Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Lissa and can be found here.

This week's words are actually two photographic images which I have included in my story::

As they left Jack’s office, Harry and Eleanor decided that since they had the rest of the day on their hands, perhaps they’d have a look at this “Shark Cove” place themselves. They asked directions from the desk clerk who gave them a map and pointed out the turns to make along the main roads. It didn’t look so far away, only four inches on the map, but that would translate into at least an hour or two by car. Harry studied the map and declared the place to be closer to their home than to the town they were currently in.

“It might be nice to wander around near the beach, it will take our minds off that skeleton for a while.” “You’re right,” said Eleanor, and off they went. They filled up with petrol before turning on to the main highway and heading east. The flat road soon began threading through low hills that became higher as they neared the coast. Rounding a bend, they spied high cliffs over on their right, with a very small town almost directly below them. Harry shifted to a lower gear to make the descent while saying “The other entrance to the town looks less steep, see it over that way? Perhaps we should go that way next time.” “I see it,” said Eleanor, “but this way is closer and far prettier with the cliffs and that long pier stretching out into the cove. I wonder why it is named Shark Cove? Do you suppose there are sharks in those waters?”

“We’ll find out soon enough,” said Harry, as they drove into the main street of the town. “Look at those lovely old-fashioned street lights! There’s one with seagulls on it, see there?”

“Probably waiting for a family to come picnicking so they can get lunch,” laughed Eleanor. “Look at the shimmer on that water, there must be just enough breeze to make ripples all the way in to shore. Should we stop at the General Store first? The desk clerk said the manager there knows more about the place than anyone else.” “Good idea,” said Harry. “I thought about asking at the hotel, but the General Store is also a Post Office he said, and they’d be quite knowledgeable about the area. You could ask about Curly Cuts and make an appointment, you did say Mum’s hair was nicely done and you need a cut yourself.”

They parked the car, and strolled towards the General Store. Looking around they noticed how quiet it was and wondered if it was always so. “Maybe it gets busier in summer?” said Eleanor.

“We’ll ask,” said Harry as they entered the store. A Post Office section was over to the right, with the manager serving a customer. While waiting in line, Eleanor noticed an unusual picture on the wall. “Look at that, Harry,” she said. “It looks like someone double exposed an image on one of those old film type cameras. It looks good printed in grey tones like that.” 

They soon found out Shark Cove had been named because at very low tides the rocks ringing the beach looked like shark teeth when viewed from the clifftop, but there were no real sharks in the area. “Is there a story about that unusual photograph?” asked Eleanor. The manager, who introduced himself as Bill Money, said it had been given to him by a photographer who’d stayed in the Cove Hotel some years ago. “Her name was Cherie Kendall, she was here with her husband Frank and young son, taking photos of the area. She used to sell them to calendar and postcard manufacturers, but didn’t think this one would sell. It wasn’t taken in this area anyway. I said I liked it, so she gave it to me. Really sad what happened next. She was found murdered a couple of days later, her husband and son haven’t been seen since. They were gone when her body was found early one morning.”

“Oh, that’s horrible!” exclaimed Eleanor. “Was anyone convicted?”

“No, said Bill. “The one person who might have seen anything had a mental breakdown and now has a blank slate where her memory should be. She’s the one who found Cherie, still lives around here, in the old hospital, spends a lot of time with the old folks up at the “Scenic Retreat.”

“That’s the name on that old weather-beaten sign near that causeway close to home,” said Harry. “I remember,” said Eleanor, “we said we might take a look at it one day.”


  1. there's a mystery here, maybe murder and mayhem? good take on the prompts.

    thanks for joining in, have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; definitely a mystery, in fact several may eventually show themselves.

  2. I am really glad to return to this story. And loved having a bit more of it. Thanks River (and lissa).

    1. Elephant's Child; ah, but which story?

    2. I really like the link back to the Scenic Retreat story. And the neat way that both stories were combined.

    3. They are separate parts of the same story. Sssshh!

  3. Next chapter, please!!

    1. fishducky; sorry, you're going to have to wait a whole week, just like everyone else. Including me.

  4. The plot thickens! Hope to read more of this at some point.

    1. jenny_o; I plan on keeping it going, but plans don't always work out. We'll have to wait and see.

  5. Oh this is developing beautifully. I love how you caught the atmosphere.


    1. Wisewebwoman; it is coming along nicely isn't it? Thank you.

  6. I like how the town got its name. I was imagining snapping sharks jumping out of the water, like piranhas!

    1. Val; I don't think a town would be built in a place where sharks acted like piranhas. As it is, shark Cove is a lovely quiet swimming area.

  7. How well you have used the image, River. Your built your story around them cleverly...incorporated them perfectly into your story.

    Worthy of praise, indeed. :)

    1. "images"...I meant to type. :)

    2. Lee; thank you, I worried about them a bit, then the words began to flow.

  8. More murder, i wonder if it is connected. They are certainly stirring things up.

    1. messymimi; I could give hints, but that might spoil the story.

  9. Oh dear, a murder - nice story River..maybe the clue to the murder is in one of the photos.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; not just a murder, a second murder. These are the people who found a skeleton in their back yard.

  10. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. Keep it coming.

  11. Intriguing! There must be a follow-up to this - we need to know what happened. I loved, 'only four inches on the map'- so true!

    1. jabblog; welcome back. There's definitely more coming, just need to work in next week's prompts.

  12. Ok---if I have to I'll wait the week:)) This could go several ways, will enjoy seeing which you chose.

    1. Arkansas Patti; a week isn't so long to wait.

  13. You are keeping me on the edge of my seat.

    1. only slightly confused; sit back and relax, there's six days until the next one.

  14. And the plot thickens...

    Nice job! Weaving the prompts into an ongoing story takes a lot of skill... and imagination.

    1. Susan; thank you. Sometimes it's hard, but I enjoy the challenge.

  15. Hi River,

    Shark Cove seems an eerie place. You are weaving quite the tale, River. I do know how much you like taking on this writing challenge. Your crafted words proves this.

    Thank you.


    1. Gary; thank you. Shark Cove is not at all eerie, but there are old mysteries there that need to be solved.

  16. Oh wow! I can't wait to continue on! Your writing is so intriguing... Thank you for stopping by my place and for your kind words. Congratulations on your Walter, also. :) I really do love this blogging circle. Happy Monday

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; thank you, I'm enjoying fitting the words into a story each week and if I can add extra chapters that's great.

  17. You left me hanging! I want to know more.


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