Sunday Selections # 172

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant's Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well, although Kath has been quite busy lately and unable to join us.
Andrew is currently holidaying in Europe so may not join us. 
We're on our own EC! 
There are several other participants now though:
Jackie K at WorkingThrough It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm showing where I've planted some of my spring bulbs. 
I haven't planted any since 1986, and then only a few freesias, but for a couple of years now I've been enjoying the sights of Elephant's Child's garden where she has been planting bulbs since she moved into the place. 

This year I ordered my own bulbs, then wondered where the heck I was going to put them, remembering the garden here is communal and the bit nearest my flat is filled with prickly grass plants.
The solution is pots, of course. So I went shopping.
I bought pots, potting mix, blood&bone fertiliser and dynamic lifter fertiliser.
Then I planted....and very quickly ran out of potting mix!

this is the corner of the driveway and the low brick fence that was swarming with ants when I wanted to plant daffodils behind it. You can probably see bits of the white powder I used to kill them off.

easily enough space for the fourteen mixed daffodils I planted here. I'll leave them to multiply and naturalise for a few years, before I start lifting them to divide over the summer.

these four wide pots hold bulbs of freesia, ranunculus, (upside down Ha Ha), anemone and sparaxis.
They're about 40cm across so should make a lovely display next spring.

these are the pots that held mini capsicum and mini roma tomatoes over summer, neither of them grew.
I cleaned up the pots and now they hold bulbs of grape hyacinth, (lower pot) and bluebells, (higher pot).
I still have ixia, more ranunculus, more sparaxis  and more freesias to plant, I'll get those done sometime today for sure.
I can't leave them in little white bags any longer. I bought extra potting mix yesterday.

And just check this out!

a few days later the grape hyacinths are up!

there's at least a dozen.

and some of the Starflowers are up too! (Triteleia)

well well, looky here, another one (actually three) of those tall and wide prickly lomandras is dying.

Not to worry, I have something ready to take its place...

some smallish grevilleas. At least I hope they're small, because I bought four of them with red flowers plus four ground covers with yellow flowers.
That taller pot plant behind them is the poinsettia I bought at Christmas.
I want to plant that where it will overhang the mailboxes.
I think it will look nicer than the bunch of prickles that I have to cut back fairly often so it doesn't stab me when I reach to open my mailbox.


  1. Looking good. And isn't it exciting when things start to poke their way through the soil!!!

  2. I guess you know we're gonna expect to see pics of them all in bloom next spring...

  3. Your bulbs are more successful than mine, I plant them and never see them again, last year I had a few flowers and was so excited but will wait and see what happens this year.

  4. When all are growing as they should and start blooming as they ought to, it is going to look so beautiful around your flat, River. :)

    Have a great week and give Angel a cuddle from me. Remy & Shama send him their purrs, too!

  5. Elephant's Child; it's very exciting! although I wasn't expecting to see anything poking through the soil until at least August or September.

    Susan; there will be dozens of pictures if everything grows as expected.

    Merle; did you plant them too deeply or upside down perhaps? So far only the grape hyacinth and starflowers are showing. I'm not expecting anything else to pop up until spring.

    Lee; I certainly hope it is going to look beautiful. My aching back is demanding payment in the form of gloriousness. Angel has plenty of cuddles.

  6. Exciting! New life pushing through.
    Looking forward to seeing their progress.

  7. My word, you have been busy and we will certainly expect photos of flowers. I think we have ixias or spraxias self sown in our front garden. Been here ever since we moved in 1974. I guess I should check gooogle to check it out.
    Glad you got rid of those ants. Masters were advertising penny royal to keep ants out of the garden but not sure if they are right or not. You could check it out.
    Hope you and Angel have had a good weekend.

  8. Everything looks so neat and orderly and the little sprouts poking forth. I appreciate your approach to nature and growing flowers. It will be interesting to watch as you send more photos.

  9. Vicki; I noticed a shoot spearing up in the freesia pot this morning!

    Mimsie; busy yes, and paying for it today. The ants are probably only temporarily gone. Pennyroyal works on fleas I've heard, but don't know about ants. There's probably too many ants here anyway.

    Manzanita; I'm hoping that it will look less orderly when the bulbs grow and flower. A riot of colour with no visible pots maybe.


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