Time-Out Tuesday

I'm feeling the need to be away from the computer more. 

I'm not getting enough sleep, I'm fed up to the eyeballs with the continued heat and I don't seem to have any time for reading real books. I'm not cooking proper meals either. I have a freezer full of prepared meals, but I'm eating peanut butter/nutella sandwiches instead. Ham salad sandwiches too, but neither is a good substitute for meat and vegetables.

All this is making me more than a little cranky, so I'm taking time off. 

The Musical Mondays are pre-scheduled for several weeks, so those posts will show, and the Wednesday's Words on a Friday will probably still go ahead. But Whimsical Wednesdays, Thursday Thoughts, Sunday Selections, will all be missing for a couple of weeks while I regain my equilibrium. 

I'll be back, don't worry. I couldn't stay away forever, I'd miss everyone too much.


  1. Now you have me thinking about a peanut butter and nutella sandwich.

    Cheer up soon!

  2. Look after yourself. You will be missed, but we will be here when you return.

  3. It's very healthy to step away for a time, I'll miss you but understand completely!

  4. Enjoy your break, River. We all need it every now and then.

    The heat is debilitating here, too. The mugginess really gets me down - and makes me cranky. I've been doing very little cooking...as little as possible. I've been eating mostly fresh fruits and yoghurt and smoothies, with perhaps a salad once in a while. That's all I've been feeling like eating. Not much appetite for anything else.

    Take care...cuddles to Angel....follow him around...he'll know all the cool spots. :)

  5. I took a couple months off and expected to miss blogging. The surprise was that I didn't give it one single thought. I started up again just because I hate to leave things unfinished.

  6. I'll miss your posts but pleased you have scheduled.
    Take care of yourself, and it's good to have a break every now and then..all the best xx

  7. Yours is always the first blog I read. Enjoy the time away.

  8. But you now have high speed internet, so things should take you less time? No, it doesn't work like that, does it. See you soon.

  9. I can join you with regard to the continued heat, not sleeping properly etc. We've just had two days of 40C (104F) but today is somewhat cooler although humid.
    We were so thankful to our brilliant aircon man for installing the new unit in yesterday's heat.
    Take care of yourself, rest up as much as you can, read some good books and come back to us when you are good and ready....and don't forget to give Angel a cuddle from me.

  10. I hope you have a good break and come back refreshed. :)


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