Sunday Selections # 626

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Elephant's Child is still taking a break, so I haven't linked her.

let's begin with Lola, sound asleep in my TV chair, she gets up when it is close to 6pm, which is when I turn on the TV and she doesn't settle again until I am in my chair so that she can go back to sleep between my feet.

I have just finished reading "Nation" by Terry Pratchett

the blurb on the back: "On the day the world ends...Mau is on his way back from the Boy's Island. Soon he will be a man. Then the wave comes - a huge wave, dragging black night behind it and bringing with it a schooner which sails over and through the island rainforest. The Village has gone. The Nation as it was has gone.

also just finished Maus, which I believe is now banned in some countries and schools

this is a graphic novel about one Jewish Man's experiences during the war and the Holocaust, a deeply disturbing read. 

Why can't people just be nice to each other?


Let's cheer up with the babies:

Anastasia: good morning Nanny, I am ready to play

I learned how to poke out my tongue

Genevieve: good morning Nanny, I am ready to play too

I have two bottom teeth now!

we are nine months old today and we still like to hold hands (Thursday 2nd March, also their Daddy's birthday, he is 42 now) 

here we come Nanny, we're coming to get you!

when they both want the same toy, a mini wrestling match happens

Nap time for Ana

And for Gen

and I went home and had my nap too!

They hold their own bottles now and drop them when they are fully asleep.


  1. Awww humans start out utterly delightful and charming, even the most vile adults and crime doers begin this way. Amazing isn't it.
    Maus was a thing with the kids when they were in high school, I did not read it. I did not need to.

    1. Linda Sue; we all do start out so sweet and most of us stay that way, but the few who don't seem to get all the attention. I only read Maus because I'd heard so much about it on the internet. It won't be something I read over and over that's for sure.

  2. Those babies are adorable. Holding hands, as close as ever they were before they were born.
    My Jewish son-in-law gave me Maus a few years ago. I think it's brilliant. Why on earth is it banned? Might someone be 'offended' by it?

    1. jabblog; the girls are adorable and just roll around the floor sharing toys. Probably several someones are offended by Maus and a lot of other books which they are also banning from schools and libraries too.

  3. The girls will cheer me up all the time. I love seeing their pics. And, Lola, who could be Shama's twin cheers me up all the time, too. :)

    Take good care, River...I hope the coming week is kind to you in every way...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; the girls cheer up everyone, when we waked to the shops and through the mall so many people smiled at them. Lola is being extra cuddly, she misses me when I go to spend time with the girls.

  4. They are both so lovely and look happy and content.
    Lola looks lazy today.

    1. Andrew; they are both happy little girls until they are hungry, then the grizzles begin but that doesn't last long as lunch or dinner is usually prepared ahead of time. Lola looks just as she always does. It's what cats do best.

  5. It looks the twins are growing.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; they certainly are growing, I can hardly lift them now, soon I will have to sit on the floor and let them crawl into my lap instead.

  6. Lola is so cute, thank you for sharing!
    I never heard of "MAUS". I think it must be forbitten here with that cover...
    And to be honest, yes, I am interested, but then... I´ve seen enough and I am sick of that war-guilt. I always feel the need to say my Mother was no German, so I am only half... as if this takes away "some guilt".
    Even more so I felt sick when some years ago Muslims went at Jewish people in Berlin. Or Cologne, I don´t remember.
    Jewish people, as far as I know never went on other´s nerves, unlike "the Muslims" do.
    I remember a holiday in Egypt. Forget about sleeping in, 05:00 am they were called for prayer - over microphone. Endlessly long.
    Oh, I could but won´t go on endlessly...

    Whilst I type I have the TV running. Black codes. People always did and do this. Hate each other for differences.
    Um, no. DUMB people do that.

    Let´s turn to some sweet eyes I see on my left monitor instead!
    There are jeans for babies?! "That´s cool, man"! Hope they hold hands forever.
    I have a book on Siblings, translated "with both hands I reach out to you".
    Have a nice Sunday!

    1. Iris; it's true, Jewish people are always nice to everyone. All the ones I know anyway. Try to let go of the guilt, it doesn't belong to you because you did not do these things. Nobody should hate someone for being different.
      These aren't proper jeans Ana is wearing, they are stretchy leggings styled like jeans. But there are proper jeans in baby and toddler sizes. I hope they hold hands always too.

    2. Yes, I thought it´s softer than real jeans. But cute anyways.
      No worries, I don´t feel "guilty", after all my parents were kids back then. But school tries to do that on us. Don´t forget, I agree, but war-guilt put on kids is wrong and turn on the telly on docu-channels.. chances are very high you see Hitl#r.
      And I fell nearly off my chair when I opened the TV program in Perth and saw the same!!!

  7. "Why can't people just be nice to each other?"
    A question for the ages.

  8. Banning books makes me angry. If i don't like a book, i won't read it but i won't tell you what you can and can't read.

    Those babies are precious, i'm glad you get to see them and share it with us.

    1. messymimi; banning books is wrong and I think "sanitising" them by removing or changing words is also wrong. I'm glad I get to see the babes too, but it's such a long trip each way.

  9. Lola's nap makes my neck hurt! I love the mini wrestling match. Such happy babies!

    1. Val; wouldn't we love to be as flexible as cats. I love that the girls are always happy.


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