surprise surprise

Following Uglemor's pictorial instructions, I have been able to add a tab to the top of my blog, right under the header picture. 
I haven't yet checked it myself, but hopefully clicking on that will take you to the first five original chapters in the Lost and Found (aka Tom's Memories) story that you are now following on Fridays. 
I haven't placed a link to her blog because she has several and they are all in Danish, but you can find her by clicking on her name in my comments boxes.


  1. It works, but somehow the font color changed in my view and it is hard to see.

    1. joeh; the font colour of the story chapters? I have no idea how that would happen. I've noticed the colour changing on the link.

  2. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; I'm happy. I'll eventually put up several more works-in-progress

  3. It works! I look forward to reading your story tonigt!
    While it is true that most of my blogs are in Danish, the one on which I placed the Pages-page, is the same I use for Words on Wednesday. MotherOwl And most of the posts there are bilingual Danish English.
    I even have an all English World of Warcraft blog ;)

    1. Uglemor; I'm very grateful to you for doing this and hope that others who need this information follow the link you left in the previous comments section.

  4. It was nice to refresh my memory on how the whole thing started. Good work on getting your page set up.

    1. only slightly confused; I've only put up five or six chapters so far. All up I've got about 25 and still going. I'll add these as I get them edited.

  5. You might want to change the color of the links - right now they are black against your black background...

    1. Grace; I'll have to learn how to do that. On my homepage the link to the stories is hot pink on my dark blue background when I first open it, then it changes to grey. But at least it's there :)

  6. Agree with joeh and Grace. It seems to have disappeared. Haven't the foggiest how to fix.

    1. Arkansas Patti; on my homepage the links have changed to grey from the original hot pink, I'll have to work out how to change that.

  7. I can click it real well but the colour is faded and very, very light. I would not have noticed it if you didn't mention it being there.

    1. The Happy Whisk; I'm disappointed at the colour change too, it showed as hot pink when I first put it there.

    2. You can add hot pink to it again. It's under, Visited Link Colour. There, you can make that pink too. Right now, just your link colour is hot pink. Hope that makes sense.

  8. It works for me. Huge thanks to Uglemor for her assistance.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'll be always grateful to Uglemor and have now written the instructions in my notebook in case I ever forget. I do have to get back in there and change the link colour though.

  9. Wow - What a story. I read it in one go, and I'm still avid for more!

    1. Uglemor; this is only the first few chapters, there are many more which I will add once I edit them. I have to go slowly because the pain in my hands gets too much to bear if I type too long.

  10. Great job, and i'm going to go look for those instructions -- i have some pages, but i tried to post another and i couldn't remember how!

    1. messymimi; the instructions are in one of Uglemor's comments in the previous post, she typed a link to the page and it is really simple to follow.

    2. Messymimi; the comment section of the post where I ask for help.

  11. Hi River,

    The links work. I have always noted you might consider changing the colour of your "home" link. It's hard to see.



    1. klahanie, thanks Gary, I never had the "Home" link before, I think it just popped up because I now have the extra page. I'll work on changing the colour.

  12. It shows up just right for me. I'm impressed with your technical accomplishment!

    1. Val; I'm rather impressed myself, and very grateful to Uglemor for her instructions.


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