Musical Monday

Tasker Dunham of A Yorkshire Memoir  brought forth an old memory, a song I liked when I was young and my dad liked it too.

By Paul Evans:

I hope it plays and of course it isn't the same funny version I watched at you tube, because THAT ONE doesn't come up in the selection screen 😕


  1. Not one I had ever heard before. Thank you.

    1. Elephant's Child; I remember this from when I was very young. I'm glad it played.

  2. Replies
    1. Charlotte; I like fun songs, there aren't enough of them around these days.

    2. I do so much agree, the pure exuberance and joy emanating from these old songs is something I dearly miss in modern music.

      PS. I always felt a bit sad for the poor driver in this song.

    3. Charlotte; I'm sure he found a girl of his own eventually, but I think that playboy Fred might get left out in the cold.

  3. Replies
    1. Tasker Dunham; with the smaller cars of today I think that even Fred would start to feel a little crowded.

  4. Oh yes I remember that one. What a memory trip. Thanks.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I quite like Memory Lane. Thank you.

  5. Hi River! Hope you are well. I had not heard this song before, but I had heard the one on the blog that you linked to-Mole in a hole. A good song for children in a way with all the rhyming!

    1. Sarah; welcome to drifting. I thought Mole in a Hole would be good for children around four years old, they like rhyming. I like this one here today, it brings back memories of days when we had a radio but no television.

  6. Fred sounds like quite the player. Grandpa used to date twins, but even he wasn't as ambitious as Fred.

    1. messymimi; I always avoided the "Freds", afraid I'd get lost in the crowd.

  7. Replies
    1. Joanne; songs from simpler times are easy to listen to.

  8. Never heard of it. It cute.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; it is an old song from the 60s I think. Certainly not later.

  9. Fun song!
    All I remember from the backseat was "fighting" with my brother ;-)
    And our parents smoking in the front, oh, my, those were the days (we´re still alive, right).

    1. Iris Flavia; what I remember from the backseat is always being in the middle and always having a bucket on my lap because I got carsick.

  10. Yes I remember it. Fun song from years gone by.

    God bless, River.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; those years gone by had a lot of fun songs, things easily understood and easily sung along with. Not like a lot of loud, angry, shouting songs from later years.

  11. Who was that Fred guy in the back? I expect he was a has-been disc jockey with greasy hair and malodorous breath. The girls' parents may not have been aware of his paedophilic nature.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; I imagine he was the town's "Playboy" with girls swooning over him in crowds until they found someone more "real" to settle down with. I don't think there is anything paedophilic about the song. I think the term "little girls" is used the same way grown men call their sweethearts "baby"


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