Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Susan Kane and can be found right here on this very blog.

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. interfere 2. light 3. woozy 4. fetch 5. smell 6. remain 


1. leap 2. candle 3. overview 4. officer 5. pain 6. wilderness

I have included Charlotte's colour of the month which is Salmon Pink

Here is my story:

"I can’t let a little kitchen fire interfere with my day. I’ve had some wilderness training, I can sort something out in there. Officer, please fetch me a torch so I can see to turn on the light."

 "Absolutely not", he declared. "Do you not remember how woozy you were from all the smoke when we dragged you out? The smell in there now would have Satan himself backing away, all the ashes and water, the residual smoke too, could cause you much more pain. You must remain here until the Ambulance takes you to the hospital to get checked out. It won’t be long now, they were right behind the Fire Truck and actually should have been here by now. I hope nothing has happened to it. Now tell me again how the fire started." 

"I was burning a scented candle when the cat decided to leap across the windowsill and just like that, poof! my lovely new salmon pink curtains were blazing! How many times do I have to tell you?"

 "Miss, I’m just keeping you talking to help clear your lungs. And you can’t go in there until it has been cleared by the inspector, probably tomorrow, we need to be sure there are no embers that could fire up again overnight. You’ll need to call your insurance too. Where is that ambulance? Scotty, get on the radio and see about that Ambulance, I hope it hasn’t crashed somewhere, although I suppose we would have heard that." 


  1. Ooh, scary! Great use of the words and sensible advice from the fire officer.
    We had a house fire years ago - not a pleasant experience.

    1. jabblog; thank you. my daughter had a house fire several years ago, there was a fault in the wiring in her laundry, she came home to find the fire trucks hosing it all down.

  2. It's not wise to go back in, it is wise to get checked out medically. Fire is not a joke.

    1. messymimi; she learns that once she has been examined.

  3. Fires are so scary. We had two in our home growing up. One, the weirdo kid/neighbor across the street (who later killed himself) broke into our garage and just decided to torch it. So weird because we had a friendly neighborhood but clearly that boy had problems.. The second one was caused by something my dad had in the garage, like paints or something like that.

    1. MMM; I have had a kitchen fire when my husband came home late one night, very drunk and decided he wanted to make and cook doughnuts, he set a pan of oil on the stove to heat while he began mixing ingredients and the pan caught fire. The entire house filled with black smoke and I had to race outside with our newborn boy so he wouldn't be affected. Luckily he smothered the flames and only the kitchen suffered back smoke on the walls and ceiling. When Hubby woke the next morning he had no recollection of doing that but I made him scrub the kitchen clean anyway.

    2. Oh wow! Well, I'm happy you made it out safe with son! I've known a few people who've thought drinking and cooking is the thing to do.

  4. "Don't worry - I won't interfere!" said Mother as she turned off the light.
    I was still feeling woozy. Earlier I had started to fetch up my kebab and retch on the salmon pink floor. The acrid smell of vomit would remain in my room for several days.
    I watched a flickering golden flame leap about my bedside candle, made to dance by the draught from the attic and began a mental overview of what had happened that evening. I recalled the police officer standing over me and the pain in my head. I was determined never to visit "The Wilderness" again. It has go to be the roughest nightclub on this side of the river.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; I'd be staying away from that nightclub too! Well written.

  5. I'll be back! Thanks for posting the words on your site!

    1. Susan Kane; I look forward to your story :)

  6. Cats, candles, and curtains. Not a good combination!

    1. Val; my cat Angel is why I eventually bought battery operated lamps to use instead of candles whenever we have a power outage that lasts past sundown.

  7. Oh! We have wooden floors (except in the loo, bathroom and kitchen) and Ingo warned me to use candles (I do not listen, but it´s only the small tea-lights and we (sadly) have no cat. Plus he was a firefighter).

    I hope to never see in indoor fire again (did a a kid twice - nothing bad happened!).

    We just watched "X-Factor" and there was a fire. The woman ripped off her cardigan and threw it on it.
    Me "THAT works?!" ( it was a very, very thin one).
    Ingo said yes, but in case I would run away anyways. Hmmm... hope not.

    1. Iris; we have wooden floors here too, but any candles are up on tables or shelves, and I don't use any since I had Angel. I never watch X-Factor. I think a cardigan would work as long as the fire was small enough, all that is needed is to smother it so there is no oxygen to feed the flames.

  8. Good use of the prompts and thanks for including my colour. Fires are scary!

    1. Charlotte; fires are very scary and I never want to have one in or near my house ever again.

  9. The wilderness was more than she had bargained for. Light and dark shadows drifting through branches, and she was woozy. Pain, she was in so much pain. She could smell the water nearby, hear the bears catching salmon. Bears love to eat that salmon pink flesh, bite out the roe, consuming it. Pain, so much throbbing pain, and she wondered why she came here to explore. . She interfered with those giant bears once, and that is why she now lay on pine needles. "Eat the damn roe, you beasts." She turned her head and closed her eyes.

    1. Susan Kane; excellent story, I hope she survives. Perhaps a ranger will save her.


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