I don't have a clue

not a single clue about changing the colour of the links, unless I change the look of the whole blog.
That's a job for another day.. 

My hands are crying out for a rest. 

I've added two more chapters to the Words for Wednesday link.


  1. Look after your hands. And yourself in the hot day to come.

    1. Elephant's Child; I used to massage in some Deep Heat, but I really don't want to do that in this temperature. I'm staying inside all day, don't even need anything from the shops thanks to a comprehensive shopping list last week.

  2. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; when I first began this blog I chose a simple theme and customised it to suit my taste, cool and calm, now if I want to change anything I need to first remove the customisations and start over. That's a big enough job that I'm reluctant to do it.

  3. Look at you. Never too old to figure it out!!

    1. Joanne; I'm feeling rather proud of myself. I even surprised myself on the weekend helping an older neighbour work out how to send a text message with a photo on a smart phone I am completely unfamiliar with.

  4. Headed over to refresh my memory.. You are doing a great job.

    1. only slightly confused; lots more chapters to come before we catch up to the current one. After that I may put up another page with a link to the stalled Jimmy Raven story.

  5. Yes, rest your hands so they can type another day. No need to overdo it.

    1. Val; the resting part doesn't come easy, there's blogs to comment on, emails to answer, a new chapter to be written, many, many old chapters to edit. That last will be the slowest, I can probably manage only two old chapters per day.

  6. Replies
    1. messymimi; I hope you keep enjoying it, newer chapters will be added slowly as I edit them.

  7. Today the link is showing in hot pink, hope it stays that way. I didn't do anything to change it.

  8. Lovely read on the Wednesday post. You certainly have been doing a lot of typing.
    I touch type and don't find it tiring - guess I'm lucky.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I wish I could touch type, I'm getting quite fast with the hunt-and peck method though.

  9. Hey River. It looks like it's once the hyperlink is clicked, it goes to light. You can do that in the settings though, to have it not be so hard to see - if you fancy. But I get needing to rest those hands.

    Pages does work well for some blogs. Hubby had that on his old blogger blog back when pages first came out. And who knows, it's an option for my temporarily, until I move. Thanks and boogie boogie.

  10. The Happy Whisk; in the settings? I'll have to have a look. I would like the link to stay pink.


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