Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River (that's me) and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. chicanery 2. wicker 3. curly 4. prissy 5. superb 6. uncommon

Charlotte's colour of the month if you wish to include it is Orient Red

Have fun, my story will appear on this blog on Friday.


  1. That is too tough for me - looking forward what you will make of it!

    1. Iris; I spent time wondering what to write as well, wondering what made me choose these words?

  2. Will work on it, trying to catch up a bit.

  3. Miss Wicker, the village's basket-case, gave her prissy eye over the very odd, uncommon I'd call it, donation to the local fete; How on earth someone could call this sculpture superb is beyond me … but then I'm not the twirly whirly curly magic man.

    He should probably be locked away too … it's sad that he had to use chicanery to cover up this bizarre piece of questionable art … it's definitely not worth anything … at least I'm fairly certain it's not …

    Thanks River for these somewhat challenging words!!!!!!! … cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: I love this. Much as I appreciate art some contemporary pieces are beyond my comprehension. Sadly it could be worth a lot of money - but not to me.

    2. Hilary Melton-Butcher; this is fabulous! I wonder at what some people call art too.

    3. I forgot the Orient Red ... I guess the sculpture could have been OTT ... painted fiery orient red coloured ...thanks for your comments - cheers Hilary

    4. Some art does make you wonder what the artist was thinking, or if the artist was thinking.

  4. For some reason this post isn't showing up in my reader this morning. I wonder why?
    Delia sat weaving willow stems into a wicker basket. An old craft but she thought that it often looked superb and she was going to make her basket as close to perfect as she could. As she wove she thought. And thought some more. Her family called her Miss Prissy. She didn’t care. People who used chicanery to get their own way made her see red, ballistic red, orient red.
    As far as she was concerned it wasn’t a curly question. The ends didn’t and never had justified the means.
    Sadly such behaviour wasn’t uncommon these days. Perhaps it was politician’s use of deception that made it so mainstream. It wasn’t the way she was brought up and wasn’t something she had any intention of trying. So she went back to her weaving, content that she was on the right path for her, knowing it was the only path for her.

    1. Elephant's Child; I am very pleased she knows her path and can see the chicanery often practised by others, especially politicians.

    2. Hi EC ... a delightful thought on life ... she was content ... the most important thing ... wise Miss Prissy! Cheers to one and all -Hilary

    3. I'd rather be thought foolish by others but know I'm doing right through and through.

  5. ***I forgot to include Charlotte's colour of the month but have now added it: orient red**

  6. Interesting words this week. Good luck.

  7. I'm a day late, well two according to the other side of the world. Anyway, my take on the prompts is here: Fiction: The Sleeping Barista

    Thanks for the prompts. Have a lovely day.


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