression!! They love each other and now they hug me too. There's a story I heard from "no-one" about a woman who came to the hospital with a broken arm after tripping on too long pyjama legs. Luckily I ALWAYS take up the hems on mine.

  3. That hug is priceless. I like that mural too.

    1. Elephant's Child; that hug was the best! The girls are always delighted when they see each other. The mural is one of the best I have seen.

  4. Having to return to the shops because you forgot the milk isn't a catastrophe but it is very irritating. And I am finding it is happening more often these days :( Is writing out a brief shopping list before leaving home the way to go?

    1. hels; I was irritated because I always have a list and the milk was written in capitals at the top, also because after shopping my back was aching and I'd wanted to sit down with a big mug of hot milo, which I did right after I got home with the milk.

  5. The days are shorter, too...even shorter for me because it takes me longer to get out of bed these mornings! :)

    Have a lovely week ahead, River...take care. My cuddles to lovely Lady Lola.

    1. Lee; my days are shorter for the exact same reason! Who wants to get out of a warm bed into frosty air? I get out briefly to put food out for Lola, then it's right back under the doona for me and Lola joins me after she eats.

  6. Replies
    1. Joanne; they are the best and yesterday I had a visit from my daughter with her grandson, my great grandson who is now 15 months old, he's a delightful little boy.

  7. Loved the mural and the lamp!
    Twins are great!
    The lettuce found good soil and sprouted!
    Have a nice Sunday❤️

    1. Katerinas Blog; I like the lamp but it isn't something I would have in my house.

  8. I really like the 3rd photo the best.

  9. I've admired that ceramic cat often and thought of buying him. Maybe it's time!

    1. Barbara; no, I have so much unnecessary stuff already, I don't need another thing to collect dust.

  10. The mural and that lamp are looking rather lovely R.
    Love Rhubarb, haven't had it for years..

    1. Margaret D; I have rhubarb every winter, cooked with granny smith apples and brown sugar. The lamp is interesting, but not something I would ever buy.

  11. My link to Sunday Selections here:

  12. I love the hugging twins. Isn't that just delightful?

    1. jabblog; it is very delightful, I smile so wide every time I see it.

  13. Ow. No more.. not many more road trip pics.... that is sad!
    Maybe I can sneak some in in my blog from the olden days. But then I still have so much of Perth & Co from this year.
    LOL, thank you, I nearly got that song in my head, but luckily you got your milk! (too late, it´s in my head)
    Oh I hope that woman did not kill Henry´s cousin!
    Very cool lamp! Very. Well, your plants do well!
    Yupp, Ingo has to shorten trousers for me almost always, too.
    Nice to see the twins like that.
    I heard nothing of my Brother in weeks (I made the first step and nothing came back, sad).
    To leave on a happy note: a bit of sun here! Have a great SUNday

    1. Iris; I have road trip pictures I didn't show yet, but I can't remember which ones and a lot look the same anyway. I know which song that is :)
      The lamp is cool but I would never have that in my house.
      I don't hear from my brother very much either, he is busy, I am busy, it's no big deal.
      We have sun here too but the air is frosty, was 4C overnight and only 10C today.

    2. I am not really OK with my Brother behaving like that - if he gave an explanation... but he´s just silent. And I agreed with fK I let it rest. Hard as it is.

  14. I like the ceramic cat and the mural! And of course the hugs.

    1. Steve Reed; the mural was a lucky find when the bus was stoped in traffic. I like the cat too, but it isn't ever coming home with me. i have too many dust collectors already.
      The hugs are the best :)

  15. I'd be cranky too if I got home and figured out I forgot something, and no way to go get more easily.

    The mural is fabulous.

    The seeds sprouting is amazing, life will grow when and where it's ready even if we aren't, won't it.

    The hug photo makes my heart happy.

    1. messymimi; getting more milk was easy enough, the supermarket is a short walk from home, I just don't like having to go out twice in one day. The seeds sprouting are a challnge for "no-one" they are attached to the old stems still, so need to be separated if possible. The hug makes my heart happy too.

  16. I like the lettuce sprouting where it fell. And the hugging twins are heart-warming. And the rhubarb, they are a thirsty kin. And your moody skies - I also sometimes forget things on my list, but normally it'll have to wait till next day, as shopping for me is at last an hour because of the buses.
    In short delightful photoes from your life so far away.

    1. Charlotte; the sprouting lettuce was a surprise indeed. I remember rhubarb being a thirsty plant and will water it often. The twins hugs make me sile.

  17. I Love that lamp and of course the girlies.


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