Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by River and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. owls 2. chess 3. telephone 4. crinkle 5. blustery 6. what have you done this time?

Also including Charlotte's colour of the month: Orient red

Here is my story:

Heather was waiting on the porch swing when I arrived home, she jumped off and bounced across the porch in her happiness. "I take it the chess competition went well?" I said. "I won!", she said and twirled around in her excitement. "I wanted to telephone you right away, but Miss Terrell reminded me you were in a meeting." "I'll have to thank Miss Terrell," I said. "Now, did you have a nice time at Camellia's place?"

"Oh yes," said Heather, "she showed me a few of the owls she is collecting, she loves owls and can't have real birds, so she is collecting what you call dust-catchers. She let me take photos." "That's nice of her, let's get a cup of tea going and you can show them to me."  "The kitchen is a bit messy," Heather said. "Grandpa came home from the senior centre all blustery and he had that crinkle between his eyebrows that he gets when things haven't gone as planned."

"Uh-oh," I said, "that usually means he did something wrong and was asked to leave. I'll speak to him after we view your photos." "I have a great one of their dining room! They had the walls painted 'Orient Red' and it looks so much better that  the dull grey of before."

We settled at the table with our tea and Heather got out her camera, "I'll download these later, but we can see them now."

"This is her newest owl,

and the pink is a perfect match for the pink on her mini drawers where she keeps all her pens and paper and stuff."

"This is the first owl, it's a plant pot, Camellia found it on a roadside dump, all grey and grubby so she cleaned and painted it and now it is in her back porch with her mum's gardening stuff."

"These two up on the kitchen cabinets are from a thrift shop, but they have to get put away while the kitchen gets remodelled, and now...tada!"

"The Orient Red dining room, with her grandma's dining setting that her mum inherited."

"Wow", I said, "that sure is different. I hope the rest of their house turns out as well too. I like the plain floor, that old lime green carpet was truly dreadful."

"Now, Heather, if you don't mind clearing away these tea things, I'll go and speak with Grandpa." I walked into the study where I'd heard him shuffling around. "Dad," I said, "what have you done this time?"


  1. Camellia is a very talented girl!

  2. Love the owls. And warmed to that Orient Red feature wall as well. I wonder what Grandpa has done...


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