f....is for

It's time again to join in with Toni from Chick-Chat and her "a...is for" meme

this week's letter is F

f.....is for Friendship.
and fudge.

When I was little I was very shy and didn't make friends easily, it takes me a while to get used to people even now.
I've always been surprised to find that people actually like me.
I mentioned this once when my eldest daughter told me that her friends and their mothers liked me.
She said why wouldn't they, you're a nice person.

Since I first started reading blogs and then writing my own, I've made many friendships both local and international. Some of these people I have met in real life, some I haven't and may never do so, but I'm pleased to count all of you as my friends.

In the interests of friendship and sharing, I now give to you my melt-in-the-mouth Chocolate Fudge recipe.

(I may have posted it before, but here it is again).

Chocolate Fudge.

125g unsalted butter (not margarine)
2/3 cup evaporated milk (not low fat)
100g white marshmallows
1 1/4 cups caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
185g dark chocolate broken up

1. Line a brownie pan with greased foil.
2. Put butter, sugar, milk, marshmallows in a heavy based pan.
3. Stir over low heat until marshmallows have melted.
4. Mixture will now begin to boil. (do not adjust the cooking temperature)
5. Continue stirring and let boil for eight minutes.
(time it, this is important, eight minutes, no more, no less)
6. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla essence and broken up chocolate.
7. Pour into prepared pan, get the level as even as you can, allow to cool and set.
8. Turn out, remove foil, cut into squares with knife dipped in hot water.
9. Enjoy.

It's a bit fiddly and stirring for eight minutes straight takes time, (eight minutes to be exact!), but this fudge really does melt in the mouth.
So it's worth the effort.

If you wish to join in with the a....is for meme, please do so and link back to Toni in your post.


  1. mmmmmm....fudge. thanks friend.

  2. Of course people like you!

    Good heavens!- You're the vanilla essence of merriment!

  3. Ah yes, might as well admit I'm addicted to fudge.

    What a marvellous melt in the mouth recipe!

    Have a fun weekend, friend.

    Gary :)

  4. Thank you!! You are a nice person!!

  5. You are a delightful person and I am happy that you are my friend.

    I know that is the yummiest of yummy fudge recipes because my mother made one that sounds like that. I do have the recipe somewhere and if I remember, it makes a very large batch.

  6. Delores; I haven't made fudge for about three years. Must be time for a batch soon.

    R.H. thank you. Vanilla is my favourite fragrance. I even have vanilla air freshener, which smells more like caramel, but that's still better than "ocean breeze" or "pine forest".

    klahanie; I don't think there are too many people who don't like fudge.

    Blossom; Hi Pixie, my fudge loving friend. Have your girls make a batch for you.

    mm; welcome to drifting and thank you.

    Manzanita; Hunt up your mother's recipe and see if it is the same. I don't remember where I got mine from, I've had it for years.

  7. Hi River, I've made some very nice friends online and like you will never meet some of them. Great people who share their thoughts, ideas and lives with us.
    Might have to try this fudge.

  8. Tempo; the fudge is worth the effort.

  9. Fudge is now saved, will be printed and tried this week! Thanks, River!

  10. Kath Lockett; don't forget to time the eight minutes as soon as it starts boiling and the temperature must NOT be adjusted.

  11. Hi River,

    I'll hand the recipe over to Mrs PM.

    That's not because I'm a sexist pig - it's just that the cats stand a better chance of making fudge than I do.




  12. Plasman; doesn't matter who makes the fudge as long as you get to eat some.


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