Spam message on my phone

 it started with a phone number I did not recognise, then the text  goes like this:

"Our private video is out on the web-someone stole it. We have no idea how that happened."

Then there is a link which I did NOT open, because this is spam and I won't print it here at all in case some readers don't realise it is spam.

Beware people! They're out to get you.


  1. One of the most ensnaring comes from a known friend and says "Is this you in this video?" If you look at it, it gets forwarded to all your own contacts.

    1. Tasker Dunham; that's one I would never fall for because nobody videos me.

  2. Sigh. Yesterday I got a call from 'Nicole' from the National Broadband. I hung up on her, and blocked her number.
    The spam that Tasker Dunham referred to in the comment above probably catches a LOT of people.

    1. Elephant's Child; are you already connected to the NBN? I'm sure they don't randomly call people, they usually send out flyers or regular mail. I hope not too many get caught in that type of spam Tasker Dunham mentions.

    2. 'Nicole' is a well known spammer. And they DO call randomly.

  3. Thanks for the heads up. I never answer a number I don't know. If important they will leave a message and I am even meaner on my computer. They sure are out there aren't they?

    1. Arkansas Patti; you're welcome. They are definitely out there and they are never going away. We all just need to be careful.

  4. One day there will be a war when we decent citizens will fight back against the spammers. It will be a kind of genocide.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; welcome to drifting. A war could be tricky, how will we know who these spammers are when they hide behind so many names?

  5. My phone is silenced to any number not in my contacts. If it is important they can leave a message. I open no sites that I am not absolutely certain are legitimate. I learned my lesson years ago when a scammer stole millions of fake poker winnings from an on line game. Did me a favor losing nothing taught me a lesson.

    1. joeh; I have only a few regular contacts so an unknown number is easy for me to spot and I just delete the message. I get occasional emails from "you" but the name is different when I hold the mouse over the address, so they get sent to the spam folder and deleted

    2. That's funny! I get some of the same from an Elsie Hamlin...also sent to spam.

    3. joeh; just keep spamming them, once they have your (my)contacts list they never let go.

  6. The spammers are getting more and more inventive so I never respond to anything unless I'm 100% sure it's OK.

    1. AMKT; my brother in another state has taken to asking me if I sent any emails lately every time one pops up from me, because sometimes they aren't. Hackers get your email address and send rubbish to your contacts.

  7. Replies
    1. Joanne; that's pretty long! I don't have an i-phone, so I don't know if I can block any numbers. But my contacts list is small, so anything I don't recognise or know immediately that it is spam just gets deleted.

  8. Thanks for the warning, i try to be careful but all of us need reminders.

    1. messymimi; I worry mostly for older people who just aren't as savvy as all of us here, they lose savings and homes, identities, all because they just don't know.

  9. Although not answering and blocking is the right thing to do it can backfire. I had a knock at the door that turned out to be someone I knew. Her car had broken down in front of my house and her cell phone was dead. She called her husband from my phone. Since he didn't know my number he didn't answer. Our solution was to keep calling until he finally picked up. It took about 4 calls. If he had blocked me I would have had to drive her home to smack him for not answering.

    1. Mike; sometimes those things happen, but usually unknown calls are spam in my experience.

  10. What stupid people are out and about there. And even think someone still falls for it.
    I think they are lonely and dumb.

    1. Iris Flavia; just last night I got another one, as Tasker Dunham said above this one said "Is this you in this video?" so I just deleted it. I think most people who open the links are older and unaware.

    2. Or too young. Big Niece now has a cell. Hm. Hope her parents supervise her.

  11. I always answer my phone, but I only laugh out loud when getting such messages. I have an old "stupid-phone", so no videos or MMS goes through to me ;) They're just wasting their time and money on me.
    This one is far worse:
    Me, busy, trying to catch a train. Cell phone rings.
    - Nice young man on the phone: "Hello I'm John Smith from (name of my bank) There's something fishy going on on yout account. Please give me your account number, so that I can check it out."
    - Me, thinking fast: "If you know that something fishy is going on, you already have my account number. Goodbye." Bothered that I can't slam the receiver of a cellphone.
    I think lots of people still fall for this one.

    1. Charlotte; I haven't had those sorts of calls yet, but I do occasionally get one that starts "we have heard you or a family member has been injured in a car accident..." and I just hang up. I don't even have a car and my family would tell me right away if one of them had been injured.

  12. Replies
    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I think this part of life is just more annoying.

  13. It's so irritating getting spam text on your phone. I delete them all.

    1. MMM; let's be glad we are able to realise they are spam.

  14. Hi River -- Thanks for popping by my blog and asking about my Viking Ship mug. I got that mug at the Royal Alberta Museum here in Edmonton in the summer of 2019 as a souvenir of the touring exhibit "Vikings: Beyond the Limit." I don't know where one could be obtained now, unfortunately.

    1. Sorry, "Vikings: Beyond the Legend" was the name of the touring exhibition.

    2. Debra She Who Seeks; Last year I discovered my DNA was mostly Swedish with a smidge of Norwegian, so I've decided I am a Viking and am interested in how they lived and what they did besides raiding and exploring.

  15. I delete them or hang up.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  16. I had a scare yesterday when suddenly the alarm sounded and my Laptop said I was in danger, and needed to phone a certain number to correct the fault. I couldn't get rid of it. Eventually I turned the Laptop OFF, and restarted. All was OK. This was the first time I've had such a threat for years. It was quite worrying.


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