Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by Lissa and can be found here.

This week's words are:

1. beginning
2. new year
3. wonder
4. ritual
5. kiss
6. faith  and/or:

1. seven
2. remember
3. adventure
4. miles
6. heart

this week you are getting a "twofer" with part one being a piece I wrote almost exactly a year ago, some of you may remember it, so that part two, using the above words will make more sense.

Part One      (written 2 January 2018)

"Graziella, il mio amore, come, dance with me." 

"Pietro, you old fool, it is raining."

"Bah! What is rain? Just a little water after all. Dancing in the rain is such fun! You remember, surely you remember. You must remember." 

"So long ago Pietro, now we are very old."

"So we dance a little slower, come, take my hand."

Slowly Graziella stood from her place on the porch seat. Pietro took her hand and led her to the circle of grass, bordered by her favourite roses. 

They danced slowly, carefully, as he whispered in her ear. "Remember Grazie, the year in America. We saw the Apollo launch, visited the submarine from World War Two. Remember Yosemite Park where we got lost?"

"I remember Pietro, we were rescued by the ranger with the so handsome face, he should have romance novels written about him."
"Ah, he was a good looking man, I was glad you were my wife already, I had confidence you would not look too long at him."

"Of course not Pietro, you are my only love. I remember his name was Byron, like the poet."
"Pah! Poetry! I need a dictionary to understand it, the archaic English language. It is not beautiful to me as it is to others."
"I know this Pietro. You like things more real, easier to understand. I remember something else from that year, that so long honeymoon we had."

"What do you remember Graziella?"
"The shark tank at the aquarium. All the sharks, constantly moving, yet so silent. But what is this Pietro? This bloody stain I see on your shirt?"

"Is nothing Grazie, a little nosebleed when I sneezed. The new doctor from germany said it might happen."
"A reaction to the medicine, yes. I did not notice right away. I should wash the shirt, not be dancing in the rain."

"But I have so little time left. The shirt can wait. Let us dance."

Now for Part Two, (written 3 January 2019) using the above words supplied by Lissa.

A short two weeks later, Pietro and Graziella were again reminiscing, this time in a pretty, quiet room at the local hospital. Pietro had taken a turn for the worse, the new medicine had not worked as well as expected.

Graziella had arrived early while Pietro still slept. She smiled at his gentle face, the flickering eyelids indicating dreaming, or perhaps preparing to wake. She arranged the new flowers in a vase and gazed with wonder at the array of vases already there, a riotous range of colour brightening the room. A different arrangement from each of their seven children, and several from friends and neighbours, all of them thanking Pietro and Graziella for their many years of friendship and assistance.

A small sound from the bed and Graziella turned to see Pietro’s bright brown eyes on her. “Grazie, my heart,” he whispered. “It is good to see you again, you have been gone too long.” “Too long? I was here last night as you fell asleep,” she said. “Ah, but five minutes apart is too long now. I know I have no time left, I must leave for a new adventure soon, I feel it in my  bones. But tell me Grazie, what day is it? I have forgotten.”

“Dear Pietro, it is January second, a Wednesday and a New Year is just beginning. Tomorrow is your birthday, you will be 88 years old, surely you remember that much?” “Yes, I remember, but I have been sleeping so much, I thought maybe more days had passed. The flowers are all so beautiful, perhaps I am in heaven already and you came with me.”

“Not yet Pietro, you are still here with me, on earth” said Graziella as she began the ritual of brushing his hair and plumping his pillows, smoothing the blankets before the final touch, a tender kiss. “The children will be here to visit soon, the hospital has relaxed the visiting rules for us. I wish it weren’t this way, I don’t think I am ready for you to leave us.” She cried a few tears as she smiled at him.

“Dear heart,” Pietro whispered. “Do not cry. I am ready, I know it is time. Don’t cry too much, think instead of all the miles we travelled together, all the fun times, the babies who now bring their own babies to see us. And have faith Grazie. In time we will be together again. Listen now, do I hear the children arriving? It sounds like a crowd, they must all come at once.”


  1. How absolutely lovely. I am impressed with the way you connected these parts.


    1. Wisewebwoman; thank you. I often connect old stories to new ones if the words suggest it. One day I may find words that connect all my stories into one book.

  2. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; thank you, I was hoping the beauty would come through the sad.

  3. Thank you for reprinting the original for it made this post that much sweeter.

    1. Arkansas Patti; that was the plan. I knew what I was going for in part two, but some of you hadn't read part one last year and wouldn't know why I wrote this part two.

  4. Beautiful, just beautiful!!

  5. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; perhaps I should put a warning that tissues may be needed :)

  6. A tender journey presents a long love. Misty here as well.

    1. Susan Kane; a very long love which continues still. Something we'd all like to have.

  7. A most lovely story, River - one that touches the heart and leaves its mark.


    1. Lee; I was hoping to touch a few hearts, even mine as I wrote it. Thank you.

  8. Tender and touching, such love. It's what we all hope to find, isn't it?

    1. messymimi; thank you. I'm pleased that everyone found the tender part. it is the type of love we all hope for, but don't all get.

  9. Oh my, that is a lovely story - part 1 and part 2 :)
    Well done River.

  10. I'm going to echo everyone else's thoughts River - a loving tender peaceful (but maybe not quite actual ending) to a tale of two people very much in love

    1. Cathy; a peaceful ending is a good way to go, surrounded by those you love who love you in return.

  11. Why Yosemite park. Hopeful I will be around next week.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora) I think Yosemite was one of the words supplied when I wrote part one last year.

  12. Powerful writing, River. I'm trying hard not to cry.

    1. jenny_o; go ahead and cry, cleansing tears are good for the soul. Thank you.

  13. Bittersweet. Goodbyes are hard.

  14. So sweet and sad a story. A tissue-warning would have been in order.

    1. Uglemor; Thank you :)
      I hope you did have tissues handy, but didn't cry too much.

  15. it's so bittersweet. I like that they have been together for so long and seven children? nice. you used the prompts so well.

    have a lovely day.

    1. lissa; welcome to drifting and thank you, for the comment and the words.

  16. You've done a fantabulous job with this. The voices in both parts are realistic and very endearing. You've most definitely touched my heart.

    1. Susan; I'm glad the voices are realistic, I hear the conversations in my head and always hope they sound authentic. I touched your heart? :) :)

  17. Wow this is a wonderful love story and so well written. My heart loved this and my emotions were stirred for sure. Thank you


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