Sunday Selections # 567

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

still standing knee-deep in the water watching the clouds

I was amazed at how quickly the patterns were changing, large clouds being torn apart into drifts, smaller drifts coming together to form new clouds

looking from the water across the sand, this is just one of many tracks leading through the dunes from The Esplanade to the beach. This is so the dunes don't get trampled and damaged as they are a haven for some plants and for many lizards, small birds and other shore creatures.

the shore is uneven so after the tide goes out there are quite a few pools of water left behind and being shallow, they warm up quite quickly, so they are popular with mums who have toddlers and crawling babies, they can play in this water without too much danger.

getting really close to Largs Bay jetty now

and I've made it! I'm sitting on the seat opposite this one using my socks to wipe the sand off my feet so I can put my shoes back on because these boards have been soaking up sun all morning and are HOT

so hot that one little girl was having trouble keeping up with her mum who was carrying a younger child, so I offered to carry the girl the few short meters left to that open edge there where there are steps leading down to the sand. They'd left their shoes in the car.

I sat and rested a bit longer, this is where I checked the fit bit and found it unresponsive, I decided to walk back along the walking/biking path instead of the sand.

way over there in the distance is the Semaphore jetty where I started from

along the walking/biking path are many seats for resting and all of them carry some kind of memorial message.

I only photographed two.

I'm not sure what type of plant this is, but there is a lot of it along the shore, it is prickly so would be home to small animals needing to hide from seagulls and hawks, like the lizards I mentioned earlier. We have blue-tongue lizards, stumpy-tail lizards and very occasionally I see a frill-necked lizard. 

further towards Semaphore, but still close to Largs Bay is a series of rubbermat based exercise stations

they looked interesting

and there are instructions on how to use the equipment

this one is fairly self-explanatory I think

but the instructions are there anyway.

Did I try any of the equipment?

No, I did not. 

I kept going until I reached the Semaphore kiosk where I purchased my fish and chips and after eating them, yawned my way back to the train station and so back to the city where I had to wait for a bus to get home and hoped I didn't fall asleep on the way.


  1. Thank you for the lovely walk in the sunshine, I look out my window and can see only a few inches through dense fog and icy rain.

    1. Linda Sue; you are very welcome, drop in anytime and look as much as you like.

  2. You had plenty of exercise before you got to the exercise station. Thank you for taking us with you. Those memorials are great - what a lovely place to be commemorated/remembered. And of course I really like the clouds...

    1. Elephant's Child; I knew you would love the clouds, there are more next week. I really like the memorials.

    2. Oops, my mistake, there are no clouds next week, no beach either.

  3. Nice photos. Beautiful place. I wanna go there.

    1. Tom; welcome to drifting. Australia is that big island continent down below the equator. Bring your sunscreen and come on down.

  4. Thank you for all that blue sky. Been a while since we have seen any here. Good thoughts on how to count our age and life. Think I might like that air walker.

    1. Arkansas Patti; you're welcome, visit and look at them as much as you like. I'd like to try that air walker one day too.

  5. A lovely day out, followed by a good sleep that night, no doubt! :)

    The east coast here and along the NSW coast, arei predicted to feel some affects of the tsunami that hit Tonga after the volcanic eruption under the ocean off from the island.

    I hope the week ahead treats you kindly, River. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; it was the best sleep I'd had in ages. These days I don't get physically tired out, so I still sleep, but not like that night. I hope the tsunami effects aren't too bad. The Lady Lola is in hiding, she knows I want to take her to the vet and she doesn't want to go.

  6. What ocean photos! My favorite is the pier, leading out to the ocean.

    1. Susan Kane; our Adelaide coastline is filled with such piers, we have miles and miles of beaches and most of them have piers.

  7. Often with those dedicated seats there is a mention of how the dead person loved the beach or whatever where the seat is located. Not so in these two. The sky is so big and ever changing clouds are always interesting. It looks pretty warm without much shade. It seems like a hard walk.

    1. Andrew; all of the dedicated seats are along the Esplanade between Semaphore and Largs Bay jetties. I think there are similar dedicated seats on other beaches, but can't be sure. Maybe at Brighton Beach. It was very warm with no shade and I got a teeny bit sunburned, but the walk wasn't hard, just longer than I remembered.

  8. Replies
    1. Joanne; it took a while to get home via train then bus so I was pretty worn out by the time I got there. I'll do it again though. Perhaps along a different beach next time.

  9. It would have been very difficult not to fall asleep on the way home. It's so nice of you to share your beautiful day with us!

    1. messymimi; I did almost nod off when I was almost home.

  10. You know it's hot when WOOD can burn your feet! Such a good deed to carry that little girl. :)

    1. Val; her mother warned me she was heavy and she was right! but I had to, I couldn't see her mincing along and not help.

  11. Beautiful photos and an interesting walk. Thank you for inviting us with you.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you. I love the beach.

  12. There seem to have been very few people around if I use your photos as evidence. Anyone would think there was a pandemic going on or something! Nice that you got to carry a small child... even though she wasn't a baby.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; there were plenty of people near and under the jetties where the shade was, the stretch between the two was largely empty. Way too hot to lie on the sand out there. The child was about four and not as small as my own were at that age.

  13. Look like a lovely place to explore.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  14. Very beautiful pics and so nice of you to help the little girl!
    Here you would carry her to warm her up, though ;-)

    Sad sign. My Mum lived 9 more years after Dad had to leave.

    I never saw a frill-necked lizard for real. Must be "cool"!

    I remember in the 70´s we had fitness tracks in parks and we really found a place like that here in Braunschweig - never saw one (but us for fun shortly) using it.

    Hmmm, fish and chips. Here you can only get that at a food chain called Nordsee - it´s awful (the ocean is far away).
    Always good when you had so much fun you get tired. Well, dangerous in this case, too, but obviously you made it home :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; sad that you cannot get good fish and chips where you are. You'll be back in Australia one day. We have fitness stations in a few parks around Adelaide but I don't go there often and never use the equipment, just walking there is enough exercise for me.
      My mum lived 4 years longer than my dad, but they weren't together since I was seven.

    2. I hope you are right and we can travel soon. And get good food, for crying out loud!
      Ingo made fish-patties. Mm. No.
      Sad about your parents...

  15. Wow. What a cool place! I love the exercise station. I've never seen any here. And that water and sand and those hot boards sound so nice right now in our 30 degree f temps. - Also. It's just a little after 3am here and now I'm craving fish and chips. Great post. Thank you for sharing.

    1. MMM; those hot boards really were far too hot, even my feet were burning that's why I was putting my shoes back on. I hope you can get fish and chips where you are.

  16. Oh, this makes me long for summer and beach weather. Some of those photos, namely the dunes and the shallow pools could have been taken at 'my' beach, but the rest are exotic, as are the lizards you mention. I love to hear about your place, and I like the exercise stations I could not have kept away from them. Those memorial plaques are a nice touch. Rest here and think of me/him/her/us - so nice.

    1. Charlotte; do you go to the beach when it is summer in your country? I would love to see some photos. I don't use the exercise stations, I get enough just with walking.

    2. Oh, yes I go to the beach in the summer. We live only 5 km. from a beach, and the bus will carry us there, as it's too dangerous to bike on that road. I'll bring some photos in a half years time ;)


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