Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Hilary Melton-Butcher and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. wellington boot 

2. art 

3. murmuration 

4. sedge 

5. thresh 

6. fissure 


1. heath 

2. race 

3. cottage 

4. mosses 

5. windbreak 

6. ajax

Here is my story:

(I have only used half the words and will work on the rest, maybe posting another chapter in a day or three)

While walking home form the market and peeking now and then into my art stall bag of lovely new paints, Terry told me where he had found Khoral Kai. “With a group of children as usual, he’s a bit like the Pied Piper, but without luring the children away. They love his stories and don’t realise he is teaching as he tells.”

“What was he teaching this time?” I asked. Terry said, “he made up a story about a clown who was lost and couldn’t find his circus. He was rambling around the country in oversized wellington boots and knowing he was near the marsh because he was wading through sedge grass, so he turned around to head back towards the heath, then one little girl said heath was a plant in her mother’s garden and all the kids nodded and agreed. Then Khoral told them that heath is also a name for low-lying moorland areas, from sea level and up to higher ground which is when it becomes the moor.”

“He does know an awful lot about everything, doesn’t he?” I said. “Molly, you know he is a stranded alien, don’t you?” “Yes, I do, why?” “Well,” Terry continued, “maybe his race of people live a very long time and spend a good deal of that time learning what they can about other planets, particularly ones like ours with humans and so much diversity.” “That makes sense,” I said. “I wonder if he is also willing to tell us about his home and people?” “That would be worth listening to for sure,” said Terry.

We caught up with a couple of people who weren’t familiar, and looking around as if lost. “Can we help you?” we asked. “We are looking for the Bed and Breakfast Cottage,” said one who introduced himself as Aiden Trelawney. “The girl at the bakery stall was quite rude, we thought, just pointing this way without answering,” said the woman crossly. “That is Gail,” said Terry and she is mute, unable to talk, but she did point you in the right direction.” “We own the Bed and Breakfast,” I said, “do you have reservations or were you just hoping for a one night stay on the spur of the moment?” “Just walk along with us,” said Terry, “it’s at the high point of a slope looking over the river, about a half an hour away.”

“Half an hour more of walking!” exclaimed the woman. “That’s too far, should we hire a car instead?” “Now Cynthia, calm down a bit,” said Aiden. “If it was too close to the village it wouldn’t be a proper ‘Getaway’ would it?” Cynthia grumped to herself as she plodded along, clearly unused to walking any kind of distance at all, if her fancy city shoes were anything to go by.

(to be continued)


  1. Aww a good chapter, and poor Cynthia walking far in city shoes is hard, and hurting, work. I love how you're bringing more and more threads together, even more than last time. And I'll wait patiently for the next chapter.
    Khoral Kai taught me something new as well ;)

    1. Charlotte; poor Cynthia? Maybe not, she brings trouble with her.

  2. Poor Cynthia. I hope that she has 'better' shoes with her, and that she can relax and enjoy her getaway.
    I would love to learn more of Khoral Kai's home land... in the fullness of time.

    1. Elephant's Child; don't be sorry for Cynthia, she is trouble. I would love to know more of Khoral's homeland too, but that's going to be harder to figure out.

  3. Glad Terry could explain about Gail though it didn't do much to improve Cynthia's attitude.
    Me too on wanting to be around when Khoral Kai talks about his home planet.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Cynthia's attitude is set in stone. she is bad news. Having never travelled to far distant planets, I don't know yet how to work out Khoral's home.

  4. Visitors can be a wonderful gift, or a terrible time in the making. If Cynthia is trouble, i hope she doesn't stay soon, or find out anything about Khoral Kai.

    1. messymimi; Cynthia won't find out about Khoral Kai, but he does find out a few things about her.

  5. Great story again!!
    I hope Khoral Kai tells of his planet! Great idea with the lessons.
    And rude, oh, well, I first really fell for that!

    The final made me laugh. Braunschweig people walk nearly everywhere :-)
    In sneakers, I do. Can´t remember when I wore fancy shoes last time. Bought a pair for if I apply for a job, but, well, that was online then, thankfully.

    1. Iris Flavia; thank you. I'm not sure I know how to tell about another planet. I wore nice shoes to my Grandson's wedding, but they weren't fancy and certainly didn't have high heels.

  6. This will be an interesting guest for the Bed and Breakfast!


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