new chapters added

Chapters eight, nine and ten have been added to the Words for Wednesday link to the Lost and Found story.

I'm sorry I haven't yet re-customised the theme so the link is still light grey, but you know where it is if you wish to catch up with the story.

The font looks a little tighter on a few chapters, I think it makes a difference if I type it first on a word document instead of straight to the blog page. 


  1. I am waiting now for the whole thing to be there (up to the current point) and then will read it all through. It's a darn good story.

    1. only slightly confused; there's still 15-16 chapters to be edited, that will take me a while.

  2. Why are you re-typing? Open up the the original post in the 'edit' mode and just copy and paste!

    1. Grace; I'm re-typing because I need to fix mistakes, add bits I've thought of, and print out hard copies. I'm doing them in "Word" because it tells me how many words are in each chapter.

  3. I'm impressed with all the knowledge tossed at you. Between us all, you will achieve the book.

    1. Joanne; thank you. I'm hoping to work towards a book, but even small books of Mills&Boon size need at least 80,000 words, so I have a long way to go. And maybe it's not allowed to publish something already seen on the internet.

  4. If posting from a Word-document, choose the HTMLwindow. This will annihilate (wrong word - I know) all formatting and such ... and your carriage returns; so they'll need to be put back in, bur all the rest of the strange happenings, like colour changes, font sizes ect. will go away.
    Off to read... Thanks

    1. Uglemor; thank you. I'll keep the formatting. I think the font size changes is because I forget to switch from size 11 to size 12, or maybe the other way around.

  5. Would you please re-enter the link?

    1. fishducky; it should still be there, it's on my home page. Possibly too hard to see in the light grey. I'll have to pick a whole day and change the whole theme to get all links to stay coloured. The link is right under the header picture.

  6. Replies
    1. Margaret-whiteangel; it's there right under the header picture, in light grey which I can't change without changing the whole background theme. I'll get to that as soon as I have a day where I don't want to keep falling asleep.

  7. It's a great story, i can hardly wait for the next chapter!

    1. messymimi; thank you. You are finding the link easily enough?

  8. I can see the link. It is a lighter color, but easily visible for me.

    1. Val; your glasses are working perfectly then. Others are having trouble with it though, so changes will have to be made. I'm sad about that because I've been happy with my theme since day one.


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