I may be lost in Limbo for a while

cross your fingers and hope for the best as they say, whoever "they" may be.

today's the day I attempt to change the blog theme, background colour etc to have the links stand out brightly enough to be seen by everyone.

right after lunch..


  1. Replies
    1. How about this one? I like the ocean, so it seems to fit me. Not real keen on the "read more" component, but I could get used to it. Are the links easy to see and do they work?

  2. Good luck - guess you might be doing it right now..it's easy to do when you know how :) but then most things are.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I almost managed to keep the theme as it was but with pink links, then I lost the pale yellow post border colour and couldn't get it back. I'll try this one for a while.

  3. Good luck.
    At the moment the links are a bright pink on a black background. They disappear when I hover over them, but clicking takes me where it should.

    1. Elephant's Child; the background has always been a deep blue, maybe it just looks black to some people. The changing colour of the links is why I'm attempting a full change. They are white now on an ocean background and I hope they work.

  4. Very courageous of you. I should do something with mine. Maybe next week. Good luck. Maybe see your blog back, maybe not.

    1. Andrew; I liked my old theme so much, it was cool and calm, just like me, but the links wouldn't stay pink and when I got them to say pink, I lost the pale yellow post border, so I opted for this ocean instead.

  5. YIKES!! Just realised I no longer have the dashboard thingy where I click on "new post" and "design" etc, have also lost the sidebar with all your blogs listed.
    Because I can't click on 'design', I can't get to 'layout' to add sidebars and page links. The "pages" link here doesn't work :(
    I downloaded a version of the old theme as suggested so maybe I can just upload it again?

  6. Hey fun, River. I like your new comment area. This is neat.

    1. The Happy Whisk; I liked it until I realised what I had lost. How do I get them back without going back to the original theme?

  7. Change is difficult for me, so I think you are very brave to make updates!

    1. Val; difficult for me too, and look at what I've lost; no dashboard, (no where to click "new post") no sidebar with all my friends on it.....

  8. Aaaargh. This would do my head in. Good luck.

    1. I've worked out how to get to a new posts page and now have a scrolling list of blogs I read

  9. I change my theme all the time but I'm on Wordpress and have a dot com. I was on Blogger but I'm sure it's changed so much that it would look like a foreign language to me. I hope you get this turned around the way you'd like! Fingers, eyes and toes all crossed for you!

    1. Magical Mystical Mimi; I haven't changed my blog since I started blogging, now that I have I'm having to enter all kinds of information back into it.

  10. You are doing what I am terrified to try. Good luck.

  11. I tremble at the thought of doing this myself. Good luck. Will check back with you.


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