more chapters

Chapters eleven, twelve and thirteen have been edited and added to the Words for Wednesday page, only twelve chapters to go to reach the catch up point.


  1. Look after your hands please. The stories can wait.

  2. yes, I'm taking a few days off from editing, just wanted to at least get to the halfway point.

  3. Oh, it's delicious to be able to read the story in one go.
    I've removed my Pages-page from my blog now, and learning form you instead put up a page called Unicorn Farm, with all the stories of Susan at the Unicorn Farm, that I've written as a part of the Words for Wednesday-challenge. Thanks for inspiration.

    1. Uglemore; you're very welcome. Once I get my blog look properly sorted, I'll be adding more pages with chapters of other stories, slowly of course.

  4. I don't have the link & I'm frustrated!!

    1. fishducky; I'm really sorry, are you on google chrome? that may be why. Andrew also gets the sidebar in one long vertical line. The link should be at the top to the right of the blog list, maybe it is still clickable?

  5. I can't find a link at I the only one?

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; no you are not. fishducky and Andrew also can't find it. If you can see the scrolling side bar on the left, the link is at the top to the right of the bloglist, the font is vey small, sorry about that. If you can't see the sidebar at all, reduce the size of your page by using CTRL- then when/if you can open the link, just enlarge the page again with CTRL+


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