help please?

I see on some blogs the writers have tabs which can be clicked on to get to another page of their blog where other things are posted. How do I make one of those tabs? 
I'm not at all savvy when it comes to stuff like this so instructions will have to be very specific.
I've started typing up the chapters of the Wednesday Words stories so you can all catch up from the beginning, but if I don't know how to add them to my blog then I'm just wasting my time. 
Of course they have mistakes and all chapters so far need editing anyway, but there's over twenty of them...and it has taken me all afternoon just to type up three of them.


  1. When you write a post you have the option of adding labels, which show at the bottom of the post when it is published. Clicking on those labels offers you the option of going to any post which has the same label.
    Just the same, for your stories which have been created over a very long time I think adding pages would be a better option.
    When you open your blogger dashboard Pages is one of the options there. You can create it in draft and then hit publish. I haven't done it so I don't know how it appears. Pages would have the advantage that you could make a separate page for each of your contining stories and could add to it by copying each time the story is expanded. And it would save you having to type them all over again.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'd forgotten about the labels option, I used to do that way in the beginning. I've added a page and I'll keep typing out the chapters because they all need editing anyway, I've spotted mistakes in my original hard copies.

  2. EC covers it quite well. Do you also want to show labels on your blog as my blog does on the left hand side? That is another matter. You can retrospectively add labels to your posts.

    1. Andrew; my template choice only allows one sidebar. I'll try the labels thing again, but it's going to take time.

  3. Click on 'design' at the top of your home page. It will take you to a page with items listed on the left hand side such as 'comments'. One of those items is 'pages'. Click on pages and follow the instructions. Easy Peasy and you'll end up with a tab at the top of your home page. Looking forward to reading the story in its's been a dandy.

    1. only slightly confused; that's what I did, but I didn't get a tab at the top of the home page, which is why I am now confused. Perhaps I missed a step. I'll try the whole process again as soon as I have a day with nothing scheduled. Still need to take it easy on my hands, the pain is very uncomfortable.

  4. I can't help you other than cheering you on from the sidelines - wchih I do! - as I use Blogger in Danish, and therefore my "help" would not count for much ;)

  5. So glad you have gotten help on this. I was clueless as I don't have it either.

    1. Arkansas Patti; once I've learned how to make the page (done) and SHOW the page (not yet done) I'll probably never forget.

  6. ... now I've made Blogger show me everything in English, and I have temporarily made a page on my blog called "Pages", where a "how to make and show a new page" is found, illustrated with shreenshots.

    1. I wrote this help because I could not understand for a longish time why my pages were not shown, even though I had published them. I don't anymore remember how I found the magic trick, but I remember feeling quite stupid not figuring it out. And I like a How to with illustrations ;)

    2. Uglemor; thank you very much. I'll come over and read this as soon as I've read all my usual blogs for the day.

    3. Uglemor; I can't find which of your blogs has this information.

    4. This one: The last page in the bar just below the header photo

    5. ... I'll leave the Pages-page there until I see pages at your blog ;)

  7. Follow the instructions given above for Pages, and then it's just like posting a blog, but to a different page. I wonder if you've inspired me to update me two extra pages? Nah.

    1. Joanne; I've got as far as having an extra page, but can't yet show it on my blog here.

  8. I hope the above helps, I haven't a clue.

  9. I'm sorry...I'm useless and of no help, River.

    My apologies, too...I'm running late for your Friday tale. really needs to go without did a wonderful job. :)

    1. Lee; no apology necessary, I'm just as useless. Thank you for reading my latest effort :)

  10. I wish I could held you!!


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