Sunday Selections # 249

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post

3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.

4. hop on over to Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.
  Andrew often joins in too.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week we're walking around the block. I promised you roses, but there's other stuff too....

such as this dandelion,

and this honeysuckle, my favourite of all the climbers. This is spread for about three metres along someone's front fence. I stood there for quite a while just taking in the scent.

a small leafed kalanchoe in full flower in a distant corner of a garden. 

mandarins hanging like Christmas decorations.

bright and cheery nasturtiums.

I like this waterfall of pink geraniums spilling over a fence.

here's a close up of the flowers.

I think this is known as Queen Anne's Lace, standing about 75cm high.

and now for the roses:

along footpaths,

behind fences.

pale yellows,

pink blushed whites.

how pretty is this?

climbing over garden arches,

spilling over fences.

here's a close up. Love this colour!

I love these smaller pink singles.

deep reds,

and sunny centered reds.

another favourite colour, pink blushed pale yellow.

pinks towering over a fence taller than me,

whites too, same fence a bit further along.

and then I saw this urn on a pedestal and immediately decided I should have one. Next year.

I'll probably put the same plants in it too. And surround the base with frilly echeverias.


  1. How absolutely lovely. Thank you. I loved walking with you.

  2. My oh my....the past week certainly galloped by at a rapid pace. Today is the day to take stock in readiness for a new one.

    A beautiful showing of flowers...the roses, in particular, are just glorious.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, River....cuddles to Angel. :)

  3. The roses are glorious but my favourite is the geraniums spilling over the fence and I would be fairly sure they are facing north.

  4. I love a walk round the block - so may sights to see. Yours look like a nice flowery neighbourhood so thank for for showing it to us. maybe mark your calendar for another tour in 3 months time?

  5. Flowers everywhere at the moment it'a all just lovely

  6. Elephant's Child; you're welcome to walk with me any day.

    Lee; last week disappeared in the blink of an eye, that's for sure. Sundays are my lazy day. I read the paper when it gets delivered before dawn, then I go back to bed. Right now I'm sitting here in my jammies considering breakfast. If I wait another 45 minutes it will be lunch....

    Andrew; yes, those geraniums are facing north. Those aren't actually on my block, they're on my daughter's block way across town.

    Cathy; this is a great neighbourhood for flowers, mostly roses, and trees. It's an older neighbourhood, close to the city, so gardens are well established.

    Merle; It's a great time of year to wander about and look at gardens.

  7. ... Happy Sunday River... I loved all the gorgeous flowers you photographed... I really can't pick a favourite.... but I love the way the Greanium is spilling over the fence .. it's a lovely waterfall... xxx
    I love your Friday story.. it's a bit sad.. xxxx
    I have written down the Smile poem.. I love it...

    Hugs... Barb xxxx

  8. So many roses.. gorgeous! I have a couple of those flower carpet roses in the front garden and one of them is going off this year with pink and white tiny roses. Of course there is an apricot one out there too, which is not so happy. I think they need a little more watering.

    Here is my post this week - Sunday Selections Week 45 :)

  9. Barbara; thanks, I like the geranium waterfall too. I don't have a fence here or I might try that for myself. The Friday story turns out well in later chapters.

    Snoskred; I've just been to your site and admired your portulacas.
    Roses need deep watering on a weekly basis in summer, and a good feeding in spring when new growth appears. Blood and bone is best, watered in well. Or buy a specific 'rose food'.

  10. Wonderful! So cheery and bright.
    Before the heat of high summer, this is such a lovely time of year.
    That cascade of geraniums sure is something!

  11. wow your photos are masterpieces. Love from Poland.

  12. Roses are so tough yet delicate. Colours are pleasant and I see a few of mine there...great time is spring when all flowers are new for the season...


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